Different diseases are represented by a variety of symptoms. And it is thanks to such reactions of the body that doctors are determined with diagnoses. Now I want to consider the symptoms of Ortner, Murphy: when they are activated and what problems with the body indicate.

A little bit about diseases
Initially, it should be noted that the Murphy reaction is a symptom that is most often an indicator of a disease such as cholecystitis (this is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder). However, it can also occur with inflammation of the appendicitis. Again, the diagnosis is made after palpation of a certain area on the human body, as a result of which the patient reacts in a special way to the pressure of the doctor.
What is Murphy's sign
You also need to understand the term itself. This reaction of the body is named after the scientist Murphy. This symptom is manifested as a result of the actions of the doctor, that is, palpation of a certain area of the body.
- With cholecystitis, the doctor presses a little in the right hypochondrium of the patient. The doctor's hand should be positioned so that the thumb is just below the costal arch, that is, approximately in the area where the gallbladder is located.bubble. The remaining fingers are located along the edge of the costal arch. The doctor asks the patient to take a deep breath. If it is painful or impossible, we can say that Murphy's symptom is positive. That is, a person has suspicions of cholecystitis.
- If we are talking about appendicitis and even started peritonitis, then there will be a dulling of percussion sound on the right side of the body.

What do the statistics show?
Speaking of Murphy's symptom, it should also be noted that this indicator is not always manifested in patients with cholecystitis. This happens only in about a third of patients. That is why it is important to note that it is unwise to make a diagnosis on the basis of a symptom alone. Moreover, this is a very specific indicator.
A non-classical way to identify Murphy's sign
In medical dictionaries, you can also find a slightly different way of defining a disease according to Murphy's symptom. In this case, the patient will not need to lie on his back. So, the doctor will need to grab the patient's torso with his left hand so that the thumb is located in the right hypochondrium area. Next, the patient will need to exhale, as a result of which the finger will have to sink deep into the body. Then you have to take a breath. If pain occurs at the moment, doctors tend to say that Murphy's symptom is positive. But in this case, it should be noted that this method of determining the positiveness of the reaction is applicable to small people or children. With large-bodiedpatients, this method of diagnosis will be completely irrelevant.
A few words about Ortner's symptom
This is also a symptom that may indicate a problem solely as a result of pain. This diagnostic method is based on tapping the edge of the costal arch of the patient (on the right side). If pain is present at the moment, then Ortner's symptom is considered positive. But there is also a checkpoint here. So, for accuracy, it is necessary to carry out similar manipulations on the left side of the body. If soreness occurs here, it is not about cholecystitis. We need to look for another problem. Or, alternatively, make sure the patient's words are true.

Other similar symptoms of gallbladder problems
No one will argue that Murphy's symptom with cholecystitis is not the only indicator of this disease. So, it is important to take into account other nuances. It is interesting to note that there are quite a few so-called bladder symptoms. These are indicators bearing the names of such scientists as Vasilenko (a symptom is useful in the early stages of the disease), Kera (soreness on inspiration), Mussi-Georgievsky (pain on palpation of the muscle), Riesman (tapping along the edges of the costal arch is necessary when holding the breath), Boas and Lepena.