Surely every person in childhood at least once experienced anxiety and fear for no reason. It is impossible to forget the panic that came literally from nowhere, the strong embracing excitement, it haunts a person almost everywhere. Those who suffer from various phobias, attacks of unreasonable anxiety are well aware of the unpleasant sensations of a fainting state, tremors of the limbs, the appearance of a rapid heartbeat, dots before the eyes, deafness, sudden migraine, a lump approaching the throat and severe weakness in the whole body.
What to do with constant anxiety and fear? First of all, you should understand the causes of this phenomenon, assess the features of the problem and the severity of the symptoms. Of course, not everyone can engage in introspection, so it is much better to turn to a professional. Especially if a person has strong anxiety and fear all the time. What to do in this case, the doctor will tell.
The reasons for this state can be quite understandable - new people, unfamiliar surroundings, panic beforespeech, passing exams or a serious conversation, fear in the office of the boss or doctor, worries about the lives of loved ones. Causal anxieties are treatable and alleviated by the end of the provocative action or the exit from the situation, due to which, in fact, the discomfort appeared.
But situations where panic and fear arise for no apparent reason are much more difficult. Anxiety is an ongoing, restless, growing feeling of inexplicable horror that occurs in the absence of even the slightest danger and threat to human life.
Problem definition
Specialists identify several types of anxiety disorders.
- Generalized violation. A person with such an ailment always thinks that something must happen or even happen to him.
- Alarm attacks. They arise at the moment when a person has to go through the same exciting event or an unpleasant episode that has already happened in his life.
- Phobias. This is a frequent fear of non-existent things, as well as experiencing certain actions or situations that in reality do not pose any danger.
- Social violations. Usually manifests as intense, pathological shyness.
- Obsessive-compulsive deviation. Represents obsessive thoughts related to the fact that a person forgot to do something and this can harm someone. For example, an iron left on, an open faucet. At the same time, a person regularly repeats the same actions, for example, wiping a table or washing hands.
- Post-traumatic syndrome. An ongoing fear that the events that caused the damage will happen again.
It is noteworthy that a person experiences a constant feeling of anxiety and fear for no reason, he simply cannot name it. However, at the same time, he can explain how exactly he is seized by panic. His imagination at this moment gives him the most frightening, terrifying pictures of all that a person has seen, read or heard before.

Usually this happens with constant fear of death and anxiety. What to do to get rid of this terrible condition? Only a specialist can answer this question. The most commonly used therapy is psychoanalysis and sedatives.
Classification and reasons
It is worth saying that there are certain symptoms of a constant feeling of anxiety and fear. After all, in fact, a person feels panic attacks physically. A sharp attack of severe anxiety is accompanied by vasoconstriction, a decrease in pressure, numbness of the limbs, a feeling of unreality of everything that happens around, confusion, a desire to hide or just run away.
Psychologists distinguish several expressed types of anxiety:
- spontaneous - appears unexpectedly, without special circumstances and all sorts of reasons;
- situational - occurs when a person is waiting for some kind of trouble to happen or a problem;
- conditional-situational - occurs due to the use of any chemical substance, such as tobacco, drugs,alcohol, medicines.
What causes the problem
As for the physical causes of anxiety, these include:
- increased sports loads;
- chronic fatigue;
- severe course of the disease;
- withdrawal syndrome.
In addition, the prerequisites for the emergence of panic may lie in the work of the endocrine system. Perhaps it is she who, against the background of any deviations, produces hormones of fear and depression.

And it also happens that there is no reason for a constant feeling of fear and anxiety. Seizures may appear on their own.
Constant anxiety, fear, anxiety literally haunt a person, but nothing threatens his he alth and life. There are also no difficult psychological and physical situations. True, the attacks gradually increase, preventing a person from fully living, communicating, working, relaxing and just dreaming.
What to do with constant anxiety, worry and fear? It is best to contact a specialist for qualified assistance. Although there are other ways to solve the problem, but first things first.
Symptoms of constant anxiety and fear
According to the reviews of people suffering from this disease, the situation is aggravated by the person's fear that uncontrollable panic will begin at the most inopportune moment or in a crowded place. This fear only reinforces the already disturbed consciousness of the patient.
There are also physiological changes in a panic attack,which are harbingers of an imminent attack:
- rapid heart rate;
- sudden pressure drops and surges;
- fear of impending death;
- feeling of anxiety in the chest - a feeling of fullness, a lump in the throat, causeless pain, not associated with diseases;
- appearance of vegetovascular dystonia;
- lack of oxygen;
- half-faint, loss of consciousness;
- feeling very cold or hot, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting;
- discoordination, short-term loss of hearing or vision;
- uncontrolled urination.

All these phenomena can cause irreparable harm to the he alth and general condition of a person.
And such physical disorders as sudden vomiting, debilitating migraine, bulimia or anorexia may well become chronic. A person with a damaged psyche will not be able to lead a full life in the future.
What to do with constant anxiety and fear
Who should I contact if the panic persists and the condition gets worse and worse? You will need to undergo a thorough examination. To do this, contact a neurologist or therapist, and then, perhaps, you will go to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. If a person is in a bad mood all the time, his behavior becomes inadequate, and even hallucinations occur, he will not be able to go to the doctor on his own. In such a situation, the help of loved ones is required.
How to get rid of constant fearand worries? The specialist will help identify the causes of the problem, due to which the attacks develop, and explain how to treat the disease.
A psychologist can recommend various types of therapy with his participation:
- psychoanalysis;
- hypnosis sessions;
- systemic family courses;
- body orientation procedures;
- Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Excessive anxiety can also be treated with medication. In this case, tranquilizers can come to the rescue - they reduce anxiety and do not cause drowsiness.
There are more effective drugs that also eliminate anxiety. However, they suppress the functioning of the nervous system and cause drowsiness. When using them, it is forbidden to drive vehicles.
And what to do with constant fear of death and anxiety? In more severe forms of pathology, antidepressants may be prescribed to the patient. These medicines regulate the concentration of biogenic amines that affect processes in the brain. As a result of such an impact, the state of anxiety and fear is eliminated.
In difficult situations, the use of antipsychotics may be required - they significantly slow down the transmission of impulses and suppress brain function. But keep in mind that with prolonged use of these drugs, dangerous failures can develop: apathy, impaired speech, memory, and even schizophrenia. The use of neuroleptics is indicated only in extreme cases.

Self-solving the problem
What to do with constant anxiety and fear? According to reviews, in addition to drug therapy, a good result can be achieved with the help of independent exercises. Such a solution, according to users, makes it possible to prevent or alleviate anxiety. To do this, you can use the following exercises:
- breathing exercises - you need to inflate a balloon or breathe calmly with your stomach;
- contrast shower;
- meditation;
- use of herbal decoctions and infusions;
- distracting counting of objects indoors or outside the window;
- doing sports or your hobby;
- regular walks on the street.

Treatment with diet
What to do with constant anxiety and fear? According to reviews, in some cases, nutrition correction helps to overcome the problem. It may seem strange to you at first. However, in reality, everything is natural and quite understandable. After all, if your body has enough of everything, then it simply has no reason to panic.
Try to increase the amount of natural foods rich in B vitamins in your daily menu. These include:
- nuts;
- pork;
- poultry meat;
- dairy products;
- eggs;
- cheese;
- brown rice;
- mushrooms;
- fish;
- whole grain crispbread;
- soy products;
- leafy greens;
- legumes;
- freshvegetables;
- brewer's yeast;
- seafood.
Magnesium and calcium are minerals, deficiency of which can significantly increase anxiety. They are present in:
- nuts;
- berries;
- cereals;
- dried fruits;
- legumes;
- fruit;
- seaweed;
- wheat flour;
- vegetables;
- chocolate.
But try to use as little sugar and white flour as possible. Give up alcohol, black tea and strong coffee. Choose herbal teas, pure water, fresh fruit juices and compotes.
In addition, the amino acid tryptophan has a pronounced sedative effect, you can also get it with food. It is contained in many different products, but most of all it is in animal and vegetable proteins. You can find the necessary amino acid in these treats:
- lean lamb;
- pasta;
- legumes;
- milk;
- cottage cheese;
- cheese;
- pork;
- rabbit;
- river and sea fish;
- cereals;
- eggs;
- seafood;
- poultry meat.
Alternative Medicine
What to do with strong fear and constant anxiety? This condition is considered pathological and requires the use of some measures. For example, you can resort to folk remedies. Medicinal preparations and herbs have long been famous for their calming effect.
Here are some effective recipes.
- Decoction of St. John's wort for panic attacks. Pour in a tablespoonherbs with two glasses of boiling water, put on the stove. The mixture should be boiled for 5 minutes, after which it needs to be infused. Then strain the resulting decoction and take half a glass three times a day before meals.
- Motherwort tincture. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of hot water, let the remedy brew for 15 minutes. Strain and take 3 scoops thrice daily.
- Tincture of lemon balm. Pour a glass of hot water with one and a half tablespoons of herbs, let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain and take half a glass three times a day.
Simple recommendations
What to do with constant anxiety and fear? If you have recently begun to feel severe anxiety and panic, but you have no other symptoms and you have not been subjected to emotional upheaval, you can try to get rid of the problem yourself. A few simple exercises and tips will help you forget about constant fear and anxiety. What to do to find harmony and tranquility? Start simple:
- switch to proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle in general - this will provide an opportunity not only to improve he alth and get in shape, but also to normalize hormonal levels;
- try to rest and sleep as much as possible;
- find for yourself the perfect balance of physical and intellectual stress - with the right combination, you will feel the desired tone;
- find an activity that will give you maximum pleasure - it can be literally anything;
- talk more with nice peopleand avoid contact with unpleasant personalities;
- get rid of thoughts about what worries you, especially if these events are already in the past - try to dream more about something good, imagine your future;
- find the relaxation that's perfect for you - it could be a relaxing bubble bath, auto-training, acupressure or classic massage, yoga, listening to music and more.
If you feel that it is becoming difficult for you to live with a feeling of constant anxiety and panic, that these attacks prevent you from living a normal life and change your usual behavior, be sure to consult a psychotherapist. Concomitant symptoms such as chest pain, pressure on the heart, shortness of breath, fainting, nausea should be the reason for consulting a doctor.
The specialist will tell you in detail what to do with constant anxiety and fear. Treatment may involve a combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy sessions. Only a timely appeal for help will be the main effective elimination of panic and anxiety. The doctor will assess the severity of the pathology or disorder, taking into account the information received from you, and prescribe the optimal treatment.

In addition, if you believe the reviews, then not everyone who is haunted by fear is prescribed pills. In fact, doctors resort to drug therapy only in situations where it is necessary to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and achieve a positive effect. Usually, in this case, they come to the rescueantidepressants and tranquilizers.
Many people, according to reviews, are helped by special trainings, for example, to create confident behavior. Today, these techniques are considered effective and in great demand.
Among other things, psychotherapy can be combined with general examinations, for example, to detect disorders in the activity of the endocrine system.
The key to successful treatment is, first of all, an attentive attitude towards yourself and compliance with all the doctor's instructions.