Ametropia is Description of the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prevention

Ametropia is Description of the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prevention
Ametropia is Description of the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prevention

Ametropia is a violation of the reflex functions of the eyeball. This violation can manifest itself in the form of farsightedness or, conversely, myopia. A disorder in the properties of the retina in the refraction of light and image fixation can be observed not only in adults, but also in children.

ametropia of the eye
ametropia of the eye


Causes contributing to the occurrence of ametropia (this is nearsightedness and farsightedness):

  1. Mechanical injury.
  2. Disturbance of visual functions can occur due to damage to the retina due to various external influences: car accidents, bruises while playing the ball, an attack on a person with the intent to assassinate.
  3. Systematic inflammation of the eye.
  4. Insufficient lighting in the room.
  5. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.
  7. Maybedevelop due to age-related changes.
  8. Long stay in front of the computer.
  9. Intrauterine violation in the formation of the muscles of the eye.
  10. Weakness of the muscles of the eyeball is one of the main causes of ametropia.

It should also be noted that visual impairment in children progresses much faster than in adults. Therefore, parents must definitely undergo a scheduled examination by a specialist every year.

ametropia in children
ametropia in children


With ametropia in children, squinting is observed, visual acuity is reduced, and there is also a significant deterioration in visual comfort. With hypermetropia, the patient may be disturbed by eye fatigue, pain in the orbits and forehead. There is frequent hyperemia of the conjunctiva or accommodative asthenopia.

If hypermetropia is not corrected in time (usually done in childhood), it can lead to the development of amblyopia and convergent concomitant strabismus. Ophthalmologists call the following the most striking and common symptoms of ametropia:

  • asthenopia due to eye fatigue;
  • motion sickness while riding;
  • eye twitching sensation;
  • double vision;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headache;
  • patient often rubs eyes;
  • shaking head to get a better view of the subject.

Ametropia can also manifest as nearsightedness or farsightedness. Therefore, it is worth saying that the symptoms directly depend on the types of ametropia. If at the same time strabismus appears, vision decreases, it is necessary to immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist. In principle, this pathology is the most common among eye diseases, it occurs not only in adults, but also in children.

types of ametropia
types of ametropia

Point correction

Spectacle correction is a traditional and modern method for correcting ametropia. Spectacles are a special medical device that consists of lenses and frames. Depending on the type of refractive pathology, different types of lenses are chosen, with ametropia of different levels, the visual power of the lens also changes.

Indications for spectacle correction:

  • high level of myopia;
  • large level of hypermetropia;
  • astigmatism from -6 to +6 diopters;
  • presbyopia - a decrease in near visual acuity that appears after 40-45 years is a direct indicator of aging of the body;
  • childhood;
  • contact lens intolerance;
  • impossibility of performing surgical (laser) correction of ametropia.

Contraindications for spectacle adjustment:

  • risk of probable eye injury (sports, outdoor games);
  • professions that require a fairly large field of vision, such as pilots or firefighters;
  • anisometropia (with a difference of more than 2 diopters);
  • individual intolerance to glasses.
ametropia treatment
ametropia treatment

Lens Correction

Lens vision correction - changerefraction with lenses. They are called contact due to the fact that they have direct contact with the cornea - the colorless shell of the eye. A contact lens is a small, cup-shaped lens that is inserted behind the lower eyelid and rests against the cornea. To date, the contact correction has received a very extensive promotion, because it easily allows you to play active sports, does not limit the field of vision, does not apply pressure on the bridge of the nose and auricles, unlike glasses.

There is a position that lens correction is only suitable for myopia, but this is not so. All kinds of refractive pathologies can be corrected with the help of lenses. It's just that with certain pathologies, for example, with presbyopia, their use is meaningless, because patients suffering from presbyopia put on glasses only for working close up or for reading.

Today, lenses are made from a material (silicone hydrogel) that easily allows oxygen to pass to the cornea. The patient can choose lenses that are optimal for him: hard or soft (mostly soft ones are used), in addition, the lenses are divided depending on the wearing time (two weeks, monthly, 3 months, etc.). One-day lenses have become widespread, which a person takes off in the evening, throws out, putting on new ones the next day.

Contraindications for lens use:

  • refractive errors of significant degrees;
  • regular conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • deemodicosis of the eyelids (presence of tick parasites).
modern methods of ametropia correction
modern methods of ametropia correction

Laser treatment

Laser vision correction - correction of the refraction of the eye through a change in the thickness of the cornea using an excimer laser. By changing the thickness of the cornea, its visual power is changed, as a result of which the light is focused on the retina, and the person clearly and distinctly sees the objects around. Laser vision correction is considered a progressive trend in current ophthalmology.

There are 2 types of eye ametropia treatment with a laser: photoreactive keratectomy (PRK) - the excimer laser eliminates shallow layers of the cornea, changing its thickness. PRK can correct myopia (up to -6 diopters), hypermetropia (up to +3 diopters), astigmatism (up to -3 diopters).

After PRK, a rather long recovery period - up to several months, specialized drops should be instilled into the eyes. The advantages of PRK are in the absolute painlessness of the operation, the short period of laser exposure, and the stability of the results.

LASIK (electrolaser keratomileusis, lasik) - involves a combination of microsurgical and excimer laser stages. During the procedure, under the guidance of an ophthalmologist, a section of the cornea is folded back using an automated special medical device - a microkeratome. Further, the thickness of the cornea, previously calculated using computer technology, is removed by a laser. The unfolded section is returned to its place. The procedure takes 1-1.5 minutes. After a couple of hours, you are allowed to return to your normal lifestyle. Correction possible with LASIKthe highest levels of ametropium.


This type of correction does not help with all diseases. Indications for laser vision correction:

  • different visual acuity;
  • professions requiring instant response;
  • the desire of the patient himself.



  • under 18;
  • progressive myopia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • general serious diseases of the body (for example, diabetes mellitus - a violation of glucose metabolism);
  • acute infectious diseases.

Series of eye diseases:

  • inflammatory nature;
  • cataract (clouding of the lens);
  • glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
  • retinal detachment history.
modern and traditional methods of ametropia correction
modern and traditional methods of ametropia correction


Prevention of ametropia (this is myopia and farsightedness) helps prevent the development of visual impairment. The following methods are used to prevent the onset of visual impairment:

  1. Scheduled examination by an ophthalmologist. Examination by a specialist allows you to control the condition of the child's vision, and also prevents the development of dangerous complications.
  2. Daily eye exercises. The use of special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the eye allows you to increase blood circulation in the tissue and relieve fatigue while working at a computer or reading a book.
  3. Proper distributionload on visual analyzers.
  4. The use of vitamin and mineral products. Deficiency of vitamins A and C is one of the reasons for the decrease in visual acuity. Decreased time spent in front of the computer.
  5. Using additional products to ensure optimal room lighting.
  6. Daily outdoor walks.
  7. Using manuals in large, clear print.
ametropia is
ametropia is

Compliance with all of the above recommendations will allow you to maintain good vision for a long time and prevent the development of ametropia (this is an eye disease).
