The modern rhythm of life forces people to work hard and hard, and most of the time in front of various monitors. This lifestyle, of course, makes itself felt in the form of fatigue and lack of sleep. And the main symptom of the transferred load is often redness of the eyes. The reason for this, according to most people, is a burst vessel. However, in reality, this reason is the least common. But there are quite a few main factors for the appearance of pathological redness in the eyes - starting with a banal lack of sleep, characteristic of many adults, and ending with a dangerous ophthalmic pathology.
A little about the symptom
Red eyes are a common problem that people of all ages and professions often face. Often this symptom indicates serious changes within the body that require attention. Most often, redness is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the eyelids and tearing.
Causes of red eyes in an adult can be a huge amount. Moreover, each of them requires special treatment.

Redness itself can manifest itself in different ways, for example, in the form of a small speck or dot, streaks or a completely reddened white.
If, in addition to the redness itself, nothing bothers you, and it was preceded by overwork or lack of sleep, then nothing needs to be done - usually, the symptom disappears on its own. In such situations, redness appears against the background of insufficient hydration of the eyes. When the level of moisture is restored, the symptoms disappear.
If red eyes are accompanied by other problems, it is worth undergoing an examination to determine the diagnosis. Indeed, in this case, a number of pathologies can be suspected.
Innocuous causes of red eyes in adults
Treatment and medication may not always be required. And in general, redness of the eyes is not in all cases a reason to visit a doctor. Sometimes such a problem can be de alt with without outside help.
Doctors often say that the cause of red eyes in adults can be serious diseases, such as barley, glaucoma, corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis and various inflammations. These diseases are indeed extremely dangerous and often provoke a number of other unpleasant symptoms.
But still, the main causes of red eyes in adults often turn out to be commonplace. They are the ones you see most often. So why does an adult have red eyes? Here are some of the simplest explanations for this symptom.
- Allergic reaction. Vasodilation leading to redness, irritation of the mucosaeye membranes and tearing may indicate the development of an allergy. In such a situation, it makes sense to use moisturizing drops to wash off the allergen. If this proves ineffective, an antihistamine will need to be taken.
- Drinking and smoking. Just a couple of hours in a smoky room is enough, and redness will not take long. And all because tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to excessive redness. Drinking too much alcohol also puts you at risk of waking up with red eyes. The fact is that alcohol leads to a violation of the process of moisturizing the eyes, and this in turn provokes redness.
- Lack of sleep. It takes some time for the eyes to regain normal levels of hydration. It is at night that they rest, but if they are not given such an opportunity, they will definitely take revenge on their master by reddening.
- Dry air. It is during the winter period that reddening of the eyes occurs most often. And all because dry air prevails on the street at this time, and the same thing awaits you indoors.

- Long work near the monitor. On average, a person makes 15 blinks per minute. If he is busy working at the computer, this frequency is greatly reduced. As a result, due to prolonged dryness, the eyes simply turn red.
- damage to capillaries. If you find a red spot, it probably appeared due to the fact that the vessel in the eye burst. The causes and treatment of this condition can be varied. Usually thisredness disappears on its own, but sometimes it can indicate the presence of various pathologies in the body, for example, hypertension or diabetes.
- A side effect of medication. Another common cause of red eyes in adults is a side effect of medications. Antihistamines, sedatives, hypnotics, diuretics, and beta-blockers can lead to this effect. In this case, you should consult a doctor.
- Injury. Red eyes are often a sign of damage. Redness can occur after a blow, fall, sand, insect or even eyelashes in the eye. This problem often occurs in women who have had childbirth. In this case, redness is associated with an increased load on the vessels, which simply cannot withstand it. After a while the problem disappears.
- Contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses is often the cause of red eyes in adults. Treatment in this case is not needed, you just need to change the brand of the lenses themselves or completely abandon them in favor of glasses.

When it's time to see a doctor
If redness of the eyes causes severe discomfort, you should definitely make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Symptoms that may indicate a serious problem:
- sudden deterioration of vision;
- yellow or green highlights;
- severe pain in the eyes, which may be accompanied by a migraine;
- photophobia.
All these signs may indicate the development of a dangerous disease. In suchsituation, do not self-medicate by trying to fix the problem with eye drops.
There are a large number of pathologies that can cause red whites of the eyes in adults. Only a doctor can recognize a particular disease, so there is no need to delay a visit to him.
It is this pathology that is considered the main cause of red eyes in adults. The constantly appearing redness in this case is due to the inflammatory process covering the mucous membrane.
Conjunctivitis is viral, allergic and bacterial. So the treatment in each case is different. With this disease, red eyes fester in an adult, and besides, they itch.
Bacterial and viral forms of conjunctivitis can be transmitted to others. In addition, if the eyes are not completely cured, the pathology will often remind of itself.

This pathology proceeds almost exactly the same as conjunctivitis. True, there is one difference - inflammation in keratitis covers the cornea.
In addition to redness, the patient has pain and photophobia. Let pathology take its course is not worth it. After all, keratitis can lead to the development of serious complications, including complete loss of vision.
Develops against the background of inflammation of nearby structures: tonsils, nose or mouth. Even inflammation of the skin can lead to the onset of blepharitis. Redness and thickening of the eyelids - the first signblepharitis in adults. In this case, medication is used. But the doctor must prescribe the drug.
The following factors can lead to the development of blepharitis:
- chronic infection;
- worms;
- allergy;
- fungus;
- compromised immunity;
- diabetes mellitus;
- deviations in the work of the digestive tract.
So the treatment for this pathology should be comprehensive.
Provoked by inflammation of the iris, which occurs due to infectious pathologies and metabolic disorders.
At advanced stages of iridocyclitis pupil deformity is noted. In addition, a change in the color of the iris is possible.
This is a dangerous pathology, which is provoked by the deterioration of the circulation of the eye fluid. As a result, intraocular pressure rises and a number of associated symptoms appear.
Redness and severe pain in the eyes are features of glaucoma. In addition, the patient may experience headache, nausea and high blood pressure. It is because of these symptoms that glaucoma is often not immediately diagnosed. But if you suspect this pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, delay in such a situation can be dangerous.
Causes of a red spot in the eye of an adult
In fact, redness in the eye may not be localized over the entire surface of the protein. It also happens that a small bundle or blood clot appears in it. Why then does an adult have red eyes? It's just the onea case when a vessel burst inside an organ, and a hemorrhage occurred. Usually, such a problem is faced by people who already have some kind of vascular pathology. Although there are a huge number of explanations why the vessel in the eye burst. The causes and treatment of this pathology are very diverse.
It happens that the explanation of the problem is rather banal. Hemorrhage can occur, for example, due to overexertion due to exhausting work, severe stress or heavy physical exertion.
It is noteworthy that ordinary conjunctivitis can also lead to the appearance of the same spots and points. This is due to hyperemia, which is his constant companion. It is because of her that the vessels burst.
Most often, a blood clot disappears on its own, without any treatment, after about a week. You can speed up the healing process by exposure to low temperatures, which can stop bleeding. For example, you can use an ice pack.
But if you find a hemorrhage in the vitreous body of the eye, which leads to a deterioration in vision, or if the problem does not disappear for a long time, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
General treatment rules
It should be said right away that there is no standard therapy regimen that would suit everyone without exception. All pathologies in which redness occurs have a different origin and, accordingly, different methods of treatment. Only after undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis and determining a specific diagnosis, the ophthalmologist can choose the optim altherapy.
So, if the symptom was provoked by infectious diseases, then first of all, a therapeutic course is carried out aimed at eliminating the identified diseases. However, antiviral eye ointments and drops are used.

If the eyes of an adult become red for other, non-infectious reasons, for example, due to hypertension or diabetes, the doctor may not prescribe any drugs at all. In return, the doctor will most likely advise you to rest more, walk, refrain from physical activity.
How to treat red eyes in adults? Artificial tears, vasoconstrictor drops and luteal complexes are most often used as drug therapy.
If redness is not associated with any pathologies, you can eliminate the symptom by taking a few simple steps:
- reduce the load on the visual system, prevent its overwork;
- use herbal compresses prepared with decoctions;
- apply vitamin drops and drink a course of drugs that have a positive effect on metabolism.
Drug therapy
Before determining a specific diagnosis, you can use safe solutions that will temporarily narrow dilated capillaries, eliminate mucosal irritation and fatigue. To do this, doctors recommend such drugs:
- "Vizin".
- "Floxal".
- "Polynadim".
- "Montevisin".
- "Systane Ultra".
- "Ocumethyl".
- "Octilia".
- "Artificial tear".
- "Oxial".
- "Visoptic".
- "Naphthyzinum".

All these tools are universal, but you can't use them for too long. First, these drugs can be addictive. And secondly, they only eliminate the redness itself, but do not treat the original cause of the pathology.
Handy tools and recommendations
An excellent folk remedy, which has long been used to constrict blood vessels and eliminate redness, is ice. Just prepare a few cubes in advance and apply them to your eyes every time your eyes turn red again. In addition, you can additionally pamper your eyes with a tea compress. Moreover, making it is very simple - you just need to pour two bags of black tea leaves with boiling water, wait until they cool, and then apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes.

It is no less useful to make therapeutic compresses based on a decoction of chamomile, parsley, linden or mint. These plants effectively fight redness, swelling, burning and itching.
And in order for your eyes to receive as many vitamins as possible, and your vessels to become resistant to pressure and temperature changes, you should change your diet by adding as many natural products as possible to it. Eye redness will stop youworry if you often eat poultry, parsley, lemons, grapefruits, fish, carrots, apples and cabbage. The vitamins contained in these products will keep your visual system from overworking.
Among other things, doctors give their patients a few more tips to help you get rid of the hated redness of the eyes.
- Remember to wear sunglasses in bright daylight to protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation.
- No need to go to bed with makeup on. After all, particles of cosmetics can get into the eyes and cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane. It is because of this that allergic conjunctivitis can develop, so do not forget to wash your face thoroughly before going to bed.
- Try to stick to the daily routine, and sleep at least 7-8 hours. After all, lack of sleep is often the main cause of the ill-fated redness of the eyes.
Prevention of pathology
You can prevent redness of the eyes by following a few simple rules.
- When working in front of a monitor, take regular breaks and do eye exercises with simple exercises.
- Sleep should be at least 7 hours - this is a prerequisite for proper rest for the eyes.
- Supplement your diet with foods rich in vitamins - sea fish, cottage cheese, blueberries, carrots, spinach, nuts, broccoli.
- Protect your eyes from ultraviolet light. Wearing sunglasses is desirable not only in summer, but alsowinter.