Sciatica makes itself felt with a sudden sharp pain in the back. Any careless movement, and sometimes coughing or sneezing, is given by strong "lumbago". Many reasons - damage to the disc, colds, improper position - can provoke lumbar sciatica. Treatment with medicines and folk remedies can save the patient from unpleasant discomfort. It is important to determine the true cause of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of sciatica
Many people are very mistaken, considering the disease an independent disease. In fact, this is a certain radicular pain syndrome. The most common form is lumbar sciatica. Symptoms, treatment (and folk remedies, and medicines) of this disease are practically no different from the standard ones for other common diseases of the spine. However, there are also some features that are inherent infor the lumbar.
This area of the spine has the greatest load. All due to the fact that it is as close as possible to the main center of gravity of the body. To ensure greater freedom of movement, the lumbar must always be sufficiently mobile. It should also be noted that the spine of each person is able to cope with the loads placed on it. However, if inflammation of any of its departments begins to develop, then a serious disease can appear very quickly. Especially in the lumbar region.
Drug treatment of sciatica
In the fight against this disease, two of the most basic stages can be immediately distinguished.
Initially, drug treatment of lumbar sciatica is selected. The task of any doctor is to eliminate all disturbing pain sensations as soon as possible. In this case, all medications are used that can eliminate the pain syndrome and, of course, speed up the healing process. In order to reduce discomfort, the doctor sometimes uses special injections of painful areas.

So what drugs are most often used for patients diagnosed with lumbar sciatica? Treatment with medicines will be effective only if the patient adheres to complex therapy.
First of all, special non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are used because they are quite good and quickly able to eliminate allpain, due to the removal of the inflammatory process and swelling in the affected area. But since such drugs negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the timing of their intake is clearly limited. It is because of this that each attending physician must weigh all possible negative consequences in advance with the expected good result.
Usually, the treatment of lumbar sciatica lasts long enough. All this is connected with a certain specificity of this part of the spine. Due to the fact that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is strictly limited, painkillers may also be prescribed along with them. In severe cases, accompanied by severe pain, so-called blockades are carried out. That is, chipping the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine with various painkillers. Although this method contributes to the rapid elimination of pain, it cannot be considered a treatment. In this case, the absence of discomfort will only be a reaction to the administered drug, but not a sign of recovery.
Basic drugs for pain relief
Non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed. They are administered as injections that help to quickly remove the inflammatory process. However, the most effective action is shown by special anti-inflammatory ointments for topical application.
For patients who are diagnosed with lumbar sciatica, drug treatment is prescribed such that includes Diclofenac, Fastum-gel. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation.directly on the affected area. They also relieve some of the pain. Such ointments can be used even by people with various allergic reactions, since they do not show an irritating effect.

Drug treatment of sciatica includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are available in injections and not only. Among them, the following tools are very popular:
- Diclofenac.
- Dicloran.
- Voltaren.
- Naklofen.
- Nurofen.
Used muscle relaxants
If there is such a need, the doctor can also prescribe drugs that can relieve muscle spasms that often accompany sciatica. Medical treatment for lumbar sciatica includes muscle relaxants.
The most commonly used drugs are:
- Cyclobenzaprine.
- Robaxin.
- "Mydocalm".
Thanks to many studies, to date, the last drug, Mydocalm, has been named the most effective. It has been used for a very long time in many well-developed countries of the world. It is the parenteral administration of the drug that helps to most quickly relieve muscle spasm and eliminate existing pain. It was also noted that in some patients brain activity increases, anxiety and some nervous tension are relieved.
This drug works well enough with NSAIDs to reduce the risk ofunwanted side effects. At the same time, the effectiveness of treatment does not decrease in any way. Even with a sufficiently long-term use, the Mydocalm drug is not capable of causing muscle weakness and does not have any sedative effect, like many other muscle relaxants. The good tolerability of this drug allows it to be prescribed even to those people who need quick reactions and extreme concentration for work.

Pain relief period
If you have no discomfort, it does not mean a complete recovery. Treatment should be prescribed only after a clear establishment of the cause of pain. The fight against the disease can be completely different, since the causes of the disease can be radically different.
In almost every case, in patients diagnosed with lumbar sciatica, treatment with traditional methods is based on the use of therapeutic massage and gymnastics. Physical exercises help to normalize the entire muscular corset and the necessary ligamentous apparatus of the back. Thanks to this, joint mobility develops.
Folk methods
There are many healer ways to deal with the disease. Almost all folk methods for the treatment of radiculitis are based on good heating of the entire affected area of the back. This helps to relieve some pain and improve blood circulation. At the same time, it is important to understand what a disease such as lumbar sciatica, symptoms, treatment (and folk remedies, andmedications) should be discussed with the doctor without fail. And only after agreeing with him - apply.
There is one more "but". Alternative methods can not be considered a serious treatment. They can only be regarded as an attempt to alleviate the pain a little. Therefore, it would be best, of course, to seek qualified help from a specialist who will already prescribe treatment based specifically on your specific case.

Home remedies
It was noted above that complex therapy is quite effective in defeating lumbar sciatica. Medication treatment in this case should be combined with home remedies.
The following methods are recognized as one of the best:
- An aqueous solution of horseradish juice is rubbed into the affected areas of the back, after which a warm woolen scarf is tied around the lower back.
- A piece of soft cloth is moistened with black radish juice and applied to the right place. Then wrapped with a woolen scarf. Such a compress can be worn even for several days, in the absence of a strong burning sensation.
- A small amount of fir oil is rubbed into sore spots. The course of treatment is usually 10-15 procedures.
- Mustard plasters and mustard baths are also recommended.
Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies
In agreement with the doctor, you can use other wonderful methods that have come down to us from time immemorial.

Onlya specialist prescribes medication to patients with a diagnosis of lumbar sciatica. You can try to help yourself with folk remedies. The following methods have worked well:
- Compresses made from flax seeds wrapped in a warm cloth are applied to the painful area.
- To relieve pain, it is recommended to iron the lower back with a hot iron through a thick woolen cloth.
- Fresh birch leaves are poured with boiling water, applied to a sore spot and covered with thick paper.
- Mush of grated radish and horseradish is applied to sore spots. To reduce burning sensation, you can add sour cream to the mixture.
- Finely grind chestnuts, mixing them with pork fat and camphor oil, after which the mixture is applied to sore spots.
Therapeutic baths for sciatica
Don't overlook water treatments.
- Gauze with grated horseradish is placed in the bath. You need to take such procedures at night, then wrap your lower back with a warm woolen scarf and lie under the covers.
- Warm water is poured into the mustard powder until the mixture becomes a mushy consistency. Then pour the gruel into the bath and mix well.
- A decoction of straw is also used. The raw materials are pre-crushed and poured with boiling water, after which the mixture is poured into a hot bath.

Diet for sciatica
It is equally important to heal from illness and eat right. The basis of the diet for people whosuffer from radiculitis pain, there should be fresh vegetable salads. They use tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. But carrots and cauliflower are recommended to be steamed. It is also necessary to consume as many fruits as possible, especially bananas. Meals should be 4 meals a day. Avoid fried, s alty, fatty and spicy foods, as well as confectionery and strong tea.
Remember: in order for lumbar sciatica to recede, medication treatment should be combined with folk remedies and a proper diet.