Today humanity lives in adverse conditions. One of the consequences of this is the lack of iodine in the body. Lack of such an element leads to hormone surges. As a result, women show signs of thyroid disease.

It is an important organ of the human body. He is responsible for the process of producing hormones that a person needs for normal life. This gland regulates calorigen and calcium-phosphate metabolism. It represents the right and left lobes, connected by an isthmus in the central part. The gland is located in front of the neck and covers the trachea from all sides.
Women are most likely to develop the disease
Signs of thyroid disease are its enlargement, feeling tired, weight loss or increase. In the normal state, the thyroid gland has the following dimensions in proportion: 4 x 2 x 2 cm, 4-5 mm is the thickness of the isthmus. With a disease, it has deviations both in the smaller and in the larger side. This type of disruptionthyroid glands are often exposed precisely to women. This is due to their receptivity to change.

Women show signs of thyroid disease in both behavior and he alth. Symptoms include the following: fatigue, severe nervousness, weight changes, dry hair and skin, muscle pain, hormonal changes. Women are characterized by irregularities associated with the menstrual cycle. Thyroid disorders can cause fertility problems.
What thyroid diseases exist
If the body produces little hormones, then it is hypothyroidism, and if an increased amount is hyperthyroidism. Shortage or excessive amount of hormones entails a change in the work of all tissues and organs.
Distinguish the following types of thyroid disease:
- The photo below is a thyroid goiter. It is characterized by an increase in the size of the organ, which causes difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Basically, surgery is required to remove some of the tissue.
- There are congenital anomalies (absence or underdevelopment of the thyroid gland, incorrect location).
- There are single thyroid nodes. They are safe for he alth, but can sometimes cause thyroid cancer.
- Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased activity of the gland. It produces many hormones. Treatment: partial or complete removal of the organ, the appointment of drugs that suppress the functionglands, as well as the use of radioactive iodine.
- A diagnosis of "hypothyroidism" is made, when the activity of the gland is reduced, there is a deficiency of hormones. Treatment: use of hormone replacement drugs.
- Another ailment of this organ is thyroiditis. This is an inflammation of the gland. Usually conservative treatment. With a purulent form - surgical intervention.

How they treat
Before starting the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to find out the history of its development, conduct a palpation study, study the level of hormones, antibodies and other indicators. You should observe the behavior of the patient, ask her about her well-being. Indeed, in women, signs of thyroid disease are characterized by mood changes and increased temper.
For the primary diagnostic method, ultrasound is used, and then radionuclide scanning, ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Based on their results, the doctor determines the diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.