Tooth mobility: degrees, causes, treatment

Tooth mobility: degrees, causes, treatment
Tooth mobility: degrees, causes, treatment

As you know, milk teeth stagger when permanent ones grow in their place. Such a phenomenon does not pose any danger. But when the molars begin to move, you should consult a specialist, since this pathology may indicate the presence of diseases. In dentistry, this condition is called tooth mobility. This problem occurs in many people of different age categories.

Types of mobility

This pathology is divided into the following types: physiological and pathological. In the first case, slight loosening of the teeth occurs only when chewing food. When they move due to their normal physiology, slight wear may form on their surface.

Pathological mobility of the teeth is detected immediately without research, because with such a stagger, pain is felt during their pressure.

Degrees of tooth mobility

To determine the mobility of the teeth, there are several classifications in medicine:

  • 1 degree. There is an unstable position of some teeth in relation to adjacent canines or molars. The amplitude of their swing at this stage is no more than 1 mm.
  • 2 degree. The mobility of the teeth is slightly more than 1 mm, they stagger back and forth, left and right.
  • 3degree. You can loosen your teeth in any direction, even vertically.
  • 4 degree. At the last stage, the tooth rotates around its axis.
tooth mobility
tooth mobility

Main causes of pathology

The first two degrees of this anomaly are corrected by dentists with a long course of treatment. In the third stage, unfortunately, the teeth cannot be saved, they are removed. They begin to stagger for a variety of reasons, which must be eliminated in order to prevent the removal of molars and canines.

Mobility of teeth occurs due to the following problems:

  • Bad bite. This pathology provokes loosening of the molars, since the position of the upper and lower jaws is disturbed.
  • Periodontitis. With this disease, destruction and loss of periodontal tissues occurs. Periodontitis responds well to treatment, but is a fairly common pathology.
  • Gingivitis, which goes to the bone and ligaments.
  • External influence.
  • Poor oral hygiene, which causes the development of many diseases.

The main goal of the dentist is to identify the cause that provoked tooth mobility, and then prescribe effective therapy. But often this task is complicated by advanced periodontitis and rarefaction of the bone.

After tooth extraction, irreversible changes occur in the bone tissue, due to which its partial or complete loss occurs. When a mobile tooth is removed, the bone ceases to receive a load, so the tissue slowly dissolves. All this leads toneighboring molars also begin to wobble.

To avoid such consequences, experts recommend installing a crown and an artificial root. Such a design will last for many years, besides, it is very similar to a natural tooth.

degree of tooth mobility
degree of tooth mobility

What is forbidden to do with such an ailment?

You can not loosen the tooth with your tongue or fingers. It should not be touched at all, otherwise you can worsen the situation, which will lead to negative consequences. The mouth should be rinsed with warm water, it is better to refuse brushing and toothpaste for a while. If, nevertheless, a tooth falls out, immediately go to the dentist for its emergency implantation. If this process is delayed, it will not be possible to restore the tooth with high quality.

dental mobility treatment
dental mobility treatment

Even in such a situation, it should be remembered that fragments of a fallen canine or molar may remain inside the gums. If nothing is done, then there is a high probability of complications.

Diagnostic measures for loose teeth

Periodontitis in the early stages is successfully treated, but most people with this problem are in no hurry to see a doctor. Only with a strong movement of the teeth and exposure of the bone tissue, patients decide to visit the dental clinic. But advanced disease leads to serious damage to periodontal tissues, causing loose gums. It will take a long course of therapy, while strictly following all the recommendations of the dentist, to correct the situation.

In too severe casescarry out restoration of atrophied bone tissue or splinting of teeth. The determination of tooth mobility is performed by the dentist, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, he sends the patient to an x-ray to examine the bone tissue, identify purulent cavities, such as a flux or cyst, as well as tumors. If necessary, he can conduct an additional examination on the radiovisiograph.

determination of tooth mobility
determination of tooth mobility

Mobility of teeth: treatment

The occurrence of such a pathology indicates that the oral cavity was not treated in time. Ignoring loose teeth will inevitably lead to their loss. However, going to the dentist can help stop this pathological process in time.

Today, periodontitis at a late stage is eliminated using special devices or through surgery. Hardware therapy is carried out at different stages of the development of the disease. Usually, the following procedures are carried out to improve the condition:

  • Laser treatment. This method helps to painlessly destroy pathogenic microorganisms in order to restore damaged tissues.
  • Ozone therapy. Ozone is able to relieve inflammation and disinfect the oral cavity. It is advisable to combine this procedure with ultrasound or laser therapy for best results.
  • Ultrasonic vibration treatment helps to effectively eliminate tartar, plaque, microbial films and endotoxins. This effective method allows you to restore destroyed gums with a pocket depth of up to 11 mm,preventing further development of pathology.
pathological tooth mobility
pathological tooth mobility

Mobility of teeth causes great discomfort to a person, worsening the aesthetic appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the gums and bone tissue, rather than spending a lot of money and time on treatment later. Do not forget that it is difficult enough to eliminate such a pathology as loose teeth.