Drug against parasites "9-ka STOPrazit": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Drug against parasites "9-ka STOPrazit": reviews, composition, instructions for use
Drug against parasites "9-ka STOPrazit": reviews, composition, instructions for use

The drug contains plant components that can deal a strong blow to helminthic invasions. "STOPrazit" contains plant extracts, glucite, tricarboxylic acid, potassium s alt of sorbic acid and water. The drug works well in the most severe cases of infection.

The drug against parasites in the human body has a combined effect and is effective for any helminthic and parasitic infection, successfully eliminates nematodes.

As you know, most helminthic invasions are provoked by the negative effects of parasites that enter the human body.

drugs for parasites in the human body
drugs for parasites in the human body

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions for use, "STOPrazit" is harmless to human he alth. The drug has the following pharmacological actions:

  1. Eliminates and removes all harmful parasites from the body, preventing them from developing and multiplying.
  2. Neutralizes spasms, eliminates bile.
  3. Reducesinflammation, and also promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Strengthens the immune system to prevent reinfection.

The drug is non-toxic.

stoprazit reviews
stoprazit reviews

Indications and contraindications for use

Phytocomplex "STOPrazit" have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the following diseases:

  • Infection with worms.
  • Mycosis (a disease of fungal origin that affects the skin, nail plate, feet, scalp and groin).
  • Bacteriosis (a disease that is provoked by disruption of the intestines).
  • Protozoal infection (a condition that results from parasitism in the body of single-celled microorganisms called protozoa).
  • Giardiasis (protozoal infection, which is provoked by intestinal Giardia and proceeds with signs of digestive disorders).
  • Intoxication from the waste products of pathogens.
  • Trichomoniasis (an infectious disease that is provoked by protozoan Trichomonas with predominant localization of the pathological process in the organs of the genitourinary system).
  • Amebiasis (a disease believed to be the source of histolytic amoeba that occurs with extraintestinal and intestinal symptoms).
  • Bacterial, streptococcal infections.
  • Toxoplasmosis (a zoonotic protozoan infectious process that has a long course and leads to damage to the central nervous, lymphatic, and alsovisual, muscular systems, myocardium, liver, spleen).

The drug can be used even by a child, but you should be especially careful with the dose. "STOPrazit" for children under three years old is used only after consulting a pediatrician. The medication is prohibited for individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.

How to use the medicine

From the instructions for use it is known that the bottle should be stored in a cool place. Shake the jar before use. You need to take the drug 1-2 teaspoons in the morning, lunch and evening while eating.

It is acceptable to dilute the medicine with water. Use "STOPrazit" should be within 10-30 days. You can repeat the course of therapy after three to six months. Treatment is desirable for the whole family.

stoprazit instructions for use
stoprazit instructions for use


Use "STOPrazit" for preventive purposes, the manufacturer recommends twice a day. The use of the drug does not affect the general state of he alth. A person can still work with complex equipment, as well as drive a car.

Special Instructions

From the instructions for use it is known that "9-ka STOPrazit" actively removes toxins from the liver, eliminates allergic manifestations, restores the normal functioning of internal organs.

The preparation consists of 9 herbal extracts that protect against harmful parasitic effects. vegetablesubstances interact, enhancing each other's effect on the body.

medicine stoprazit
medicine stoprazit

Natural Ingredients

Black walnut contains cyclic diketones, as well as bitter glycosides, which have a negative effect on nematodes, the source of scabies and candidiasis. Walnut can eliminate more than 50 different types of helminthic infestations without adversely affecting the human body.

Aspen has anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect, eliminates stenosis. It contains many bitter substances, essential oils, benzoic acid. The leaves are rich in salicin, tremulacin and populin.

Tansy removes nematodes, Giardia, bile from the body, relieves spasms. Essential oil destroys worms, completely cleansing the body of them.

Pumpkin successfully fights worms and pinworms. Neutralizes all types of tapeworm. The plant has a choleretic, laxative effect, removes nematodes from the intestines, and normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder. As a result, metabolic processes in the human body are improved, inflammation is reduced, and liver recovery is accelerated.

What other natural ingredients does the drug contain

Clove has a negative effect on worms, as well as protozoa, fights various types of bacteria. It improves the immune system, helps to produce gastric juice, activates the work of the digestive organs, and stabilizes blood microcirculation in the organs. Contains eugenol, which acts as an analgesic, disinfects the lungs, stomach, blood, lymph.

Umbrellacentaury is part of STOPrazit and helps to eliminate whipworms, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins, and reduces the formation of gases. The plant contains phenolcarboxylic acids, which have choleretic and antimicrobial activity.

Cornflower has in its structure sesquiterpene lactones and other biologically active components. Therefore, "STOPrazit" is effective in opisthorchiasis and giardiasis.

9 ka stoprazite
9 ka stoprazite

Creeping thyme eliminates cestodosis, helps against helminths. In addition, the medicinal plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is considered an antioxidant. Thyme contains many essential oils of thymol and corvalol. The first has a fungicidal, antihelminthic, bactericidal effect.

Eucalyptus effectively fights pathogens, eliminates inflammation, heals wounds. The essential oil enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.

Use "STOPrazit" strictly according to the instructions. Penetrating into the body, plant extracts have a detrimental effect on nematodes. Thanks to special substances, they eliminate parasites and effectively remove their waste products from the body.


Under the influence of the drug, spasms are instantly eliminated, heaviness and pain disappear, tissues are restored, cells are cleansed of toxins. Most of the parasites are eliminated. After the course of treatment, the patient feels a surge of strength, lightness, his mood improves.

Sidelinethe impact is minimal. The medicine "STOPrazit" is made without the use of alcohol, sugar, flavors. It can be used by people with diabetes.

It should be remembered that exceeding the recommended doses of medication can lead to negative consequences. At high concentrations, the drug acts as a laxative.

drugs for parasites
drugs for parasites


The composition of "STOPrazit" is unique. The only medicine similar to it is Paragon. Other drugs for parasites in the human body have the same spectrum of action:

  • "Albendazole".
  • "Nemozol".
  • "Vermox".
  • "Pirantel".
  • "Decaris".
  • "Piperazine".
  • "Vormil".
  • "Tinidazole".
phytocomplex stoprazit
phytocomplex stoprazit

All of the above analogues have their limitations and often cannot be used for preventive purposes. Before replacing "STOPrazit" with another drug, you should consult a specialist.


Reviews about "STOPrazite" are different. The drug for worms is considered effective, it is prescribed for both adults and children. This is confirmed by the responses about the medication. Patients started taking the medication at the first signs of helminthic infection. In addition, there are reviews that the drug shows increased effectiveness in the prevention of all family members.

Elimination of ascariasis and enterobiasis with this medicine is effective in all children and adult patients. This is confirmed by the responses of parasitologists.

Reviews of "STOPrazit" indicate that with these types of infection, one hundred percent deworming is achieved. This medication is considered more effective than "Pirantel" for enterobiasis.

Reviews about the drug for children are usually positive. He is appointed from the age of three. Parents noted that during therapy, improvement quickly occurred. Allergic manifestations completely disappeared, the fighting sensations in the stomach immediately stopped, the work of the gastrointestinal tract stabilized.

The criteria for the effectiveness of therapy are the elimination of clinical signs and a negative test result (feces and scrapings). Negative reviews about "STOPrazit" are associated with the occurrence of side effects that are very rare: upset stool and pain in the abdomen.

It must be remembered that this drug for small patients should be prescribed by a doctor after examination, it is mandatory to take adsorbents during therapy and timely bowel movements.

Before using the medication, it is necessary to study the contraindications for use. It is not recommended for use in intestinal ulcers, as it may increase absorption into the blood. Should not be taken in case of anemia, liver dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation.

From the reviews of "STOPrazit" it is known that with prolonged use of the drug, the temperature may rise, there may beheadache, vomiting, rash.
