How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old from a temperature? Expert advice

How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old from a temperature? Expert advice
How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old from a temperature? Expert advice

"Paracetamol" scientists discovered twice. Once in the nineteenth and once in the twentieth century. It has been recognized as one of the most effective fever reducers for all ages worldwide. The fact that it can be purchased freely even in countries where there is a rather severe restriction on the sale of medicines without a prescription speaks in its favor. In other words, this drug is safe and rarely causes unwanted reactions. The article will discuss the use of "Paracetamol" by a child at 4 years old (how much to give, multiplicity, release forms, etc.).

General information

"Paracetamol" is a medication that belongs to the group of non-narcotic analgesics and is regarded as one of the most famous and popular. It has an antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Although the last action is very weak. Specially designed pediatric dosage forms of thismedicines are familiar to almost all parents of young children. This drug is recognized as an excellent remedy for relieving such unpleasant symptoms as fever and pain. However, sometimes mothers ask the doctor how much Paracetamol can be given to a child at 4 years old. It is allowed to take the medication in the dose indicated in the instructions for use. Multiplicity of reception per day - no more than four times.

Indications for use

Taking "Paracetamol" allows you to reduce the temperature of the baby by one or two degrees. It is allowed to give it to the child before the arrival of the doctors, since the high temperature can provoke convulsions. The drug, given in a timely manner, will save the baby from this rather dangerous condition.

child playing
child playing

The medicine not only successfully copes with the temperature, but also effectively eliminates minor pain that accompanies various pathological conditions, including it is used for pain when teeth erupt. The effect of the drug appears an hour after administration.

"Paracetamol" in candles

It is recommended to use suppositories if the baby has a strong pain syndrome or you need to quickly reduce the high temperature. How much to give a child at 4 years of "Paracetamol" in this form of release?

Paracetamol suppositories
Paracetamol suppositories

Children at this age are given a suppository at a dosage of 250 mg at a time, the maximum allowable amount per day is from one to two grams. You should first empty the intestines, for example, by making a cleansing enema. It is also allowed to enterdrug and after the act of defecation.

Paracetamol tablets

The drug in this dosage form is available in two dosages:

  • Children's - 200 mg. Taking pills is allowed from two years. In pediatric practice, they are rarely used, as babies are reluctant to take them.
  • Adult - 500 mg. For children over the age of twelve.
Paracetamol tablets
Paracetamol tablets

How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old in tablets of 500 mg, if there is no other medicine? The allowable dose is calculated as follows. For one kilogram of the baby's weight, no more than 10 mg of the drug should fall. According to statistics, the average body weight at this age is 16 kg, so it is allowed to give ¼ tablets at one time. If you have difficulty swallowing, it can be ground into a powder and diluted in a small amount of water.

Paracetamol Syrup

Syrup is the most sought after due to its convenient dosage form and pleasant taste. Parents of preschoolers often opt for this particular form of release. In addition, it is affordable and available in all pharmacies. For ease of dosing, each package of the drug is equipped with a measuring spoon or syringe. These products are marked with special divisions.

paracetamol syrup
paracetamol syrup

How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old in syrup? The amount of fluid that corresponds to the body weight of a particular baby is measured. Usually this is 7.5-10 ml per dose. The frequency of admission depends on the recommendationsdoctor, but it should not exceed four times a day. The interval between doses is at least four hours.

Drug overdose

How much to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old so that he does not have an overdose? To do this, be sure to follow the doctor's recommended doses and regimen.

Causes of poisoning may be as follows:

  • Parents did not carefully read the instructions for use of the medication and gave a dose that was not appropriate for the age and weight of the baby.
  • Child receives combination therapy and simultaneously with "Paracetamol" takes drugs containing it.
  • Failure to comply with the time period recommended by the doctor.
  • If the drug is in a place accessible to the child and he liked the taste of the suspension, then he is able to drink it completely or partially on his own.

When symptoms of poisoning appear, namely complaints of pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, you should call the doctors who will provide the necessary assistance.

How much Paracetamol to give a child at 4?

The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the baby. In order to calculate it correctly, you need to have information about how much it weighs. To facilitate calculations, there is a table in the instructions for use of the drug, which indicates the permissible average doses for small patients of a certain weight. For example, if your four-year-old child weighs 16 to 32 kilograms, then a single dose of Paracetamol in the form of a suspension will be only 10 milliliters. In case there isdoubts about how much medicine to give the baby, you should contact your doctor.

The child has a fever, what should I do?

When a baby has a fever, many parents immediately begin to panic, and this is in vain, since this condition means the body's fight against viruses and bacteria. Most often, doctors prescribe, including a child at 4 years old, Paracetamol for temperature. "How many days can you give it without harm to he alth?" - Moms are interested.

The child's temperature
The child's temperature

It is undesirable to use the drug for more than three days. Doctors recommend starting to lower the temperature when the thermometer rises above 38.9 degrees.

Recommendations from experts on taking Paracetamol

The drug is used only as a symptomatic remedy and does not eliminate the causes of the pathology. Is it possible to give "Paracetamol" to a child at 4 years old? This medication is considered one of the most effective and safe, approved for use in pediatric practice, starting from infancy. Its dosage is calculated based on the weight of the baby. The daily dose is divided into four doses.

Taking "Paracetamol" is justified if there is pain and the temperature is elevated above thirty-eight degrees.

In preschool children, it is used to reduce fever and relieve pain that accompanies acute inflammation and SARS.

You can not give this remedy to children with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with individual intolerance.

Medication takingcan provoke undesirable phenomena, for example, rash, bronchospasm, nausea. If such symptoms are detected, it is forbidden to give medicine to the child. It is necessary to contact the doctors to provide assistance and change the drug.

Syrup on temperature
Syrup on temperature

It is not allowed to use the remedy for more than three days for fever and five days for pain, as long-term use negatively affects the work of many organs of the child.

You should not prescribe other antipyretic drugs together with Paracetamol without consulting your doctor.
