Eyes "get out of their sockets": bulging eyes (exophthalmos) or a physiological feature

Eyes "get out of their sockets": bulging eyes (exophthalmos) or a physiological feature
Eyes "get out of their sockets": bulging eyes (exophthalmos) or a physiological feature

Pop-eye fully justifies its unfavorable name, and the constant feeling that the eyes are getting out of their sockets is certainly not pleasant. With this pathology, which is called exophthalmos in official medicine, the eyeballs are bulging forward or shifted to the side.

Physiological feature or pathology?

Eyes "get out of shaving" can in the absence of any serious he alth problems. For some people, this is a physiological or even genetic feature. The unusual structure of the eyeball is passed from parents to children, but diseases associated with exophthalmos can also be inherited. Therefore, it does not hurt to periodically undergo an examination. People with "bulging eyes" are at risk.

feeling like your eyes are popping out
feeling like your eyes are popping out

Often such a feature of the anthropological type is found in representatives of the Jewish nationality. Eyes can “get out of their sockets” in some peoples of the Mediterranean, for example, the Egyptians, Spaniards,Romanians, Italians, Greeks, among the peoples of the Iranian group (Armenians), as well as among the Polynesians living on the islands of Oceania. Specialists in physiognomy say that "bulging eyes" are inherent in ambitious, reckless and determined individuals. Such people usually have strong sexual energy.

Eyeballs can literally “roll out” of the eye sockets with bulging eyes, which in most cases is a sign of other diseases. A distinctive feature of this condition is the gap that can be observed between the upper eyelid and the iris. This is especially noticeable when looking down. With bulging eyes, the skin of the eyelid becomes somewhat darker, the eyeball protrudes from the orbits by 20 mm or more.

eyes pop out of their sockets
eyes pop out of their sockets

Why do eyes pop out of their sockets?

In most cases, bulging eyes are treated not by an ophthalmologist, but by other narrow specialists: an endocrinologist, a traumatologist, a psychologist, a neuropathologist or an otolaryngologist, because this is not a disease, but only a symptom of another pathology. All diseases that cause exophthalmos can be divided into three groups:

  1. Ophthalmic. High myopia, glaucoma, benign or malignant tumors of the orbit of the eye, thrombosis of the orbital vein can cause puffy eyes.
  2. Endocrine. The most common cause of bulging eyes is Graves' disease, in which an excessive amount of the biologically active substance of the thyroid gland is synthesized, which causes the immune system to increase cell synthesis. These cells cause thickeningoculomotor muscles.
  3. Pathologies of various body systems. Eyes can “get out of their orbits” in case of tumors of the paranasal sinuses, inflammatory processes, various blood diseases, thrombosis of cerebral vessels, fractures of the bones of the orbit of the eye, accompanied by hemorrhage.
Graves' disease
Graves' disease

Aesthetic problem or illness?

Exophthalmos is not only an aesthetic problem. On the part of the visual organ, there is a limitation of mobility, photophobia, a feeling of pressure, lacrimation, doubling of visible objects, decreased visual acuity, strabismus and other unpleasant symptoms. The cornea is not hydrated, so dystrophy with possible inflammation or destruction may be diagnosed. Pop-eye threatens with complete blindness due to compression of the optic nerve.

The eye "crawls out of the orbit": what to do?

Treatment of bulging eyes depends on the causes that caused this symptom. If Basedow's disease is diagnosed, then correction of the thyroid gland is necessary with the help of a course of glucocorticosteroid drugs. The inflammatory process is treated with antibiotic therapy or with the help of surgery. If the eyes "crawl out of their sockets", oncology is not excluded. In this case, chemotherapy and radiation are indicated, which are usually carried out in a complex manner. Elimination of squeezing of the optic nerve is possible during the operation. If the cornea is damaged, surgeons stitch the eyelids together.

puffy eyes causes
puffy eyes causes

To alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease,experts recommend maintaining the normal hydration of the eyeballs using special drops and ointments. It is advisable to wear dark glasses that will help protect your eyes from sunlight, dust and wind. It is recommended to give up s alt. The use of s alt contributes to fluid retention in the body and increases pressure on the eye area. During rest, the head should be in a position slightly higher than usual. Even plus 15 cm to the usual height of the pillow will help to avoid edema that increases the manifestations of exophthalmos. It is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drops. Abuse of the procedure will only cause vasodilation, so you need to bury your eyes for no more than three days in a row.
