Pulls the right testicle in a man: causes and methods of treatment

Pulls the right testicle in a man: causes and methods of treatment
Pulls the right testicle in a man: causes and methods of treatment

Men's testicles are the most vulnerable part of their body. They are protected only by a thin layer of the scrotum and are very sensitive to any influences. The testicle, or testicle, testis (lat. testis), is a paired male reproductive organ (gonad) that produces spermatozoa and releases the main male hormone testosterone into the blood.

Normally, the testicles are located in the scrotum. They have an oval shape, dense texture. Nutrition is received from the inguinal artery. Between themselves, the testicles are separated by a septum. In the scrotum, they are suspended on the spermatic cords. The upper pole is more acute and slightly inclined forward. The testicles are normally asymmetrical - the left one is lower. Some researchers consider this a feature of embryogenesis. When walking for this reason, the testicles are not injured.

Testicles are normal

They are 4-6 cm long and 25-35 mm wide. Weigh from 17 to 32 grams. There is an opinion that the larger the testicles, the greater the fertility, but this is not always true.


pulls right testicle
pulls right testicle

The testicles are covered with peritoneum, under it there are 2 more shells - protein and vaginal. In the albugineous (fibrous) membrane, an outgrowth of connective tissue (mediastinum) protrudes into the testicular parenchyma from the inside. Connective tissue radially located partitions fan out from it fan-shaped. They divide the testicular parenchyma into lobules, there are 250-300 of them. They have a cone-shaped shape, they contain tubes (seniferous tubules). The tops of the cones are directed towards the mediastinum, and the bases - towards the fibrous membrane. Each lobule contains 2-3 convoluted seminiferous tubules lined with spermatogenic epithelium.

In the region of the tops of the cones, the convoluted tubules merge with each other and form straight seminiferous tubules that flow into the network of the testis in the parenchyma. The efferent tubules originate from them, going to the appendage and flowing into its duct.

Spermatozoa mature in the tubules. In the epididymis (epididymis) there is a duct for the removal of the seed, which opens into the urethra. So the structure is not easy.

The scrotum is always cool to the touch, because the temperature here is one degree lower than that of the body. This is provided by nature so that the vital activity of spermatozoa is not disturbed. Hot testicles are a sign of pathology.

What happens when testicles hurt

pain in right testicle
pain in right testicle

Pain is not a diagnosis, it is only a signal of trouble, it can be of different types, accompanied by cyanosis, swelling. If the right testicle or the left is pulled, injury is possible, followed by a hematoma. Possible dull, arching pain withrecoil in the leg, scrotum, pubis, even in the right hypochondrium. In this case, we can assume the presence of an inflammatory process, it is likely that surgical intervention will be needed.

Pain spilled over the entire scrotum character of medium intensity? Probably, there is an inflammation process in the kidney system. Severe stabbing pain in the form of attacks with a return to the lumbar region most often becomes a consequence of urolithiasis.

Burning in the scrotum, pain after urination give orchitis and cystitis. Testicular pain (unilateral or bilateral), swelling of the scrotum may indicate an inguinal hernia.

Pain symptom in the testicles is often accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the patient:

  • fever and chills;
  • increase in temperature to 38 and above;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • weakness and lack of appetite;
  • poor sleep and headaches.

Associated symptoms

Pain may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. If you touch the scrotum, you constantly feel discomfort.
  2. Testicle enlarged, edematous.
  3. The very structure of the testicle changes, it can become bumpy, compacted, excessively convex.
  4. Scrotum pain is not only aching, it can be sharp and paroxysmal.

If the duration of any pain in the testicle exceeds 30-60 minutes, a doctor's consultation is a must.

Causes of pain

It should be said right away that pain can be related to common causes. These include trauma, sexual overexcitation. But there are pathologies that are morecharacteristic of any one testicle.

For the left testicle are more typical:

  • twist;
  • epididymitis;
  • orchitis;
  • varicocele;
  • new growths.

This does not mean, of course, that there are no such diseases in the right testicle, but they are less common.

Right testicle

If it hurts and pulls the right testicle in men, the reason may be in the following pathologies:

  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages, the testicles themselves are not affected.

These pathologies are the most common for the right testicle. Other causes may be exogenous or endogenous, physiological or pathological. Pain can vary in time and intensity.

Possible causes of pain on the right side

If the right testicle hurts in men, it is impossible to say offhand the reasons, because there are a lot of them. Physiological include an increased level of libido, when an erection is frequent, and sex is not expected. When excited, the capillaries begin to work 2 times stronger, the organs are poured. In the absence of ejaculation, men may feel that they are pulling on the right testicle. It's pretty annoying. There is no harm to the body, only discomfort.

Another pathology is inflammation of the testicles. It can occur after infections: chickenpox, measles, mumps. Diabetes mellitus, hepatitis B, HIV infection may play a role.

The process is not limited to what hurts and pulls in the right testicle. In men, the general condition is disturbed. The testicle becomes swollen, swollen and red.


The peak incidence occurs after 30 years. 99% of testicular tumors are malignant. Usually the lesion is unilateral. The cause is believed to be cryptorchidism, trauma, or hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms are pain in the scrotum, radiating to the groin and perineum, and discomfort when walking. Metastasis causes symptoms in other organs.

Inguinal hernia

Also more common in the right testicle. In 85% of cases it is acquired. Its provoking factors can be: urination disorders, constipation, weight lifting, jumping from a height, prolonged standing, increased fatness.

Types of pain from causes

Drawing pain is a sign most often of infections of the urogenital area, prostatitis, orchitis. If fever is added to it, a visit to the doctor should become urgent.

Pulls the right testicle in case of testicular torsion or inguinal hernia. Also, such pain is characteristic of a long absence of intimacy. Drawing pain can also be provoked by minor injuries that occur when playing sports, cycling. To correctly determine the cause of a weak pulling pain in the right testicle in a man, a comprehensive diagnosis is needed.

pulls in right testicle
pulls in right testicle

The causes of aching pain are the same, but dropsy of the testicles and epididymitis are added.

Acute pain may indicate testicular torsion, or rather, its spermatic cords. In addition to pain, fever and vomiting may occur.

Acute symptom can also be a sign of epididymitis. Such pain will radiate to the buttocks, perineum and lower back, withthis pulls the right testicle and gives it to the groin.

Sharp pain is the result of injuries to the testicle, its epididymis. It can cause pain shock, so a visit to the doctor should be urgent.

Orchitis and epididymitis (inflammation of the testis and appendages)

pulls the right testicle gives it to the groin
pulls the right testicle gives it to the groin

The inflammatory process can be unilateral or bilateral. The most common cause of inflammation is an infection resulting from sexual intercourse or inflammation in neighboring organs.

In children and adolescents, orchitis develops after respiratory infections and viruses of measles, mumps, herpes. Often, epididymitis becomes primary.

In the acute form of the pathology, the body temperature rises, the testicle swells, and the inflammatory process is accompanied by severe pain. At the same time, pain in the right testicle pulls and gives to the leg, lower back and groin. When it becomes chronic, the pain in the scrotum becomes constantly aching.


pulls the right testicle and gives it to the leg
pulls the right testicle and gives it to the leg

This is dropsy of the testicles. Such a disease requires surgical intervention. Normally, the vaginal membrane of the testis always contains a small amount of fluid. With its accumulation in large quantities for various reasons, a hydrocele develops.

Disease always occurs on one side. The testicle becomes denser, its size increases and the shape becomes pear-shaped.

The cause may be an infection (ureaplasma, chlamydia or mycoplasma), trauma, congenital pathology of the testicle. In the latter case, there is always an increase in the size of the testicle in the evening, and in the morning it is normal. Acutethe dropsy form also has signs of fever and severe pain. The chronic stage is marked by pain in the right testicle - pulling and constant.

Mechanical damage to the scrotum

precise blow
precise blow

Different in degree of injury:

  1. Bruise - a slightly swollen and painful testicle. Treatment is usually not needed, if the pain is too pronounced, novocaine blockade is done.
  2. Infringement is a disease of babies under 3 years old. It develops as a complication of undescended testis into the scrotum (cryptorchidism). It is characterized by acute pain, hyperemia and tissue swelling.
  3. Dislocation - the testicle takes an unusual position. It can get into the abdominal cavity, inguinal region, between the muscles of the thigh. There is swelling and severe pain.
  4. Rupture - we are talking about the rupture of the shells, an operation is required to restore them. Pain up to shock and death.
  5. Stab injury of the testicle - damage to the testicle with a piercing or cutting tool. The pain is so severe that it can lead to shock and loss of consciousness.

Other pathologies

Torsion of the testicle is nothing more than a torsion of the spermatic cord. The pain is sharp and sudden, the testicle swells, turns red, nausea and vomiting are added. collapse is not ruled out. Pathology is typical for adolescents in puberty. Trauma can also be the cause. The blood supply to the testicle is blocked or completely absent. When the cord is twisted 180 degrees and for a period of more than 6 hours, the testicle dies, necrosis develops in it. Symptoms of torsion are very vivid: sharp pain in the scrotum up topain shock, vomiting, diarrhea. The testicle increases in size, thickens, and on palpation, tuberosity is felt. The measures must be urgent. The testicle is twisted in the opposite direction, either manually or by surgery.

Varicocele is a consequence of the expansion of the veins going to the gonads. The pain is severe, the disease is usually treated promptly.

Spermatocele is a seminal cyst. This is a cavitary benign testicular formation in the form of an encysted cyst. It grows rapidly and compresses adjacent tissues, causing pain.

Inguinal hernia - the right testicle pulls and hurts with a right-sided hernia. The mechanism of pain is that the growing hernia begins to compress the ducts and spermatic cords. The testicle itself is not damaged, the pain radiates.

The cause of pulling the right testicle may be hypothermia. In severe cold, the vessels spasm and a pulling pain accompanies them. The same mechanism occurs in vascular pathologies.

Renal colic is a blockage of the ureter that compresses the pudendal nerve. The pain syndrome in this case is unilateral.

Principles of treatment

pain in right testicle
pain in right testicle

Treatment depends on the cause. When pulling the right testicle in men, treatment may include drug therapy, surgery, physiotherapy, herbal medicine.

In case of bruising and severe pain, novocaine blockade is necessary, it is carried out in an outpatient clinic. At home, cold application is indicated to reduce pain and swelling.

When orchitis conservative treatment includes the following activities. If athe etiology is infectious, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are prescribed: fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, macrolides. To relieve pain, you can take analgesics such as Analgin, Tempalgin, Ketorolac, etc. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are also indicated: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin and others.

Additionally assigned:

  • physiotherapy;
  • laser and electrotherapy;
  • UFO;
  • mineral baths and mud therapy.
  • exercise.

If there is no effect, surgical treatment is indicated.

In case of varicocele, means are prescribed to strengthen the vascular venous wall: Actovegin, Detralex, Troxerutin, Venodiol, etc.

For local treatment to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain, anti-inflammatory ointments and gels are used: Fastum-gel, Finalgon, Fenistil, etc. Such treatment is acceptable in the absence of an open wound. The ointment relieves pain in a day.

When epidermitis treatment should be comprehensive. The patient is prescribed the following types of drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • absorbable;
  • multivitamin;
  • anti-inflammatory.

For non-infectious onset, physiotherapy is indicated.

What to do if pulling the right testicle with dropsy? The doctor must be guided by the etiology. Infectious onset requires the appointment of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve swelling and inflammation, diuretics. "Veroshpiron" helps especially well. In advanced cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

Torsion requires surgery. If there is necrosis, the testicle is amputated. In other cases, the cords are untwisted.

In an inguinal hernia, first treatment is conservative:

  • wearing a brace;
  • acetic acid compresses;
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • taking NSAIDs and analgesics.

In an advanced stage, reduction of a hernia is possible only by surgery.

Prevention measures

Athletes in traumatic sports should use protective devices for the penis. It is necessary to exclude unprotected sex during promiscuity. It is important to maintain the regularity of intimacy. You can not neglect the systematic preventive examinations at the urologist. You can get vaccinated against mumps, which provokes orchitis.