The cause of red eyes. Is it all harmless?

The cause of red eyes. Is it all harmless?
The cause of red eyes. Is it all harmless?

Everyone at least once in his life faced redness of the eyes. This phenomenon does not look very beautiful and is accompanied by sharp pain. This happens due to the expansion of blood vessels that are close to the surface of the eye. It is not worth ignoring such a symptom, and with periodic repetition, it is better to consult a doctor. The cause of red eyes can be both harmless and easily eliminated, or become a harbinger of a serious illness, which requires urgent medical attention. In this case, the intensity of the color change does not matter.

External factors as the cause of red eyes can be as follows:

- long stay in the wind or too dry air;

cause of red eyes
cause of red eyes

- dust or foreign body in the eye;

- stay in the sun for a long period of time;

- long driving;

- the reaction of the body caused by the allergen;

- a consequence of various injuries;

- increased eye strain (when reading or staying at the computer).

As a rule, removing the irritant or changing the environment in this situation helps,since each of these causes of red eyes is not dangerous. Everything will be back to normal in a few days.

The cause of red eyes, which may be a manifestation of the disease, may be one of the following:

- Conjunctivitis, which is divided into acute and chronic. The first occurs due to infection in the eyes. This disease is highly contagious. When it is detected, it is necessary to take up treatment, since its absence can lead to chronic conjunctivitis, which will periodically disturb.

what to do if the eyes are red
what to do if the eyes are red

- Change (increase) in eye pressure - glaucoma. In this case, there is a decrease in the clarity of vision, and pain appears. As a rule, only one eye turns red in this situation.

- Long-term visual load in the presence of diseases such as farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism.

- Ulcers on the cornea of the eye. This disease is caused by viruses and bacteria.

- Dry eye syndrome.

- Blepharitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the eyelash follicles (when skin bacteria enter them). Outwardly, this may be accompanied by the appearance of crusts on the eyelids.

- Dilation of blood vessels in hypertension.

- Incorrect selection of contact lenses or the presence of marriage in them.

To answer the question: "What if the eyes are red?" - you need to find out the reason, which the doctor will help to determine. Usually, ophthalmologists prescribe special drops that can narrow the blood vessels. "Artifici altears" (polyvinyl alcohol) or corneal protectant.

"What if red eyes?" - traditional medicine can also answer the question. Especially popular are herbal compresses, potato slices, a piece of ice in a handkerchief and washing in strong tea.

what to do if red eyes
what to do if red eyes

Don't forget about simple eye exercises, especially for those who spend a lot of time at the computer. It will help to take a short break from work and relieve stress.

If after applying these simple methods, redness does not go away within two days, then you should consult a doctor for qualified help.