Acute allergic reactions: causes, symptoms, classification and treatment features

Acute allergic reactions: causes, symptoms, classification and treatment features
Acute allergic reactions: causes, symptoms, classification and treatment features

Acute allergic reaction is a pathology that manifests itself under the condition of exposure to an external stimulus on the human body, thereby causing hypersensitivity. May be mild or severe.

child's allergy
child's allergy


The cause of an allergic reaction on the skin is an increased sensitivity (hypersensitivity) of the immune system to foreign substances-irritants. Such substances are called allergens (antigens). These types of irritants are:

  1. Poisons of wasps, bees.
  2. Pollen from various plant and flower species, dust.
  3. Food (dairy products, eggs, various nuts).
  4. Medicines (antibiotics, diagnostics, antipyretics).
  5. Pet hair (especially cat hair).

Once in the body, the pathogen affects the cells associated with antibodies of the immunoglobulin class. As a result, they secrete a substance that causes damage to body tissues. It is also worth noting that an acute allergic reaction occurs due to malfunctions in the immune functions.organism. The inability of the immune system to adequately respond to stimuli leads to the release of histamine. It causes itching, inflammation, swelling.


There are two types of allergic reactions that differ in their manifestation:

  • Lungs. This type includes seasonal rhinitis and conjunctivitis, urticaria.
  • Heavy. Among them are anaphylactic shock, generalized urticaria, acute stenosis of the larynx and others.
  • foods that cause allergies
    foods that cause allergies


There are different symptoms for each type of allergic reaction.

  • Quincke's edema appears in the face, hands, scrotum, scalp of the patient, throat, stomach, intestines.
  • Appears as an edematous tumor in open areas of the skin, causes suffocation, cough, hoarseness in the throat.
  • For formations in the stomach or intestines, vomiting, colic in the intestinal region, vomiting are characteristic.
  • Anaphylactic shock is manifested by a drop in pressure and stuffy ears (with a moderate reaction).
  • Also, in severe reactions, the allergen can cause itching, swelling of the larynx, hives (manifested as itchy raised blisters), abdominal pain, loss of consciousness.
  • Generalized urticaria accompanied by fever, severe itching, fever, arthralgia. It flows on the surface of the skin of the hands, back, neck, legs. Characterized by large red blisters (similar to nettle burn).
  • Acute allergic conjunctivitis develops onsurface of the eye and surrounding tissues. The visual features of conjunctivitis are reddening of the tissues of the eye, burst capillaries around the eyeball. Accompanied by watery eyes, sensitivity to light, runny nose, headache, weakness.
  • Allergic rhinitis is a disease of the nasal mucosa. Usually an additional symptom of more serious allergies. Symptoms of an acute disease are nasal breathing disorders, copious discharge of mucus from the nose, temperature, swelling of the mucous membrane.

Acute laryngeal edema

Acute laryngeal edema is a severe allergic reaction characterized by tissue swelling. There are inflammatory and non-inflammatory types. At the same time, the lumen of the larynx becomes narrower. Edema can be acute or chronic. A feeling of the presence of a foreign body appears in the throat, the voice changes and pains appear. The lumen of the larynx narrows, and this is dangerous by suffocation. Men from eighteen to thirty-five years are more often ill. The reasons are different:

  1. Allergy - possible to animal dander, plant pollen, various foods and medicines.
  2. Inflammation in the throat - may appear in children with laryngitis, and in adults with phlegmon.
  3. Injuries - foreign body or chemical burns.
  4. Infections - measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever.
  5. Neoplasms - may be tumors. Malignant and benign.
  6. Various purulent diseases, such as phlegmon and abscesses in the neck.

The most dangerous of the complications is stenosis of the larynx. He is fraughtsuffocation. The patient takes a forced position to make it easier to breathe. If swelling is suspected, you should immediately call an ambulance, immediately go to the hospital and visit an otolaryngologist. He will definitely perform a laryngoscopy.

allergy pathogens
allergy pathogens

Quincke's edema

With this allergic reaction (ICD 10 - T78.3), the skin, subcutaneous fat, and mucous membrane swell. In this case, the urinary, nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems are involved. The swelling starts suddenly. It develops in the lower layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat. It is very painful, but there is no itching. Usually resolves in about seventy-two hours with proper treatment. Edema begins to appear when in contact with certain allergens. Regardless of the reasons, the level of histamine in the body rises. Quincke's edema is of two types:

  • Acute - on unexpected contact.
  • Acute recurrent, recurring in attacks for six months.

An allergic reaction on the skin is as follows:

  1. Pain appears, burning sensation.
  2. The lesion is asymmetric.
  3. Skin color turns pale pink.

Mainly affects the scalp, pharynx, hands, tongue, genitals, back of the feet. If the larynx swells, then the voice becomes hoarse, breathing is difficult, there is a feeling of suffocation.

In children, swelling occurs anywhere on the body and requires special attention. Manifested by loss of consciousnesshives-like eruptions, abdominal pains, nausea and vomiting. The larynx is often affected, which can lead to suffocation and death.

First aid is to immediately call an ambulance with a detailed description of the situation. It is necessary to stop the allergen from entering the body and give an antihistamine.


Urticaria fever is an allergic reaction (ICD code 10 - T78.3), in which itchy blisters of different sizes appear on the body. In general, urticaria is symptomatic and is not an independent disease. It can manifest itself as an allergic shock, bronchial asthma, from an autoimmune disease. Rarely enough, urticaria occurs on its own, without symptoms.

According to the data, urticaria often affects women from the age of majority to adulthood. According to studies, it was found that urticaria also appears due to hormonal disorders, which is typical for girls and women. To identify this disease, an examination by a dermatologist is enough, which will easily make the correct diagnosis.

Factors that provoke hives are:

1. External:

  • burning sun;
  • bitter cold;
  • water;
  • vibrations;
  • all kinds of allergens;
  • drug allergic reactions;
  • mechanical effects.

2. Domestic:

  • infectious diseases;
  • immune disorders;
  • malnutrition.
  • hives in a woman
    hives in a woman

Prevention of urticaria

There are a number of guidelines to follow for hives:

  • use warm but not hot water for hygiene purposes;
  • when choosing a soap, it is necessary to give preference to a more gentle and soft one;
  • use cotton towel after bath;
  • avoid sunlight;
  • Aspirin is prohibited.

Anaphylactic shock

Such an allergic reaction (ICD 10 - T78.0) of the human body, like anaphylactic shock, is an acute manifestation of an allergy to some external irritant. Preferably, such symptoms occur when the allergen re-enters a weakened body that cannot produce certain antibodies to fight it.

Anaphylaxis is incredibly dangerous because of the instantaneous negative reaction of all vital human systems. Its development can last from a couple of seconds to several hours from the moment a person interacts with an irritant. If during this period the patient is not provided with timely and qualified medical care, this can lead to death in just an hour from the moment the reaction occurs.

It strikes a person regardless of age. This allergic reaction in a child occurs at least as often as in adults.

This process occurs due to the fact that during the contact of the allergen with certain antibodies, which are designed to protect the whole organism, specific substances are produced -histamine, bradykinin and serotonin, which, in turn, affects the deterioration of blood circulation in the body, and also has a negative impact on all the vital systems of the victim, including the disorder of muscle, digestive and respiratory functions. This could result in the death of the patient.

Also, due to circulatory disorders, all internal organs begin to suffer from oxygen starvation, including the brain, which, in turn, can cause severe dizziness, loss of consciousness and even a stroke.

allergy therapy
allergy therapy

Acute toxic allergies

Acute allergic reactions are the development of sensitivity of the body's immune systems to endogenous pathogens.

The following symptoms indicate an exacerbation of an allergic reaction:

  • Formation of blisters accompanied by itching.
  • Occurrence of swelling of the larynx.
  • The appearance of hypotension.
  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Loss of consciousness.

What other allergic reactions are there besides the ones listed above? Food, Lyell's syndrome, chemical, pollen.

Lyell Syndrome

Lyell's syndrome is the appearance of toxic allergic reactions to medications. As a rule, this type of allergy is manifested due to infectious, viral and bacterial diseases. The main groups of drugs that cause this reaction are antibiotics and sulfonamides.


  • Heat temperature appears.
  • Manifestationbody intoxication.
  • Mucosal lesions.
  • The appearance of hives.
  • Development of surface erosion.
  • Symptoms of a clotting disorder appear.

Organs are significantly affected due to intoxication: heart, kidneys and liver. The treatment for this type of allergy is to stop the dangerous allergic substances from entering the body. It is also necessary to say that in the event of this type of allergic reaction, you should immediately consult a doctor. To stop the toxic effects of toxins, abundant drinking and washing procedures are prescribed. Along with this, substances containing a sufficient amount of enzymes are prescribed. Allergic rashes and erosions are lubricated with special ointments to accelerate the healing of the skin. If you experience any symptoms of allergic reactions, consult a doctor immediately, as the development of acute manifestations with toxic reactions can be fatal.

drug allergy
drug allergy


Allergic reactions can be cured in the following ways.

  • Bay leaf to the rescue! A decoction of the leaves perfectly relieves itching and redness. If you want to "remove the skin" from the body, then it is better to take a bath, use oil or tincture of bay leaves.
  • Shell - goodbye allergy forever! You will need: white shells crushed in a coffee grinder; 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Dosage and administration: children over 14 years old and adults - 1 teaspoon 1 time per day. Children 6-12 months -a pinch on the tip of a knife. In 1-2 years - twice as much. 2-7 years old - 1/2 teaspoon each. Be sure to drink water! Course - from 1 to 6 months.
  • "Chat" allergies. Ingredients: distilled water, vodka, white clay, anestezin (1 cube), baby powder, diphenhydramine (optional). Mix everything and process the skin.
  • Black cumin - a blow to allergies! Black cumin oil is a reliable protection against seasonal sneezes. It must be used for inhalation.
  • Series - forget about itching forever! A decoction of this plant is necessary to treat the skin or take baths with it.
  • Wedge with a wedge! In case of allergic reactions, it is advisable to add nettle to your diet. It will not only help get rid of itching, but also protect the immune system.
  • Without chamomile - as without hands! For the treatment of dermatitis, steamed leaves should be applied to the skin.
  • Kalinka vs Malinka! With severe itching, it is recommended to infuse young shoots of red berries and consume inside.
  • "Heavy Artillery"! Helps with advanced allergies. Mix: wild rose, centaury, St. John's wort, corn stigmas, dandelion root, horsetail. Put in a thermos and pour boiling water. Let it brew for 7 hours, strain and drink until the dermatitis disappears.
  • Soda is a universal helper! You need to stir half a teaspoon of soda in water. Take on an empty stomach. After eating nothing for 30 minutes. A topical soda solution will enhance the effect.
  • allergic reaction in a child
    allergic reaction in a child

When acutean allergic reaction, you should immediately contact a specialist, namely, call an ambulance. Then proceed to emergency care. It goes in this order.

  1. Set the type of allergic reaction. Remove a possible irritant from the patient.
  2. If the patient has anaphylactic shock, it is necessary to give him a supine position (head lower than legs), turn his head to the side, push the lower jaw. If there are skills - to enter intravenously or intramuscularly epinephrine. Dosage - no more than 1 ml. Then send the patient to the intensive care unit.
  3. If urticaria or Quincke's edema occurs, the patient is given enterosorbents, alkaline water, an enema.

If there is a tendency to an allergic reaction, the main thing is to protect yourself from exposure to the irritant and minimize any contact with it. Then the probability of occurrence of pathology will be equal to zero.
