Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacillus) with the most frequent localization of manifestations in the lungs. Treatment of pathology should be comprehensive, continuous, include several anti-tuberculosis drugs, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.

Drug groups
Each medicine for tuberculosis is part of a certain group of drugs. This distribution is based on chemical composition, clinical activity and patient tolerance:
- first row ("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin") - the most effective;
- second row ("Streptomycin", "Kanamycin") - average efficiency;
- third row ("Thioacetazone", "PASK") - less effective.
Highly effective drugs are used most often, combining each of them with drugs from other groups. The rest of the pills for tuberculosis are called reserve. They are used in cases wherethe pathogen is resistant to first-line active substances.
The drug "Isoniazid" is used in the treatment of adults and children. Its action is directed to the active forms of the pathogen. In relation to mycobacteria at rest, it is ineffective. The shell of Koch's wand contains mycolic acid, the synthesis of which is inhibited by the drug.

"Isoniazid" - a cure for tuberculosis of all localizations and forms. The dosage is selected individually, depending on which agent the specialist recommends to combine the drug with.
- "Isoniazid" + "Rifampicin" - the course of treatment takes place over 6 or 8 weeks. The drugs are taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach.
- "Isoniazid" + "Thioacetazone".
- "Isoniazid" + "Rifampicin" + "Pyrazinamide" - in a similar combination, the remedy is called "Rifater". Apply for 2 months daily, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment with "Streptomycin" or "Ethambutol".
- "Isoniazid" + "Ethambutol" - a drug for tuberculosis as maintenance therapy.
Features of the drug "Rifampicin": instructions for use (the price of the product is about 200 rubles) indicates that the substance effectively fights mycobacteria in the affected area, reaching a maximum concentration there. The causative agents of tuberculosis tend to quickly to itget used to, because of which the drug is limited. Not to be used while breastfeeding as it tends to pass into breast milk in large quantities.
"Rifampicin", instructions for use, the price of which is indicated on specialized pharmaceutical sites, has side effects manifested by the following conditions:
- cephalgia (headache);
- reversible kidney failure (kidney function is restored after the end of the drug);
- allergic reactions;
- dyspeptic manifestations - vomiting, diarrhea, bloating;
- visual impairment;
- Changes in laboratory parameters of peripheral blood.

Para-aminosalicylic acid
"PASK" is a tuberculosis medicine based on aminosalicylic acid. Available in the form of tablets, solution, granules. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses, taken with milk, mineral water, a weak soda solution. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the daily dose in one dose.
The drug is not prescribed on its own, only in combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs. Affects only pathogens that are in an active state. The resistance of mycobacteria to the active substance practically does not develop.
Tuberculosis pills related to second-line synthetic drugs. It is used in the combined treatment of tuberculosis of any localization. The use of "Pyrazinamide" during pregnancy and lactation is possible provided that mycobacteria are resistant to other more effective drugs.

Once a month, the level of transamiases and the presence of uric acid in the blood should be monitored during prolonged treatment with the drug. Contraindications for use are:
- individual hypersensitivity to the active substance;
- severe disorders of the kidney system;
- organic liver pathology.
A group of drugs is used as an etiotropic therapy. The products have a bactericidal effect, affecting mycobacteria both at rest and during the period of activity.
"Ciprofloxacin" is recommended in combination with other anti-TB drugs. The maximum concentration in the body is reached within a few hours after ingestion. May cause dyspeptic disorders, cephalgia, anxiety, allergic manifestations, decreased visual acuity.

"Ofloxacin" is a tuberculosis drug that affects the location of DNA in the pathogen cell. Available in tablets and solution for infusion. The daily dose is taken in two doses at 12-hour intervals. This allows you to constantly maintain the required concentration of "Ofloxacin" in the body.
"Lomefloxacin" is an effective drug with almost 100% bioavailability. Means"interferes" with the DNA chain of the pathogen, changing its location in the cell. Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, children under 18.
New drugs
Innovations in the field of phthisiology are associated with the development of highly effective anti-TB drugs, the sensitivity of pathogens to which would not decrease over a long period of time.
New tuberculosis drugs:
- "Perchlozone" - the substance has low toxicity to the human body, however, high activity against mycobacteria. Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, childhood, individual hypersensitivity, pathology of the kidneys and liver.
- "Mikobutin" is a derivative of the antibacterial agent rifabutin used to treat chronic forms of the disease in patients resistant to "Rifampicin". It is used not only as a therapy, but also for the prevention of the disease.
- "Bedaquiline" ("Sirturo") is an innovative tool that suppresses the production of vital enzymes by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Effective after 3 months of treatment (for comparison: other drugs show results after 1.5-2 years), giving negative test results.

Side effects of therapy
The occurrence of side effects is due to the fact that the drugs used significantly affect the metabolic processes that occur in the patient's body, and also cause the development of hypo- orberiberi, disorders of redox processes.
Most common side effects:
- hearing loss;
- peripheral polyneuritis;
- violation of the functions of the main organs and systems;
- allergic reactions;
- dysbacteriosis;
- candidiasis;
- dyspepsia.
A specific manifestation is the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction - the response of the patient's body to the massive destruction of mycobacteria in the first few days from the start of therapy.
Folk remedies for tuberculosis
With long-term treatment, patients are ready to try any means, so long as they speed up the healing process. A number of recipes are known that enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy.
Pour a tablespoon of birch buds with 2 glasses of diluted alcohol or vodka. Infuse until the solution acquires a cognac color. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day throughout the course of treatment.
Rinse the reed leaves, drain and chop to make 3 tablespoons. Pour 2 cups of water, boil for 5-7 minutes. Insist and strain. Drink 1/2 glass of liquid before each meal.

Badger fat, honey and walnut are folk remedies for tuberculosis, the effectiveness of which depends on the correct combination. The nuts are crushed and the fat is melted. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is placed in the mouth and held until itwill melt.
Pine or spruce sap is poured with alcohol 2-2.5 cm higher and covered with a lid. After a few days, the solution will become homogeneous. Melted pork fat and linden honey are added to it in the same amount. Take a teaspoon three times a day for six months.
It must be remembered that the use of any means and drugs should take place under the supervision of a qualified specialist.