Parents are concerned about the question: what is whooping cough in children? This is an infectious disease that occurs mainly in children, characterized by the development of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The cough characteristic of the disease is similar to the crowing of a rooster, which is why the pathology has acquired such a name ("kok" means "rooster"). Back in the Middle Ages, whooping cough was the main cause of premature death among babies. The disease is especially severe in children under one year old and in the elderly.
Transmission routes
The causative agent of the disease is the pathogen Bordetella pertussis. The main ways of transmission of whooping cough Komarovsky identifies the following:
- By air. When talking or coughing a carrier of the infection.
- Contact method. Due to the use of household items or toys of the patient.
The most susceptible to developing whooping cough are children between the ages of one and seven. When the virus enters the body, the mucous membranes of the trachea, larynx and bronchi are affected.

The main symptoms of the disease
Clinical symptoms of whooping cough in children under one year old:
Increase in body temperature up to 37-39 °C. It is a reaction to the ingress of an infectious agent into the body of a child.
- The appearance of anxiety, tearfulness, capriciousness. This is the child's emotional response to feeling unwell.
- The occurrence of spasms and convulsions. Appears in infants on the second day after infection.
- Redness of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.
- Rhinitis.
- Whooping cough is the most characteristic symptom of whooping cough in children under one year old, characterized by attacks that occur at any time of the day with the release of a viscous secretion or vomiting. The intensity of attacks becomes more frequent in the first ten days after infection, with the improvement of the condition, their number and severity decreases.
- Impaired breathing.
- Severity of vessels on the baby's face and throat.
- Increased heart rate.
- Exhaustion.
- The appearance of a characteristic whistle when inhaling.
- The appearance of a feeling of lack of air in a child. Before the onset of an attack, many parents have a feeling that the child is suffocating.

After you figured out what whooping cough is in children, you should study its stages. Incubation period for pertussis infectionranges from three to twenty days, while the patient is especially dangerous during the first and last days after infection.
Doctors distinguish three stages of whooping cough: catarrhal, convulsive and recovery.
Catarrhal period
Characterized by the gradual onset of symptoms of whooping cough in infants. At this stage of development, the disease often resembles the development of an acute respiratory disease. Lasts one to two weeks. There may be a slight increase in body temperature in the baby.
This stage is characterized by the appearance of such symptoms of whooping cough in infants as convulsions of an involuntary nature. As a rule, there is a cough with a characteristic whistle without sputum production. The duration of this period of the course of the disease is from one to six weeks.
Healing period
It is distinguished by a decrease in the manifestations of whooping cough symptoms in infants and an improvement in the general somatic condition.
Due to a viral infection in a baby, the following complications may occur:
- Pneumonia.
- Encephalopathy.
- Pleurisy.
- Bronchitis.
- Pneumothorax.
- Rupture of eardrums or small blood vessels.
- Purulent otitis.
The above complications can occur due to a strong cough, as well as due to the development of secondary infections.

Differentialdiagnosis of whooping cough symptoms in infants is carried out mainly by an infectious disease specialist, as well as a pediatrician. The initial examination consists in collecting the patient's anamnestic data and the nature of the patient's complaints. Next, the specialist examines the baby's throat and measures the body temperature. A more thorough study is to conduct such laboratory tests:
- Analysis of blood parameters.
- Bacteriological examination of swabs from the nasopharynx.
- Performing an immunoassay.
After analyzing all the data obtained, an individual system of therapeutic effects is selected to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

What to do - the baby is coughing?
Treatment of the disease consists in hospitalization of the patient in order to prevent the spread of infection. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:
- Antibacterial agents. They are prescribed to suppress pathogenic viruses, prevent their reproduction and the appearance of secondary complications.
- Antipyretic. They are taken to normalize the child's body temperature. Preparations can be used in the form of: suppositories, suspensions, tablets. The dosage and number of doses must be prescribed in accordance with the age of the child, the attending physician.
- Antihistamines. Recommended for children with allergic reactions.
- Sedative drugs. Assigned to infants to reduce nervous excitability and the intensity of muscle spasms.
It should also be noted that the selection of medicines is carried out necessarily by a doctor, taking into account the age of the child. Parents should provide the optimal room temperature and means of humidifying the air in the room. It is also worth following a diet enriched with vegetable and fruit purees and juices, which are necessary to maintain the immune forces of the baby's body. Breastfed babies should receive the same amount of milk as before the illness.

Prophylaxis of whooping cough according to Komarovsky is to follow the following recommendations:
- Performing routine vaccinations.
- Use of mineral and vitamin supplements appropriate for the age of the baby.
- Exercising daily.
- Maintain personal hygiene.
- Avoid hypothermia and crowded places, especially in the autumn-winter period.
However, it should be noted that the main way to prevent whooping cough is through routine vaccination.

So, the most effective method of preventing this disease is to carry out routine DPT vaccination. The composition of the vaccine contains filtered concentrated toxins of the pathogeninfections. In the first seconds after the injection, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child, since the most severe concomitant reactions of the body to the injected antibodies can be observed. The first pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria vaccine is given to the baby at three months of age, followed by two more with a range of every two months.
Normal reaction of the body after the introduction of the vaccine:
- Slight increase in temperature to subfebrile.
- Restlessness while sleeping.
- Sluggishness.
- Redness of tissues at the injection site.
- Seal.
- Tearfulness and moodiness may appear.
This reaction may take up to three days.
Possible complications after vaccination:
- convulsions;
- loss of consciousness;
- fever;
- presence of allergic reactions;
- cough;
- encephalitis;
- appearance of signs of intoxication;
- diarrhea;
- appearance of neurotic disorders.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of He alth, vaccination of children should be carried out in polyclinics with a specially equipped treatment room. Before the vaccination, the child is laid on its side and the area where the puncture will be carried out is disinfected. Parents of the baby must fill out a consent form for manipulation. In the treatment room, the nurse provides parents with all certificates for the pertussis vaccine, after which the injection is performed.

Temporary contraindications for pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus vaccinations:
- The presence of an increase in subfebrile temperature.
- Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Eye inflammation.
- Upper Respiratory Diseases.
After the child's condition improves and he is re-examined by a doctor, vaccination is carried out.