Eye exercises according to Zhdanov: technique, results

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov: technique, results
Eye exercises according to Zhdanov: technique, results

Lower vision is the most common problem of our time. If earlier it worsened mainly with age, now many young people and even children wear glasses. This is due to eye strain and an abundance of stress. There are several methods of treatment for such pathologies, for example, surgery. But they are not available to everyone. And wearing glasses or lenses is uncomfortable, and it is also believed that this leads to a worsening of the situation. But there is a technique that helps improve vision in a simple and affordable way. It was created by Professor V. G. Zhdanov. It is based on the method of W. Bates and G. A. Shichko and includes massage, gymnastics and psychological correction.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov must be performed in combination with all other parts of the methodology. If done responsibly, vision can be improved.

Vision problems and solutions

People's passion for computers and other gadgets negatively affects the sharpnessvision. Therefore, in recent years, eye diseases have become one of the most common problems. It used to be that glasses help correct vision, so they were attributed to everyone. Now modern ophthalmologists note that vision depends on the functioning of the muscles surrounding the eye. If they are very tense or, conversely, weakened, vision problems begin. Therefore, scientists such as W. Bates recommend abandoning glasses, as they lead to relaxation of the oculomotor muscles. The ophthalmologist Zhdanov also advises the same. His eye exercises help strengthen these muscles, which keeps the image in focus.

Decrease in vision not only leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, if you do not start treating the pathology, it can progress. Therefore, it is very important to find an effective way to stop the deterioration of vision. It is better to do this by non-medical and non-surgical methods. One of the most effective is the technique of Professor Zhdanov. Eye exercises, massage, palming and psychological correction will help get rid of any pathologies.

vision improvement
vision improvement

Features of V. G. Zhdanov's technique

A well-known Russian public figure, psychologist and physicist, professor of ophthalmology V. G. Zhdanov is engaged in methods of natural healing without drugs. He gives lectures in which he teaches people how to deal with alcoholism, drug addiction, and restore vision. He studied in detail the structure of the eye and its functions, as well as many methods for the natural restoration of vision. Behindthe basis of the professor took the method of W. Bates. He finalized this technique and made it more accessible to ordinary people. His method does not require any financial costs and even takes a little time. You can do it not even at home, but on the street or in the office.

U. Bates believed that the reason for the deterioration of vision is a strong strain. This can be eye strain during prolonged reading or working with a computer, or severe stress. That is why so many people now have to wear glasses. Based on Bates' research, Professor Zhdanov created a technique that helps to relax and strengthen the muscles of the eye.

In addition, one of the important components of Zhdanov's technique is psychological correction. The professor took as a basis the method of the famous psychoanalyst G. Shichko. Zhdanov finalized it and created the so-called Shichko ladder, without which the technique would be ineffective. He claims that wearing glasses or lenses is a bad habit that needs to be broken. Shichko's ladder explains the process of getting used to a negative program. It is laid down by the bad habits of a person, his environment, the media. When a person gets used to regularly performing certain actions, it is very difficult to change this. But this condition can lead to irreversible consequences. The goal of the Shichko program is to get rid of such bad habits. In addition, the Shichko ladder helps a person to lay down a new program, according to which he will regularly perform special exercises.

professor zhdanov's technique
professor zhdanov's technique

When to use this technique

More oftenIn total, it is recommended to practice according to the Zhdanov method with myopia or hyperopia. These exercises train the muscles surrounding the eye and strengthen them. With the correct application of the technique, vision can be improved by 1-2 diopters. In addition, exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov are effective for astigmatism. Doctors consider this disease incurable, but the professor recommends regular exercise to avoid progression and complications.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov are also used for glaucoma and cataracts. These diseases in official medicine are treated only surgically, but the professor also recommends doing exercises. Glaucoma is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure, and special exercises can normalize it. The effectiveness of exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov with cataracts is explained by the fact that they improve the blood supply to the retina and metabolic processes in it. The professor believes that slagging is the cause of cataracts, and properly performed gymnastics will help to cope with it.

Zhdanov's technique cannot fully restore vision if it has begun to deteriorate for a long time, with high degrees of myopia. It is especially effective in the initial stages, when a person only noticed that he began to see worse. Special exercises also help children well, as their muscles are more elastic and easy to train. And in old age and with a high degree of myopia, eye exercises according to the Zhdanov method will help stop the progression of the pathology and avoid complications.

The professor himself believes that all people can study, evenchildren from 5 years old. The technique is especially useful for the elderly, in whom the muscles gradually atrophy, so vision deteriorates. It is also recommended to deal with everyone who works at a computer in order to prevent myopia.

why vision deteriorates
why vision deteriorates

Rules for applying the methodology

In order for eye exercises to really work, Vladimir Zhdanov recommends exercising regularly. In addition, you must strictly follow all the recommendations and the technique for their implementation. There are several rules, without which the technique will not bring the desired results:

  • before starting classes, be sure to remove glasses or lenses, it is not recommended to exercise in them;
  • you need to do it every day, doing the exercises 2-3 times;
  • you can not make sudden movements, all exercises are performed slowly and smoothly;
  • during class, try to relax completely;
  • with serious pathologies, you can’t overexert yourself, for example, with a high degree of myopia, you can do no more than 2 sets of exercises, and with retinal detachment or glaucoma no more than 1;
  • after eye surgery, you can not practice until full recovery - about 3-6 months;
  • it is important to follow the rules of a he althy diet, change your lifestyle and use the method of psychological correction;
  • it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting classes, as he will help determine if there are any serious pathologies that may interfere with exercise.
poor eyesight
poor eyesight

Psychological basis

This system includes more than just eye exercises. Zhdanov's technique is based on the need for self-hypnosis. The professor recommends that you start keeping a diary before starting classes. In it, you need to program yourself for the best result and write a lot about what a person wants. In addition, it is important to tune in to a positive result and get rid of negative thoughts. Zhdanov believes this is a necessary part of his methodology.

Psychological correction is based on the method of G. Shichko. He believed that the word that a person wrote before going to bed has a great effectiveness in terms of impact. Therefore, Zhdanov recommends writing down phrases every day in a diary that give an orientation to improve vision. For example: "I can see clearly both far and close" or "My vision is recovering".


This exercise for the eyes Vladimir Zhdanov considers the main one. He recommends palming as often as possible, whenever possible. The professor believes that the main cause of all pathologies of vision is overstrain of the eye muscles and mental stress. It is palming that helps to relax and relieve tension. This is especially important for myopia, many people notice that after palming, vision becomes clearer.

Before starting the exercise, rub your palms together to make them warm. Then sit down at the table, put your elbows in front of you and cover your eyes with your palms. In this case, the palms must be bent with a cup and connected with a cross, so that between them there is nolight penetrated. Hands should be pressed to the head, but do not press on the eyeballs. The eyes should be closed and relaxed.

So you need to sit for 5 minutes or more if you wish. At the same time, it is desirable to think about something good and pleasant. Zhdanov recommends performing psychological adjustment, convincing himself that vision is restored and the eyes see better and better. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is necessary that there is blackness in front of the closed eyes. This can be achieved by imagining a black object or black paint that obscures all light spots.

Getting out of palming is also necessary in a special way. It is recommended to first alternately close and relax your eyes. Then remove your hands, you can rub your eyes a little with your fists, without pressing on them. After that, blink quickly. If the exercise is performed correctly, the eyes will feel rested.

eye fatigue
eye fatigue

Eye exercises

Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich thoroughly studied the structure of the eye and its functions. Based on this knowledge, he compiled a set of exercises that effectively strengthen the muscular apparatus of the eye and improve metabolic processes in it. They improve the nutrition of eye tissues and provide them with oxygen. The technique is based on the implementation of 7 basic exercises for the eyes. Dr. Zhdanov took them from the Bates method, modifying them a little. They are universal and suitable both for restoring vision and for the prevention of various pathologies.

All exercises for Zhdanov's eyes are simple and accessible to everyone. No special time required for charging orpreparation. You just need to follow all the recommendations and follow the execution technique.

  • The most important exercise is blinking. You need to blink easily and often, without straining. This helps to relax the eye muscles. Blink for 5-10 seconds after each exercise.
  • Draw horizontal lines with your eyes 5 times in each direction.
  • Do the same, swiping diagonally - from the lower left corner to the upper right and vice versa.
  • Look as high as possible, then look down and back, do this 5 times.
  • Draw a rectangle with eyes.
  • Then draw a zigzag horizontally.
  • Draw a circle with your eyes - the clock face. Then keep your eyes on the imaginary numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12.

Treatment for myopia

The most common pathology of vision is myopia, when a person clearly sees objects near, and everything is blurry in the distance. This is due to the inability of the eye muscles to relax, they squeeze the eyeball and the image is not focused correctly. It is to relax these muscles that most eye exercises from Zhdanov are aimed. This charge is most often used for myopia.

In addition to the main complex, in this case it is recommended to add other exercises. It can be drawing eights, sinusoids, spirals. It is useful to draw numbers or letters with a glance. In addition, with myopia, it is very useful to perform palming as often as possible.

Exercises for farsightedness

Thispathology is characterized by the fact that a person sees well in the distance, but close objects blur. This is because the eye muscles are weakened and do not squeeze the eyeball to focus the image. Therefore, with farsightedness, eye exercises according to Zhdanov are also effective. But such patients, in addition to the main complex, need to perform a few more exercises in order to strengthen the muscles.

For their training, you need to focus on objects at different distances. The thumb is used for this exercise. It is necessary to squeeze the brush into a fist, stretching it up and straightening the arm. The gaze is first focused on the tip of the finger, then transferred to objects far away, for example, outside the window. Then again look at the finger and begin to slowly bring the hand closer to the eyes to about 15 cm. After that, also slowly straighten the arm and repeat everything from the beginning.

The next eye exercise according to the Zhdanov method is performed using the index finger. The hand also needs to be clenched into a fist, stretching out a finger. Place it in front of the face at a distance of 10 cm from the eyes, but do not look at it. The gaze should be focused on objects in the distance, and the finger should be moved to the right and left. You need to do this quickly, moving your finger 20 cm to the side.

exercises for farsightedness
exercises for farsightedness

What to do with astigmatism and eye fatigue

Often poor vision is associated with various congenital or acquired pathologies. The most common of these is astigmatism. This is a defect of the cornea, manifested in its curvature. Because of this, a person sees badly, everything blurs. Eye exercisesaccording to Zhdanov, they are also effective for astigmatism. To help the muscles relax and improve nutrition and blood supply to the tissues of the eye, palming should be performed as often as possible.

Sometimes poor eyesight is caused by fatigue or severe eye strain. When a person works on a computer or reads for a long time, in the evening the eyes get very tired, vision may become a little blurred. When this is repeated often, its severity may decrease. In this case, Zhdanov's exercises for the eyes are also used to prevent myopia.

Good for relaxing after a hard day's work palming. You can also do the Candle exercise. To do this, light a regular candle and place it at a distance of 20 cm from the eyes. Close your eyes and sit until the flashes of light and flicker disappear, then extinguish the candle. Already lying in bed, you can perform the exercise "Bug". You need to look at the ceiling and imagine that there is a bug. Then hold it with your eyes to the nose and back. This exercise trains the eye muscles well and is useful for everyone who often works on the computer.

Results of application

Dr. Zhdanov's eye exercises are not always effective. It depends on many factors. First of all, from the desire and perseverance of the patient himself. But much also depends on the diagnosis and severity of the pathology. With a slight degree of myopia or farsightedness, it is necessary to make a little effort, and regular exercises will help correct vision. But other pathologies require a more serious approach. For example, exercises foreyes according to Zhdanov with glaucoma can be performed only after consulting a doctor, and better under the guidance of a specialist. The professor himself recommends in difficult cases not to refuse surgical intervention. But classes according to his method will help to avoid the progression of the pathology and reoperation.

In order for Zhdanov's exercises for the eyes to be effective, you need to practice regularly, follow all the recommendations. It is important to use the full range of measures included in the methodology. This massage, and proper nutrition, and lifestyle. You also need to keep a diary where you write down your thoughts and observations. The result also depends on whether the person can refuse glasses or contact lenses. This is very important, because the use of these vision correction devices will make the exercise ineffective. If a person does not have such an opportunity, you need to switch to weaker lenses. It is also important to remember that the restoration of vision is a long process, you should not quit classes after a couple of weeks if there are no results. They may appear as early as the first month, but it usually takes longer to get better vision.

the purpose of the lessons
the purpose of the lessons

Exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov: reviews

Many people succeeded in restoring vision using this technique. Although ophthalmologists are skeptical about the effectiveness of psychological correction and vitamin therapy for the treatment of eye diseases, they have nothing against doing exercises, even recommending them to their patients in the initial stages of myopia. Most reviews are from people withpoor eyesight on this technique is positive. They note that the exercises are simple and accessible. With their help, you can quickly restore vision and avoid complications.
