Illnesses of the eyes are quite dangerous for a person, because they can provoke a complete loss of vision. In order to avoid such complications, experts recommend paying special attention to this organ, paying attention to the slightest modifications. Therefore, it is necessary to know the symptoms and immediate causes of the formation of retinal angiosclerosis.
Angiosclerosis of the retina - what is it?

What kind of ailment is this and how it can directly affect vision, worries most patients. Experts note that angiosclerosis of the retina develops against the background of hypertension. The main result of the disease is the modification of the fundus and functional disorders in general. Therefore, depending on the degree of damage, angiosclerosis of the retina will be different. In the process of deformation of the vessels of the fundus, the arteries acquire a varied thickness and a curved appearance. Sometimes there is a processblockage of blood vessels. Tellingly, this stage of the course of the disease is complemented by the symptoms of Salus-Hun. The immediate consequences of the development of the disease can be:
- Signs of blurred vision.
- Myopia.
- Retinal dystrophy.
Causes of disease
Angiosclerosis of the retina is an exacerbation of hypertension. In the initial periods, patients with high blood pressure develop retinal angiopathy, which manifests itself in a direct modification of the eye vessels. As a rule, due to mutability, the vessels become curvy and lose their flexibility.

Specialists note that retinal angiosclerosis is the 2nd stage of angiopathy. Progression of the disease leads to holistic vascular thrombosis and structured modifications of the retina.
Retinal angiosclerosis without proper treatment can cause blindness.
Existing types and accompanying symptoms
Specialists identify 4 types of disease formation:
- Diabetic. This disease can develop against the background of improper treatment of diabetes mellitus. Doctors distinguish 2 subspecies of the disease: macro- and microangiopathy. In the second case, there is a direct decrease in the capillary walls, which is fraught with circulatory disorders. With macroangiopathy, large vessels are subject to modifications. As a rule, in the process of the development of the disease, there is a decrease in the lumen of the vessels, these changes can provoke a blockage. If aIf the disease is not detected in a timely manner and appropriate treatment is not carried out, complications such as hemorrhages, blurred vision, and tissue hypoxia may occur.
- Hypertonic. With this form of the disease, there is a direct expansion of the veins of the fundus, a decrease in arteries, and hemorrhages. At this stage, there is a modification of the tissues of the retina. But, as experts say, with the right treatment, you can restore the organ.
- Hypotonic. With this form, the arteries expand.
- Traumatic. It is noted with injuries of the brain and spine.
Hypertensive retinal angiopathy

Hypertensive angiopathy is the initial stage in the formation of hypertension. Immediate signs are vascular disorders and pressure fluctuations. The initial stage, as a rule, does not affect the vessels. But with their stay for a long time in an expanded form, hyperemia of the fundus begins. According to experts, this provokes the occurrence of compression of the artery.
Second stage of disease development
Hypertensive angiosclerosis of the retina is the next stage in the modification of the fundus. As a rule, during this period of the development of the disease, the following modifications are observed:
- thickens the lining of the arteries;
- tortuosity increases;
- color changes.
According to experts, sometimes arterial vessels become so thin that they become threadlike.
Suchmodifications can provoke the occurrence of thrombosis, aneurysm and bleeding. Sometimes the optic nerves are also modified.

It should also be noted that retinal angiosclerosis is diagnosed by the presence of Salus-Hun signs. Tellingly, there are 12 of these symptoms, but doctors are guided by the main three. They include the following manifestations:
- The presence of a sclerosed elastic artery that directly crosses the vein, thereby pushing through it. As a result, it slightly bends.
- 2nd stage. The vein bends more, as a result of which it takes on an arcuate shape. The fold is clearly visible.
- At the intersection, the vein becomes almost invisible.
This kind of modification should be treated with complex therapy under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and a therapist. First of all, medications are used to lower blood pressure.
Hypertensive angioretinopathy and neuroretinopathy
Angioretinopathy and neuroretinopathy are the next stages in the development of the disease. At this stage of the development of the disease, increased vascular permeability is noted, which contributes to the occurrence of hemorrhages, swelling and whitish foci. At this stage of progression, retinal vessels are retracted. According to experts, bleeding can manifest itself in the form of petechiae or strokes.
Dashes indicate direct injury to large networks of the basilar retinal artery andaggravation of the general condition of the patient. White lesions in the area of the yellow ring provokes visual impairment.
As evidenced by the reviews of experts, the manifested angiosclerosis of the retina of both eyes at the stage of neuroretinopathy indicates an unfavorable prognosis for both vision and life of the patient.
Angiosclerosis treatment
First of all, the specialist must correctly diagnose angiosclerosis of the retina. Treatment of this disease can not be done independently. Since an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment will help to avoid complications of the disease.

Therapy usually involves lowering blood pressure. It is also possible to use medications that contribute to:
- atherosclerosis treatment;
- improve metabolism;
- eliminate opacities located on the fundus.
If the treatments used do not bring the desired result, then laser coagulation can be used.
Reason for diagnosing angiosclerosis in newborns
This kind of illness in babies can be triggered by trauma at the time of birth. During childbirth, intracranial pressure in the baby may increase, which provokes swelling of the optic nerve and leads to a disorder of blood circulation in the vessels.
Specialists note that this pathology is quite rare and does not require special treatment.
Disease prevention
To prevent the development of such an eye disease, expertsrecommend not to neglect basic preventive measures. These include the following requirements:
- It is necessary to control that the room has the correct lighting during work.
- Should not be read in transport.
- When sitting at the computer for a long time, you should take breaks so that your eyes can rest.
- Do gymnastics for the eyes.
- Follow your diet.

Also, various methods of alternative therapy can be used to prevent the disease. In order not to harm the body and not provoke an aggravation of the disease, all manipulations should be coordinated with a specialist. Only a doctor diagnoses angiosclerosis of the retina. What it is and what complications can occur with improper treatment, we have analyzed in the proposed article.