The lower abdomen fell sharply ill: causes, description of symptoms, possible diagnoses and treatment

The lower abdomen fell sharply ill: causes, description of symptoms, possible diagnoses and treatment
The lower abdomen fell sharply ill: causes, description of symptoms, possible diagnoses and treatment

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen is one of the most common situations in clinical practice. However, this is a non-specific symptom, it can disturb both men and women, and it also occurs with a variety of diseases, which is the main diagnostic problem.

The fact is that the concentration of nerve ganglia in this area is relatively low, the pain impulses coming from the organs located here are not well differentiated in the central nervous system, and the pain seems to radiate. In any case, you need to see a doctor. He will analyze all the symptoms, prescribe examinations, and on this basis will make a diagnosis.

Appendicitis: dangerous lower abdominal pain

This disease is an inflammation of the appendix. With it, pain usually begins in the epigastric region, that is, closer to the center, but then sharp pains appear in the lower abdomen on the right.

why did my lower abdomen hurt so badly
why did my lower abdomen hurt so badly

Additional symptoms to note, such as:

  • general weakness and other manifestations characteristic of intoxicationorganism, due to which the patient may confuse this pathology with food poisoning;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of appetite or its complete loss;
  • vomit sometimes;
  • indigestion.

Appendicitis is treated exclusively by surgery. And the sooner the patient seeks medical help, the better, since a complication of appendicitis is diffuse peritonitis, and it can be fatal.

Of course, it is not always possible to recognize acute appendicitis on your own. The listed symptoms can be masked as other diseases, in women, for example, gynecological. Therefore, in a situation where the lower abdomen is very ill and the head is spinning, it is imperative to call an ambulance. Prior to the arrival of doctors, the patient should not be given pain medication, so as not to blur the clinical picture.

Cholecystitis as a cause of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is a disease that affects both men and women. This mainly occurs when there are stones (calculi) in this organ. The most common symptom is sharp pains in the lower abdomen, most often on the right, but they can also be girdle. It also happens that the lower abdomen and lower back hurt sharply, and sometimes these sensations radiate under the collarbones and in the back. Moreover, the pain intensifies after eating.

Other symptoms of this disease are:

  • itchy skin caused by elevated bilirubin levels;
  • bitter taste in mouth;
  • dyspeptic manifestations,including nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature.

If the above symptoms are present, the doctor will refer you for an ultrasound and a laboratory test.

Treatment includes taking antispasmodics to relieve pain (such as "No-shpa"), antibacterial agents and drugs that enhance the biliary function of the liver. These are, for example, "Allohol" and "Liobil", produced in tablets. When the acute stage of cholecystitis subsides or during the period of remission, physiotherapy is prescribed. For example, it can be microwave and ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis using magnesium sulfate solution (10%) or novocaine solution (5%).

Drug Allohol
Drug Allohol

Large stones need to be removed surgically. Moreover, today there are minimally traumatic methods for this.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left: the main causes

The situation when the lower abdomen fell sharply on the left may be associated with pathologies of the spleen. This is an unpaired organ that plays an important role in the immune system, for example, is responsible for the formation and accumulation of blood cells, acting as a kind of reserve storage. However, when the spleen is removed, its functions can be taken over by the liver and lymph nodes, so surgical treatment is often practiced in the pathology of this organ.

sharp pain in the lower abdomen and dizziness
sharp pain in the lower abdomen and dizziness

When asked why the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill, we are talking about diseases such as:

  1. Twisting of the spleen, in whichthe vessels and nerve bundles of this organ are completely or partially twisted. As a rule, individual anatomical features become the cause of this phenomenon. When the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill (at night or during the day - it doesn’t matter), then sometimes the pain can radiate to the upper part of the leg. This is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, indigestion. Treatment is exclusively surgical.
  2. Expansion of the spleen associated with inflammation and impaired blood flow in the portal vein. The main symptom is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left, but it can, as it were, migrate to other areas of the abdomen. You can diagnose the pathology with the help of ultrasound, which will show the smoothing of the sharp edges of this organ. Additional symptoms are fever, nausea, vomiting. As a rule, inflammation of the spleen is not an independent pathology, so the treatment in this case depends on the underlying disease. If it is a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.
  3. Abscess of the spleen is also an inflammatory disease, only it is purulent, and therefore in such cases there is a high risk of peritonitis, and it can be fatal. Therefore, an ambulance should be called immediately, since the patient requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. Small abscesses of the spleen can end almost without a trace for the patient, large ones require long-term monitoring, since there is always a risk of complications.
  4. Spleen cyst is a benign formation in the form of a cavity consisting of a capsule, inside whichcontains liquid. A spleen cyst is one of the complications of the abscess of this organ described above. Often, it also requires surgery.
  5. Spleen infarction is a pathology associated with blockage of the arteries of this organ. This leads to necrosis, that is, the death of tissues and blood vessels. Although most often with a splenic infarction, pain is felt in the left hypochondrium, it can radiate down the abdomen as it progresses. Pain is aggravated by sudden movements and inhalation. Often such a pathology is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature (up to 39 degrees). The danger lies in profuse blood loss. With the described symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Other reasons

Why the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill, not everyone knows. Leukemia can be the cause. When they affect the blood-forming organs, including the spleen, which increases in size and presses on the internal organs, which causes pain. In addition to treating the underlying disease, in such cases, a splenectomy is performed, that is, the removal of the spleen.

The cause of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left can be diseases of the large intestine. On the left are some parts of the colon, so problems are usually associated with them. These can be inflammatory diseases, but if it is a sharp pain, you should immediately call an ambulance, because this indicates a strong deterioration in the situation. For example, such symptoms are typical for Crohn's disease, for ulcerative colitis and other similar pathologies, where a sharp pain may indicate internal bleeding andneed for surgery.

severe lower abdominal pain
severe lower abdominal pain

Malabsorption can also cause sharp pains in the lower abdomen. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. With it, the mucous membranes of the small intestine cannot cope with the absorption of certain substances, for example, milk sugar or some compounds found in fruits. Additional symptoms are flatulence and indigestion. As a rule, the pain goes away after a bowel movement. Treatment is diet.

In some cases, lower abdominal pain is associated with gluten intolerance. This disease is called celiac disease. Gluten is a vegetable protein that is part of the gluten in the grains of most cereals, in particular wheat. When gluten enters the body (with food like cereals and bakery products), there may be a sharp pain in the lower abdomen associated with the reaction of the small intestine. It is accompanied by bloating, flatulence with pronounced rumbling, and diarrhea. At the moment, there is only one treatment - the removal of products containing gluten from the diet.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen and loss of consciousness in a woman with gynecological diseases

In women, a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right can be associated with such a dangerous pathology as ovarian apoplexy. This means that in the middle of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of some factors, hemorrhage occurs in the ovarian tissue. The mechanism here is the same as during menstruation, that is, the egg matures,leaves the ovary, while the main follicle is torn and adjacent vessels are damaged. The blood from them enters the abdominal cavity and surrounding tissues.

Contrary to popular belief, the cause of this pathology is not only too active sexual intercourse, but simply excessive physical activity. Pain occurs on the right or left - depending on which ovary is affected. In this case, there is a decrease in pressure, the skin becomes very pale. Often a sharp pain is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

There is only one treatment option for ovarian apoplexy - emergency surgery.

When Pregnant

When a woman has a sharp pain in her lower abdomen during pregnancy, this is always a reason to visit a doctor. If the situation is accompanied by such phenomena as bloody discharge or a feeling of fullness in this area, you should immediately call an ambulance. We can talk about several serious problems, one of which is uterine hypertonicity.

In such cases, if a girl has a sharp pain in her lower abdomen during pregnancy, usually the expectant mother is hospitalized. The goal of the therapy is to preserve the pregnancy. To do this, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs, and to relieve pain - antispasmodics. You can’t take anything on your own in such cases, it’s just dangerous.

The cause of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may be premature detachment of the placenta (even if it is located normally). This pathology may be accompanied by bleeding of varying degrees of intensity. Notthe situation when a retroplacental hematoma develops inside is excluded. In such cases, there is only one option - an urgent delivery by caesarean section.

There is another gynecological pathology, and it makes itself felt in the early stages. This is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg is attached not to the uterus, as usual, but to some other organs that cannot perform this function. Usually these are tubes, ovaries, in rare cases - the abdominal cavity. It is clear that these organs cannot withstand the growth of the fetal egg. For example, a pipe rupture occurs, and this is accompanied by a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding.

In this case, an ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound. There are no methods of treatment, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen during and after intimacy

Of course, there may be several reasons for such a phenomenon, when the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill during sex. Sometimes they are not physiological, but psychological in nature associated, for example, with the fear of intimacy. In addition, if during sex the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill, discomfort can be associated not only with organic diseases, but also with injuries or adhesions (for example, after surgery, and in women after childbirth).

Cystosis, endometriosis, varicose veins in the corresponding area, venous stasis - all this can cause pain. Therefore, the most common pathologies should be considered.

Postcoital cystitis: symptoms and treatment

Very often, a sharp pain in the lower abdomen a couple of hours after intercourse, accompanied by a burning sensation, is a sign of postcoital cystitis, that is, an inflammatory process in the bladder. An accurate diagnosis in such cases, if the lower abdomen suddenly fell ill after sex, can only be made by a gynecologist or urologist.

pain in lower abdomen after sex
pain in lower abdomen after sex

Since cystitis is a bacterial infection, you will need to take a urine test to identify the pathogen. And optionally cystitis can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases. The cause can be banal streptococci, staphylococci, sometimes even E. coli. And to this should be added such risk factors as insufficient intimate hygiene, dysbacteriosis after prolonged use of antibiotics or bacterial vaginosis.

Interestingly, cystitis, accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen, often occurs after a period of prolonged abstinence. In such cases, sexual intercourse is especially intense, this can lead to the appearance of microcracks and damage to the mucosa. In addition, with prolonged abstinence in women, an established microflora is observed in the vagina, and after sexual contact it changes dramatically, and even without pathogenic microbes, such a change leads to inflammatory processes.

Menopausal women are at risk. Due to fluctuations in the hormonal background, they have a lower tone of the walls of the urethra, and this greatly facilitates the penetration of any infection intobladder. In addition, a woman produces less hormones during this period, and this leads to atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and bladder. It also makes it easier for a bacterial infection to develop.

Postcoital cystitis is a reason to see a doctor. The fact is that it is treated with antibiotics, and self-medication is unacceptable here. Incorrectly selected antibiotics will not cure the disease, but will increase the resistance of pathogenic microflora to such therapy. Most often these are such means as "Monural", "Nolitsin", "Nitroxoline" and a number of others. Some only work against bacteria, others are effective against fungus.

Monural drug
Monural drug

At the same time, phytotherapeutic drugs are prescribed to improve the functioning of the urinary system, for example, Canephron. During treatment, you need to limit s alt in the diet, drink more water and cranberry juice, and refuse tea and coffee.

The drug Canephron
The drug Canephron

To prevent cystitis, you need to abandon synthetic underwear, carefully follow all the rules of intimate hygiene, use only high-quality lubricant. Doctors also recommend not to alternate between anal and vaginal sex.

Uterine fibroids: symptoms and treatment

The situation, if the lower abdomen and lower back are very and sharply ill, may be associated with such a pathology as uterine fibroids - this is a benign formation, often it is hereditary. Small nodules may not make themselves felt. But with a large fibroid, there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Most often during intercourse, but sometimesfor no apparent reason. Other manifestations can be heavy periods, often with blood clots, pain when urinating, indigestion, etc.

If the fibroid is small, then hormone therapy is prescribed - these are drugs containing progesterone. You can not take them on their own, only as directed by a doctor. At the same time, the patient's condition is constantly monitored, gynecological examinations are carried out, ultrasound is done.

If the nodes are large, then hormonal therapy in such cases is ineffective. In addition, she has a number of contraindications - for example, thrombophlebitis, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, hypertension. Therefore, in all these cases, surgical treatment is proposed. With timely access to a doctor, it is possible to perform the operation laparoscopically, that is, without large incisions, literally through punctures of the abdominal wall.


As it is now clear, there are many reasons for the occurrence of sharp pains in the abdomen, so this condition should not be ignored in any case. If the discomfort persists, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance, since such a condition often ends in death.

Hoping that everything will go away on its own, you should also not take various drugs. Only a doctor, based on the patient's complaints and the results of the examination, will be able to prescribe the right therapy.
