Inflammatory process in the liver, often of viral origin, experts call hepatitis. The name comes from the Greek word which means "liver". Hepatitis is divided into several types, each of which occurs in acute or chronic form. Moreover, in the second case, during the gradual displacement of hepatocytes and their replacement with other cells, the development of cirrhosis or oncological diseases occurs.
Types and forms of hepatitis
This is a serious liver disease, which is dangerous by inflammation of a vital organ with further death of its individual sections. The result of treatment depends on a number of factors: the causes of the disease, timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment, the general condition of the patient.

Medics distinguish two main forms of hepatitis:
- Spicy,which develops rapidly over several days. The disease in an acute form may be the result of infection with the hepatitis virus or poisoning with medicines, toxins.
- Chronic hepatitis occurs due to acute viral hepatitis B or C, as well as autoimmune diseases, long-term use of certain types of drugs.
General symptoms of the disease
The symptoms of hepatitis are quite typical. Treatment with folk remedies is allowed only after receiving the results of laboratory tests. Hepatitis occurs due to disorders of bilirubin metabolism. In case of violation of the liver, it accumulates in the blood and spreads throughout the body, being deposited in the mucous membranes and skin, giving them a yellowish tint. Most often, during a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver, which partially enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, the patient experiences itching: being deposited in the skin, bile acids strongly irritate it.
Patients complain of pain in the right hypochondrium. Due to violations of the digestive function of the liver, as a rule, there is no appetite, belching, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth.

Bruising occurs at the slightest injury, because the liver does not produce special proteins and enzymes involved in the blood clotting process. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor at home, having discovered signs of the disease. Treatment of hepatitis with folk remedies at home is strictly prohibited until a doctor's examination and diagnosis.
Modern classification of the disease can be represented as follows:
- Infectious (viral) hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
- Bacterial hepatitis develops with a human infectious disease - leptospirosis, as well as syphilis.
- Toxic hepatitis: medicinal, alcoholic. Develop with chemical poisoning.
- Radiation hepatitis accompanies radiation sickness.
- Autoimmune hepatitis, according to experts, develop due to hereditary predisposition. In this case, the patient's immune system perceives liver cells as foreign. The body begins to produce antibodies to the elements of this tissue.

Viral hepatitis is the most widespread and dangerous group of infectious diseases. They are caused by different viruses, and therefore they differ in symptoms and course of the disease.
Hepatitis A
Perhaps the most common type of viral hepatitis. Its incubation period can last from 7 to 50 days. Initially, the disease is manifested by fever and a condition that is very similar to a cold. After 2-4 days, the patient's urine darkens. It becomes the color of strong tea, and the feces become almost colorless. Then the skin and sclera of the eyes turn yellow. The duration of the disease is from a week to two months, and the rehabilitation period can last up to six months.
Treatment with traditional methods
According to doctors, hepatitis A has the most favorablethe prognosis for a cure, since it does not cause severe complications. As a rule, the treatment of this hepatitis is carried out in the infectious department of the hospital. Patients are prescribed bed rest, a special diet and hepatoprotectors - effective drugs that protect the liver. It is recommended to combine traditional hepatitis treatment with folk remedies.
Herbal collection for hepatitis A
To make it, you need to mix two tablespoons (tea) of valerian root, barberry bark, peppermint leaves, hawthorn flowers. Pour the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Such a drug should be taken half a cup twice a day: in the morning - before breakfast and in the evening - before bedtime.

Infusion of wild rose and mountain ash
Rowan and rosehip will help with hepatitis A. Mix two teaspoons of rowan and rosehip berries and pour a glass of hot water. The resulting remedy must be consumed three times a day, two teaspoons.
Hepatitis B
It is also called serum hepatitis. This is a more dangerous disease, which is characterized by severe damage to the liver by a DNA-containing virus. Infection occurs through sexual contact, through blood, from mother to fetus. As a rule, the pathology begins with a sharp increase in body temperature, joint pain, general weakness, nausea and vomiting. A change in the color of urine and feces is not always noted. For hepatitis B, jaundice is not typical. Liver damage can be very severe and in especially advanced cases leads tocancer and cirrhosis of the liver.
Traditional Medicine Methods
Hepatitis B treatment aims at:
- facilitate the general condition of the patient;
- fight the virus;
- removal of symptoms of toxicosis;
- elimination of liver tissue lesions.
In the acute course of the disease, there is no special treatment. Medical assistance is aimed at maintaining a satisfactory state of he alth of the patient, replacing the fluid that is excreted from the body during vomiting and diarrhea. Chronic hepatitis B requires treatment, which includes antiviral drugs.

Used in treatment:
- antiviral drugs from the interferon group;
- immunostimulatory therapy;
- drip administration of medicinal solutions to relieve symptoms of intoxication;
- drugs are used to support the liver and its functions;
- enzymes to improve digestion;
- choleretics;
- vitamins needed to strengthen the body and restore metabolic processes;
- diet and fractional nutrition;
- gentle regime and complete physical and psychological rest.
After completion of treatment, doctors prescribe a long course of interferon, which is necessary to restore the immune system. Treatment of hepatitis B folk remedies is possible only with the approval and under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication can provoke irreversible consequences.
Milk thistle treatment
This plant is well known to traditional healers due to its beneficial effects on liver tissue. Milk thistle contains many useful substances, oils.

Decoction of seeds is not difficult to prepare. Pre-crushed seeds (30 grams), pour 500 ml of hot water and put on a slow fire until the volume is halved. After this, the broth must be filtered and cooled to room temperature. Take this remedy one spoon (tablespoon). The course of treatment lasts two months.
Soda Treatment
Make juice from a whole lemon, add baking soda (teaspoon) to it. Mix the composition thoroughly. The medicine should be taken half an hour before breakfast, immediately after preparation, so that the drug does not lose its medicinal properties. Soda is taken for three days, then they take a break for three days, after which the course is continued. Treatment of hepatitis at home with folk remedies can be done using only lemon, without soda.
Treatment with lemon
Lemon is a powerful healing agent with many healing properties. Lemon juice is used to effectively treat hepatitis with folk remedies. Traditional healers keep many recipes for the preparation of medicines based on it, which help fight this disease. We will present you only two of them.
Mix a liter of lemon, carrot and orange juice. Add the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons to this mixture. Take this remedy one glass a day, dividing it into fouradmission, within two weeks

Lemon and birch sap are mixed (per liter). The juice of one lemon is added to them. They take the composition in the same way as in the first case
ASD in the treatment of hepatitis
ASD is an antiseptic, Dorogov's stimulant. The unique remedy has an antiseptic, stimulating, wound-healing effect. The drug restores damaged liver tissue, has a powerful anti-inflammatory property. It should be taken under the supervision of the attending physician, who will prescribe the necessary dosage and duration of treatment.
Hepatitis C
This is one of the most severe forms of viral hepatitis, which quite often affects very young people. In recent years, the incidence of hepatitis C has increased significantly. Most often, infection occurs through non-sterile syringes, blood transfusions, much less often - from mother to fetus or sexually.
Doctors say that you can get hepatitis C and fully recover. However, the probability of such a result is no more than 20% of the number of cases. In other cases, chronic hepatitis develops, which can lead to liver cirrhosis or cancer.
You can become a carrier of hepatitis C. In the carrier's body, viruses multiply without causing much harm to him. These people have no signs of hepatitis, liver tests are normal. However, latent progression of the disease is also possible. Those infected should be under constant medical supervision, as they remain at risk of disease activation. Sickreceives medical care only in a hospital.
When this type of hepatitis is combined with other viral forms, the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply and even lead to death. That is why the treatment of hepatitis "C" with folk remedies cannot be considered the main method. It can only be an addition to complex therapy.
Treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies
It should be understood that such a serious disease is not quickly cured. You should not take seriously the rave reviews flashing in various publications about the treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies. It is a long and strenuous journey to healing. And it should also be taken into account at what stage of development the disease was detected. Self-treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies should in no case be an alternative to conservative methods in a hospital. Only an experienced doctor can choose the right therapy for each patient.

Medicinal infusions
Medicines combined with medicinal infusions help fight this insidious disease. For the preparation of infusions are used:
- jujube (fruit);
- rosehip;
- corn silk.
Medicinal infusions are prepared on the basis of these plants. To do this, pour 50 grams of dry raw materials with boiling water (0.5 l) and boil over low heat for half an hour. When the composition has cooled to room temperature, strain and take 100 ml on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is a month. Then you should break for twoweeks of treatment, and after that, if necessary, the course is repeated.
Honey treatment
Many people know the unique healing properties of natural honey. This product has a bactericidal property, has a powerful choleretic effect. It improves well-being and slows down the pathological process. Treatment of chronic hepatitis with folk remedies based on honey is recommended.
Honey drink is the easiest and most effective preparation. It allows, with regular use, to improve the patient's condition in the treatment of hepatitis C of the liver with folk remedies. In a glass of boiled warm water, dissolve one or two tablespoons (tea) of natural honey. The drink is taken in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
Some healers recommend replacing boiled water with still mineral water. To enhance the healing properties of the drink, you can add a slice of lemon to it. Some patients find it more convenient to prepare a mixture of lemon and honey.

A medium-sized lemon must be thoroughly washed and finely grated along with the peel. Add 10 teaspoons of honey to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. To prepare a healing drink, dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of water.
In the treatment of viral hepatitis C with folk remedies, you can use a honey drink with the addition of apple cider vinegar, which gently cleanses the liver and enhances the healing properties of honey. In this case, add a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of drink.
This is another veryeffective remedy in the treatment of hepatitis. Dissolve 15 grams of mummy in half a liter of boiling water. Take this medicine daily, three times a day, a teaspoon before meals.
Medicated hepatitis
Reactive inflammation of the liver that occurs while taking certain types of medications that have the ability to poison liver tissue cells is called drug-induced or drug-induced hepatitis. This is a dangerous condition that often puts clinicians before a choice, since some drugs, on the one hand, are necessary for treatment, and on the other hand, have hepatotoxic side effects.
Medicated hepatitis can manifest itself in two forms: acute, which manifests itself suddenly and rapidly, and against the backdrop of a rather favorable clinical picture. Signs of toxic damage are growing rapidly and can cause the development of complications. In the chronic form, drug derivatives accumulate in the body. Then they begin to act destructively on the cells and tissues of the liver.
First I would like to say that drug-induced hepatitis can be prevented by taking enterosorbents. The most common of them include activated carbon and Enterosgel. In the treatment of drug-induced hepatitis with folk remedies, preparations based on milk thistle seeds show good results.
In the treatment of drug-induced hepatitis, fresh dill water with honey is very useful. Dill seeds (two tablespoons) should be infused for half an hour in 400 ml of boiling water. Then add a spoonful of honey to the infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day. Such a potion will restore the liver.
It is very important in drug-induced hepatitis, as in any other inflammation of the liver, to follow a diet. During treatment, avoid spices, fatty and spicy foods, fried foods.
Toxic hepatitis
Unfortunately, this is a fairly common disease that develops as a result of exposure to toxic substances on the liver. Most often, damage to this vital organ occurs after exposure to harmful production factors, alcohol, drugs, bacterial viral toxins.
The disease is extremely dangerous, it requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. It, like other types of hepatitis, can be acute and chronic. You should know that the treatment of chronic hepatitis with folk remedies does not always lead to the desired result. That is why early diagnosis is so important. In official medicine, a number of measures have been developed to treat this disease, which give excellent results if treatment is started on time.
Treatment of toxic hepatitis with folk remedies experts refer, rather, to preventive measures. In addition, it can be used during the recovery period. This is due to the fact that during treatment the body is subjected to a large load. Folk remedies are not so powerful as to relieve acute poisoning and severe damage to liver tissues. But during the recovery period, traditional medicine, on the contrary, can have a beneficialeffects on the body.
You can use a firming agent, which is quite easy to prepare. To do this, you need 250 grams of prunes, dried apricots, figs and raisins, which should be chopped with a blender. The resulting mass must be mixed and add 100 grams of natural honey. Ground ginger, cumin, cinnamon (a teaspoon) are added to the therapeutic composition. Mix well again and refrigerate for three days. Add the juice of half a lemon and take a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is a month.
Fortifying Herbal Tea
This drink, according to herbalists, is able to remove harmful substances and restore liver cells. To prepare, pour boiling water (300 ml) over two teaspoons of tea rose petals (dry) and a tablespoon of wild rose (fruits). After 30 minutes, the product is ready for use. If desired, add a spoonful of honey.
Patient testimonials
People who have been treated for hepatitis confirm the opinion of representatives of official medicine that folk remedies in the treatment of any form of hepatitis can be used as an additional tool in complex therapy. Taking them as an alternative to traditional treatment will not lead to a cure, and in some cases may only aggravate the situation. The use of any folk remedies for hepatitis should be agreed with your doctor.