Where can I find a good psychiatrist in Perm? This question can be asked by people who need qualified assistance, as well as those who need a certificate, for example, for employment or obtaining rights. The following list of the best psychiatrists will help you decide on the choice of a specialist.
Ogibalova T. Yu

Opens the list of the best psychiatrists in Perm Tatyana Yuryevna Ogibalova, a specialist with excellent qualifications, namely the highest medical category, a PhD degree and 23 years of professional experience. Such a solid work experience is a great advantage, so patients very often want to get an appointment with Tatyana Yuryevna.

Here is a list of places where psychiatrist and psychotherapist Ogibalova sees:
- Clinic "Medlife" on Gazeta Zvezda street, 13.
- Medlife branch on Petropavlovskaya street, 43.
- "Medlife" on Sovetskaya street, 51a.
- Medical unit No. 11 on Pobedy street, 41.
Semashko T. A

More than half a century, namely 52 years, Tatyana Arkadyevna Semashko, a psychiatrist of the highest category, gave her life to the profession. This specialist has the title of "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" and the badge "Excellent He alth Worker".
Psychiatrist Semashko conducts his practice at the Alfa He alth Center clinic on Pushkin Street, 50.
Bolshakova L. A
Another specialist with significant half a century of experience in psychiatry is Lyudmila Arkadyevna Bolshakova, who has worked for the benefit of people's mental he alth for 54 years. Like the above doctor, Lyudmila Arkadyevna is an honored doctor of the Russian Federation and an excellent he alth worker.
In Perm, psychiatrist Bolshakova is waiting for her patients in the regional psychiatric hospital on Revolution Street, 56.
Chudinova T. I
One of the best adult and child psychiatrists in Perm is Tatyana Ivanovna Chudinova, a specialist of the highest professional category, who has been helping patients of all ages cope with their mental problems for 43 years.
You can seek help from Dr. Chudinova at the regional psychiatric hospital on Revolution Street, 56, and at the children's polyclinic No. 1 on Grachev Street, 12m.
Patrusheva L. M

Those who are interested in a highly qualified psychiatrist and narcologist in Perm should pay attention to Lyudmila Mikhailovna Patrusheva. This is a doctor of the highest professional level with 36 years of professional experience and richexperience of successfully helping patients with all kinds of addictions.
Patrusheva's places of work include the regional narcological hospital on Tchaikovsky Street, 35a, and the drug dispensary on Monastyrskaya Street, 95b.
Demchenko V. G

Among psychiatrists and narcologists of the city, Vladimir Demchenko is known not only for his highest category, impressive 46 years of experience and the title of "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation". First of all, he is known as the founder, director and chief physician of one of the most successful private psychiatric clinics in the city "Blago". And you can find the medical center of Dr. Demchenko on Gagarin Boulevard, 70a.
Nechaev A. N

Andrey Nikolaevich Nechaev is a psychiatrist of the highest category with 30 years of experience. You can make an appointment with this Perm psychiatrist during the opening hours of the regional psychiatric hospital on Revolution Street, 56 (8:00-20:00), as well as by appointment at the Medlife clinic on Gazeta Zvezda Street, 13.
Polyakov P. A

A celebrity among the psychiatrists of the city is Pavel Andreevich Polyakov, known to the inhabitants of Perm for his appearances on TV channels with analytical, popular science and statistical information. Pavel Andreevich's medical qualification belongs to the second category, and his experience is 13 years in psychiatry, narcology and psychotherapy.
You can seek help from a psychiatrist Polyakov at the medical center "MedGarant" on Lenina Street, 63,and in the drug dispensary on Monastyrskaya street, 95-b.
Chuvashova E. L

Another psychiatrist and narcologist with the highest medical category and a very good reputation is Elena Leonidovna Chuvashova. Judging by the information on the thematic forums, most people turn to her to get adequate and impartial information.
In Perm, you can get a psychiatrist Chuvashov in the following medical institutions:
- Medical center "Priority" on Monastyrskaya street, 93b.
- Polyclinic "Gaiva" on Vasnetsova street, 6.
- FMBA Polyclinic No. 1 at the address: First Boyny Lane, 9.
Polishchuk A. L
Aleksey Leonidovich Polishchuk, a specialist of the first qualification level, has been successfully working in the field of psychiatry and narcology for twenty-two years. Like many of the doctors mentioned above, you can make an appointment with the psychiatrist Polishchuk for a consultation at a drug addiction dispensary. It is located on Monastyrskaya street, 95-b.
Kozyukov G. V

A very talented psychiatrist and psychotherapist of the first medical category - Grigory Vladimirovich Kozyukov, whose professional experience is fourteen years. Here is a list of places where psychiatrist Kozyukov works:
- Clinic "Medlife" on Gazeta Zvezda street, 13.
- Medlife branch on Petropavlovskaya street, 43.
- Hospital No. 8 on Geroev Khasan street, 20.
Lyadvinskaya E. V
A noteworthy adult and child psychiatristThe second qualification category is specialist Elena Valerievna Lyadvinskaya, who has worked in this medical field for almost twenty years. You can make an appointment with her at the children's polyclinic No. 6, which is located on Petropavlovskaya Street, 109, and at the regional psychiatric hospital on Revolution Street, 56.
Nekrasova E. Yu
Finishes the list of the best psychiatrists in Perm Elena Yurievna Nekrasova. This doctor also has the second level of the qualification category, but the amount of professional experience has exceeded the twenty-year threshold. Psychiatrist Nekrasova is always happy to receive her patients at the regional psychiatric hospital on Revolution Street, 56.