Myopia: what is it and how to deal with it

Myopia: what is it and how to deal with it
Myopia: what is it and how to deal with it

The eye is a special sensory organ that helps almost every person to navigate in space, to know the world. It is he who can give the most complete information about what surrounds us. That is why various visual impairments bring not only discomfort, but also can disorient a person and deprive him of some confidence.

Myopia and farsightedness are common visual impairments.

Features of myopia

Myopia (what it is, you can learn from this article), or, in other words, myopia is a visual impairment in which a person can quite well see objects only at close range, and those that are far away, he sees badly. In this case, the focus of the image falls not on the retina itself (which occurs in normal vision), but in front of it. This means that the rays are refracted more than necessary.

myopia what is
myopia what is

This disease occurs in every third person on the planet.

Main symptoms of the disorder

Myopia (which is described above) is characterized by specific visual impairments. In addition to the fact that a person ceases to see objects well away fromyourself, myopia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • contours of objects are blurred;
  • the world that surrounds the patient merges together;
  • near vision does not suffer at all.

Depending on the stage of a person's myopia, the image quality of distant objects can vary from a slight fuzzy outline to complete blur, in some cases even a few meters away.

myopia in children
myopia in children

In the case when a person has myopia combined with astigmatism, the accompanying symptoms may be:

  • double vision;
  • distortion of the outlines of objects;
  • straight lines can be perceived as curved.

Degrees of myopia

Myopia in children and adults can be of varying degrees:

  • Mild degree of impairment (less than 3 diopters) indicates the length of the eyes is approximately 1 mm more than normal, while the outlines of objects are slightly blurred.
  • Medium degree (less than 6 diopters) is characteristic of eyes that are much longer than normal. As a rule, in such people, the membranes and vessels of the eye are greatly stretched, which leads to retinal dystrophy. Good vision is maintained at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  • High degree (more than 6 diopters) is the most severe stage in the development of myopia. The eye with such disorders is modified, the retina is severely thinned. This also applies to the choroid. The patient can distinguish fingers at arm's length, but reads only in the immediate vicinity of the eyes,no more than 10 cm.
a person is nearsighted
a person is nearsighted

The more serious the degree of violation, the more thinned and elongated the membranes of the eye.

Risk factors leading to impairment

The main reasons why children and adults may develop myopia are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • weakening of sclera tissues;
  • excessive strain on the eyes (reading in poor light, in transport, a large amount of time spent in front of the TV or computer);
  • mechanical injury (during childbirth or brain damage);
  • lack of certain trace elements that act to synthesize the sclera (in particular, this requires zinc, copper and chromium).

Methods of struggle

Myopia (what it is, described above) is a disease that responds very well to treatment and correction. There are several methods that help get rid of the manifestations of the disease:

  1. Contact correction. This method of treatment involves the use of glasses or contact lenses, depending on the severity of the disorder. Glasses can be used as a permanent corrector, lenses are recommended for occasional wear.
  2. Drug treatment. In this case, medications are used that are able to normalize the nutrition of eye tissues. However, it should be understood that vitamins, antioxidants, various regeneration stimulants will not be able to completely get rid of myopia. They only prevent possible complications andwill keep the eye muscles in good shape.
  3. Hardware treatment. This method includes various techniques aimed at improving the nutrition of the retina, as well as eliminating accommodation spasm. Myopia is the most common visual impairment for which this treatment is indicated. It is also used as a means of recovery after surgery.
  4. Surgical treatment. As a rule, laser vision correction is used in specialized clinics.
myopia exercises
myopia exercises

Prevention of myopia

Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it later. This also applies to myopia.

For the prevention of violations, it is very important to strictly observe the hygiene of vision, and the sooner you start doing this, the higher the likelihood of preventing a problem.

You also need to monitor the correct fit and the level of illumination while working at the table, reading. Try not to strain your eyes and periodically let them relax, you can even perform certain exercises for myopia. Click on certain points:

  • with little fingers - on the cavity above the inner commissure of the eyelids,
  • forefinger - 2 cm hollow on the bone,
  • rub the eye sockets with the third phalanx of your index finger,
  • little fingers - the point between the end of the eyebrow and the outer commissure of the eye.

The number of pressures should be 36 times for each point.

Besides this, watch your diet: it should have enough vitamins and minerals.

If youbegan to suspect that you are developing myopia (what it is, you can find out from the article), do not be afraid to consult a doctor. If you do it in time, you can prevent the development of complications and continue to enjoy the world around you.