In the article we will figure out how to gargle with chronic tonsillitis.
Infectious pathologies of the throat, for example, tonsillitis, are treated quite well. Immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of pain in the throat, you need to choose a good remedy for rinsing. The choice is really big. You can also use the recommendations of traditional medicine or buy ready-made medicine at the pharmacy.
How to gargle with chronic tonsillitis, everyone should know.

Why are rinses effective?
Gargling in the presence of tonsillitis with various solutions is very useful, this makes it possible to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Rinse provides the following results:
- Speed up the recovery processmiddle and upper layer of the epithelium, along with the rapid healing of erosive formations on the throat mucosa.
- Removing existing purulent plugs in the throat and preventing the appearance of new foci. This makes it possible to create unfavorable conditions for the reproduction and life of pathogenic bacteria.
- Cleansing large areas in the throat from purulent contents.
- Light anesthesia of the inflamed epithelium.
- Rinses help to tighten minor abrasions with wounds on the mucous membrane.
Gargling in the presence of tonsillitis makes it possible to wash out the pathogenic flora, which is very important for a speedy recovery.

How to gargle with chronic tonsillitis?
So, what should you gargle with this disease to achieve the best effect? There are two options for solutions used for inflammatory disease of the tonsils:
- Drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry.
- Medicinal solutions prepared according to old recipes.
Especially carefully consider how to gargle with tonsillitis in a child. When choosing a specific recipe for rinsing, you must definitely consult a doctor.
So, let's start looking at effective remedies with folk recipes and find out which ones are best for gargling in the presence of chronic tonsillitis.
How to gargle with chronic tonsillitis at homeconditions, we will tell below.

Folk recipes
Recipes passed down from generation to generation always contain only natural ingredients. Such solutions are practically harmless and do not cause addictive allergic reactions. Basic recipes for gargling have proven themselves well and can be used by patients at different ages:
- One of these remedies is pharmacy chamomile. Two tablespoons of grass are poured with a glass of water, then the product is brought to a boil and infused for twenty minutes. After that, the solution is filtered through a layer of gauze and used for chronic tonsillitis to treat the throat.
- Using tincture of sage and calendula. This remedy is brewed in the same way as pharmacy chamomile and tonsils are washed with it several times a day. For greater efficiency, it is allowed to use fees of vegetable raw materials.
- It is very effective to gargle with soda for tonsillitis. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. The prepared solution is very carefully trying to rinse the throat. This rather primitive solution makes it possible to create a special alkaline environment on the mucous membrane, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria.
- Using a garlic solution. Use this tool only in the presence of severe tonsillitis. Two large cloves are crushed and diluted with a glass of boiled warm water. And then rinse the throat with the resulting remedy three times, for no more than threedays.
- Using a sea s alt solution. A spoonful of s alt is diluted in one liter of water. Then pour into a glass and, if necessary, add five drops of iodine. The resulting composition can be well gargled. Is it possible to gargle with peroxide for tonsillitis?
- The use of hydrogen peroxide. This is a fairly good antiseptic that helps to qualitatively cleanse the tonsils of pathogens, it contributes to the rapid tightening of ulcers. In order to prepare a liquid for rinsing, one spoonful of the product is dissolved in a glass of water. After completing the peroxide rinse, it is imperative to rinse the mouth with clean water.
It is difficult to answer the question of what is the best way to gargle in the presence of chronic tonsillitis. For greater effectiveness, you can alternate different drugs during the day.
What is the best gargle for tonsillitis?

Gargling: pharmacy medicines
Medicines used for gargling in the presence of tonsillitis, there are currently a lot on pharmacy shelves. But not all of them can be used without consulting a doctor and without first passing certain tests. Among the simplest remedies that can be used for therapy at home are the following:
- Chlorhexidine solution. This medical tool allows you to quickly destroy the cells of pathogenic bacteria that abundantly inhabit the mucous membrane of the tonsils.
- Drug"Geksoral" is a fairly popular tool designed to treat the throat in the presence of a sore throat.
- Means "Miramistin" with "Furacilin" are two drugs that are great for tonsillitis. They make it possible to cleanse the mucous membrane of microbial deposits and soften inflamed tissues.
Use these medicines only as directed.
How many days should I gargle?
In the presence of an acute phase of chronic tonsillitis, the rinsing procedure should be performed several times a day, for at least ten days.
If there is a tendency to infectious diseases, then it is necessary to rinse during remission up to five times a week, this will certainly help prevent the development of respiratory diseases.
It should be remembered that in the acute course of the disease, bacteria can quickly enter the tonsils, and, moreover, into the lymph nodes, then with the bloodstream they can spread to all organs. In this regard, unfortunately, it is impossible to cure tonsillitis with just gargling, so it is imperative to take antibacterial drugs for systemic effects.

Subtleties of the procedure
There are a few simple rules that will certainly help make the rinsing process more efficient.
- The minimum amount of solution used for one rinse should be 200 milliliters. This is quite enough to clean the epithelial layers well.from pathogenic plaque.
- The rinsing process uses liquid at body temperature. In the event that the water is colder, then an increase in inflammatory processes may occur. Hot water, in turn, can cause burns on irritated mucous membranes.
- In order to prepare any solution, well-purified water is taken.
- The solution can be prepared several times, store it in the refrigerator. Immediately before the procedure, the desired volume is heated.
Tonsillitis is usually accompanied by a severe sore throat that prevents a person from doing their usual activities and leading a normal life. Rinsing makes it possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms, and, subject to complex treatment, contributes to the rapid and rapid recovery of the patient's state of he alth.
How to gargle with tonsillitis for an adult and a child, now we know.

Patient testimonials
In reviews of effective drugs for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, consumers write that the most effective means for this purpose are Hexoral and Miramistin with Furacilin
As noted in the comments, the drug "Geksoral" is a fairly popular remedy that is designed to treat the throat in case of a sore throat. Such remedies as "Miramistin" with "Furacilin", according to the stories of patients, are two drugs that are excellent for chronic tonsillitis. They enable people to cleanse the mucous frommicrobial plaque, softening inflamed tissues. Among folk remedies, people especially praise the garlic solution and sea s alt.
How to gargle with Chlorhexidine for chronic tonsillitis, we will learn further.
Chlorhexidine rinse
It is advisable to brush your teeth before the procedure. Take a 0.05% solution and gargle with it for 1 minute. May be repeated if necessary. The solution is not diluted. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat and drink for about an hour. The solution must not be swallowed.

In the presence of tonsillitis and tonsillitis, rinsing is carried out 3-4 times a day. If an allergic reaction or discomfort occurs, the product should be discontinued.
How to gargle with Chlorhexidine for tonsillitis, we told.
Thus, there are a lot of remedies for such a disease as chronic tonsillitis. Some of them are effective, while others, on the contrary, have no effect. But in this matter, as with any other disease, it is best to consult a doctor for advice on choosing the right medicine. Since only a specialist will be able to correctly select a medical remedy to eliminate this pathology.