Can breasts hurt during menopause? How menopause begins in women: symptoms

Can breasts hurt during menopause? How menopause begins in women: symptoms
Can breasts hurt during menopause? How menopause begins in women: symptoms

Can breasts hurt during menopause? Many women have heard of hot flashes and mood swings, dramatic aging of the skin and dryness in the vagina caused by aging, but the mammary glands usually stay away from this process. In fact, chest pains may well be observed during menopause. In some cases, this is a variant of the norm, but sometimes it is a sign of pathology.

What is menopause, periods and characteristics

Age-related changes associated with the decline of reproductive function often frighten women. The production of sex hormones decreases, menstruation eventually stops, so that the woman can no longer perform her main function. The process is accompanied by many symptoms: the bone and cardiovascular systems become vulnerable, the mucous membranes become thinner, the load on the psyche increases, and sometimes memory impairments may appear. But the unpleasant symptoms of menopauseare not characteristic of every woman, in addition, they can be expressed in varying degrees of severity. Prematurely tune in to the worst is not worth it.

at what age does menopause start in women
at what age does menopause start in women

How does menopause begin in women? Symptoms are not only the cessation of discharge. A profound change in the concentration of hormones leads to changes throughout the body. That is why you need to prepare in advance for such a period in a woman’s life. The first signs can be very different. Can breasts hurt during menopause? More often, women experience hot flashes in the upper body. This state lasts from one to three minutes. There is insomnia, headache, there may be mood swings or even depression. Pain in the mammary glands can also be.

You can definitely recognize the onset of menopause by the nature of the menstrual cycle. With age, the discharge becomes more scarce, the intervals between periods lengthen. This leads to the complete attenuation of menstruation. However, a woman can no longer conceive and bear a child. The process of attenuation of the reproductive function is quite long: more than one year may pass before the cessation of menstruation.

At what age does menopause begin

At what age does menopause begin in women? Internally, the body begins to rebuild long before the first external signs appear. Starting from the age of thirty-five, the work of the ovaries gradually fades away. This is due to the fact that there is a certain number of follicles for a woman's life. Ten to twenty follicles mature every month,but only one of them becomes an ovum that can be fertilized and give life. Menstruation on average stops at 49-51 years. But this indicator is individual. Menopause can be either early (34-36 years old) or late (54-56 years old).

how does menopause begin in women symptoms
how does menopause begin in women symptoms

At what age does menopause begin in women? It depends on the onset of menopause in close relatives. Ask your mother about how she survived this period, at what age she began to notice the first changes when her periods stopped. Most likely, your changes will occur in about the same number of years. You can delay the onset of menopause by contacting a doctor. The gynecologist will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations. Hormone replacement therapy will then be recommended.

Why chest pain is possible

Can breasts hurt during menopause? That's quite possible. Often women associate discomfort with an unstable hormonal balance, but chest pain during menopause is always caused by the concentration of sex hormones. Why does the chest hurt during menopause? Not the last role in this matter is played by:

  1. Diseases of other organs and systems. With osteochondrosis and heart problems, which develop more actively during menopause, pain may appear.
  2. Changes in fatty acids. In the mammary glands, a lot of space is devoted to adipose tissue. Therefore, acid imbalance does not go unnoticed by the process.
  3. Chronic stress. The mammary glands can suffer due to an unstable psycho-emotional background. tearfulness,irritability, mood swings - all these are unfavorable factors in which chest pains appear.
  4. Bad habits. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes negatively affect the state of adipose tissue, interfere with normal blood circulation and interfere with metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Conceiving during premenopause. If during menopause the breast is swollen and sore, and menstruation does not begin, then this may be due to pregnancy. The female reproductive system during this difficult period retains the likelihood of conception, although it is very small. The discharge of a clear liquid from the chest during menopause is also possible precisely because of pregnancy.
  6. Injuries (including previous ones). A woman could have been injured a very long time ago, but they respond with pain precisely during the period of weakening of the body.
  7. Drugs. The constant use of drugs affects the chemical reactions in the body.
  8. Lack of progestins. In this case, pain is felt in the nipples.
  9. Mastopathy. This disease occurs when the concentration of the hormone estrogen is high. This happens when you take hormonal drugs incorrectly, including oral contraceptives.
  10. Oncological diseases. During menopause, the breasts can suffer due to cancer, so doctors advise you to regularly undergo a complete examination and take tests. This should be done once or twice a year.
can breasts hurt during menopause
can breasts hurt during menopause

Breast Enlargement: Is It Normal

Can it be with menopauseto hurt the chest as it was with the growth of the mammary glands during pregnancy? The breast grows up to 20-25 years, and during the bearing of the child, it increases in size to ensure lactation. But breast enlargement after 45 is a concern for many women. In most cases, breast enlargement and minor pain are normal. This process is caused by the growth of adipose tissue.

The volume of adipose tissue increases under the influence of several factors. If the diet contains a lot of high-calorie and fatty foods, and the incoming calories are not completely consumed, then a fat "depot" is formed. This is caused by a lack of physical activity, as well as a decrease in the amount of estrogen. This function is now taken over by lipid tissue.

All of the above processes can be accompanied by pain. But all processes must end before the last menstruation. After that, the change in breast size should stop.

Despite the fact that an increase in breast size during menopause is a normal option, you need to constantly monitor the state of women's he alth. The fact is that during active age-related changes, the risk of developing various pathologies increases. See a doctor immediately if you feel pain in a certain area.

with menopause, the breasts are swollen and sore
with menopause, the breasts are swollen and sore

Diagnosis of pain in the mammary gland

If your chest hurts during menopause, it is recommended to consult a mammologist. It is necessary to exclude pathologies, diagnose problems in time and prescribe the correct therapy. As part ofexaminations are performed examination and palpation of the mammary glands. The doctor evaluates the presence of seals, symmetry, shape and color. Ultrasound allows you to see the structure of tissues and blood vessels, and mammography shows pathology. If necessary, a biopsy and hormone tests may be ordered.

Specialist may prescribe additional procedures. For example, if pregnancy is suspected, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs may be required. Consultations with other specialists are possible if there are acute or chronic diseases of the organs and systems of the body.

According to the results of the examination, therapy is prescribed. Often the doctor recommends hormone replacement. In some cases, sedatives are sufficient, while in others, surgery is required. During this period, the risk of developing neoplasms increases, which pose a threat to the life of the patient.

breast swelling with menopause
breast swelling with menopause


Breast swelling during menopause in most cases is a variant of the norm, but if any disease is detected, treatment should be started immediately. It is important to remember that only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease, determine the causes of the pathology and prescribe adequate treatment. Pain can be reduced with dietary and lifestyle changes or medications.

General recommendations for chest pain

A woman during menopause is encouraged to move more and play sports. This will help improve metabolism, get rid of adipose tissue and saturate the body with oxygen. The only thingCaution: Avoid sudden movements. When choosing underwear, it is better to choose models that support the chest well, but do not squeeze it. If necessary, you can even sleep in a bra. This will reduce stress on the muscles and keep the skin from stretching.

Change in diet during menopause

The diet needs to be reviewed, excluding fatty foods, conservation. It is advisable to avoid s alt altogether. It is necessary to limit the use of alcohol and coffee. The diet should contain natural diuretics, as well as fiber. These substances are found in parsley, cucumbers, legumes, cereals, raspberries. Be sure to take a complex of vitamins, which is designed specifically for women during menopause. Changing your diet can reduce pain by 20%.

chest pain during menopause
chest pain during menopause

Recommended drug therapy

Depending on the general he alth of the woman and the severity of menopause symptoms, medications may be prescribed. First of all, these are special vitamin complexes that contribute to the intake of nutrients in the body in the required amount. Often prescribed sedatives, tinctures of medicinal herbs, in some cases, antidepressants are indicated. For emergency relief of mastitis, analgesics may be recommended.

Other common menopause symptoms

How does menopause begin in women? The symptoms that most women experience during this period are as follows:

  • tides;
  • drying of mucous membranes;
  • reduce vaginal discharge;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • migraines;
  • memory deterioration.
discharge from the chest of a clear liquid during menopause
discharge from the chest of a clear liquid during menopause

You can delay the onset of menopause if you consult a doctor in time and take hormone replacement drugs regularly.
