Exercising for the eyes according to Zhdanov is a currently widespread method of restoring vision, based on the works of the American ophthalmologist of the late XIX - early XX century William Bates. In modern Russia, Zhdanov is considered his most famous follower and popularizer of ideas. Despite the fact that the works and methods of Bates were recognized as unscientific, there are still quite a few people who believe in the effectiveness of such gymnastics. In this article we will tell you what the Zhdanov method is based on, what problems it can help with, how to use it correctly.
Vision problems

Today, many of our compatriots are trying to restore vision thanks to eye exercises according to Zhdanov. The follower of Bates himself claims that the technique should be used by everyone who has vision problems, while they have no indications for the operation.
Based on theirdevelopments, in addition to the ideas of Bates, Zhdanov included the practice of yogis. The exercises that he advises to perform are allegedly aimed not only at improving vision, but also in general the well-being of a person, his immunity. In addition to gymnastics, the professor advises to eat right, give up nicotine and alcohol, and engage in general strengthening physical education.
Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov helps to fight farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism. For each of these pathologies, he compiled a list of specific exercises.
Vladimir Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a popular domestic public figure. He is 69 years old and currently heads the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety. Known as a popularizer of non-medical methods of getting rid of tobacco, alcohol and restoring vision.
In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Novosibirsk State University. He received his Ph. D. in optics. He taught at the Pedagogical Institute in Novosibirsk.
The turning point in his life came in 1983 when he read a report by Academician Fyodor Uglov on the social and he alth consequences of alcohol consumption in the Soviet Union. After that, he decided to devote his life to introducing the report to as many compatriots as possible. He quickly became an active public figure, an informal leader of the temperance movement in the USSR.
In 1994, Professor Zhdanov, as he himself claims, completely restored his vision using the Bates method,defeating farsightedness. Since then, he has been engaged in its study and improvement, as well as distribution. In addition to lectures on the dangers and negative consequences of alcohol consumption, Professor Zhdanov began to talk about restoring vision. In addition to doing certain exercises, he advised taking nutritional supplements, which he sold after his performances.
It is noteworthy that at the same time, the origin of Zhdanov's professorship remains unclear. He has held this position since 2000, heading the department of psychoanalysis and practical psychology in a non-state educational institution called the Siberian Humanitarian and Ecological Institute. Then the university closed, Zhdanov himself claimed that the rector died, and the new leader was unable to save the educational institution. However, when exactly this happened, he does not specify.
The status of this institution remains unclear. Some researchers have not found any traces of it at all. Others claim that the institution existed, even published its own newspaper, but at the same time it never received a license to carry out educational activities.
Recent years Zhdanov lives in Moscow, heads the Department of Practical Psychology at the International Slavic Academy.
Basic rules
There are a few key rules to follow when doing Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics, no matter what specific pathology you are trying to deal with.
For best results, remember the followingrecommendations:
- a set of exercises is allowed to be repeated no more than three times a day;
- be sure to remove your glasses or contact lenses before starting classes;
- do each exercise at least three times;
- make sure that facial muscles do not participate in gymnastics, only eyeballs should work;
- before embarking on a particular treatment complex, be sure to consult your ophthalmologist.
Please note that when performing exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov, one should not make sudden movements with the eyeballs, and a patient suffering from severe myopia (with vision from -4) should use this technique with extreme caution. Be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your body without aggravating its condition. Most of the exercises are recommended to start with a small warm-up, raising your eyes up and down, left and right. After that, be sure to blink.
It is important to remember that Zhdanov's eye exercises are prohibited for patients who have recently undergone eye surgery or have had retinal detachment.
Now let's consider what specific exercises the professor advises to perform for each of the diseases.

If the patient suffers from myopia, there are special eye exercises to improve vision according to Zhdanov. First of all, they are aimed at focusing vision. First on a distant object, and then on a close one.
Zhdanov recommends making several special tables with texts. In this case, the words can be absolutely anything, the most important thing is that each line, which is located below the previous one, be printed in a smaller font. For example, you can make a table as close as possible to the visual acuity table that all ophthalmologists use in their offices. As an example, you can take it as a basis.
Print the very first table on a large sheet and hang it on the wall. For the second table, an A4 sheet is suitable, no more. Gymnastics for Zhdanov's eyes with myopia is performed according to the following algorithm:
- Stand at such a distance from the first table that you can clearly see only its top line.
- Close one eye with the palm of your hand, doing the exercise only with the other eye.
- Pick up the second table, reduced format.
- Focus on the top line of the table hanging on the wall. Then translate it to the same line on the small table. Repeat this manipulation three times.
- Repeat the exercise, focusing now on the second line of the table hanging on the wall and the one you are holding in your hand.
- Repeat the whole exercise separately for the second eye.
According to the Zhdanov method for the eyes, this gymnastics should be performed until all the lines from the table are read. The main thing to remember when doing this is that your head should remain still, use only your eyes.
There is another option for charging the eyes according to Zhdanov. It includes exercises aimed primarily at the muscles of the eyes. It should be performed according to the following algorithm:
- Start by blinking lightly and quickly without closing your eyes. So you effectively relax your muscles to start doing eye exercises to restore vision according to Zhdanov.
- Start moving your eyes up and down, blink rapidly after three seconds.
- Move your eyes left and right for another three seconds.
- Make diagonal movements left-down and left-up five times, then blink again.
- Exercise "Rectangle". With your eyes, draw a mental rectangle, starting from its right side.
- Exercise "Clock". Imagine a dial with the base of the hands located at the bridge of your nose. Make characteristic eye movements in a clockwise direction. After walking the entire circle, blink, and then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
- Exercise "Snake". Imagine a snake, start mentally following it in any direction with only your eyes. Blink at the end.
It is important that when performing a set of exercises for Zhdanov's eyes, you do not abuse it, trying to achieve the fastest result. Repeat each exercise no more than three times a day, otherwise you can cause even more damage to your eyes.

This set of exercises of the Zhdanov technique for the eyes is aimed at strengthening the oblique eye muscles due to their constanttension and relaxation.
For the first exercise, take a pencil or pen with your arm outstretched in front of you. Blink a little and look at any distant object. After that, look at the pen, without looking away, bring the object closer to the eyes to a distance of 10-15 centimeters. Then stretch your hand back, blink for a few seconds, look into the distance again. This exercise should be repeated seven times.
For the second exercise, you will also need a pencil or some alternative. Bring the pencil to your eyes, holding it in a strictly vertical position. At the same time, during this entire exercise, your gaze should be directed into the distance. Tilt the pencil in different directions, and then move it to the left, about 15 centimeters. Continue to hold it at eye level, and after a few seconds return to its original position. After that, repeat the manipulation, moving the pencil to your right side. The duration of this exercise should not exceed three minutes.
Instead of a pencil or pen, if they were not at hand, you can use a regular index finger.

The main problem that occurs with astigmatism is the lack of focusing of vision, since in this case the sphericity of the cornea or lens is broken. Astigmatism is considered among specialists to be a very serious pathology, which can be acquired or congenital. For example, astigmatism may appear after an eye injury.
If timely treatment is not carried outof this disease, vision will begin to decline rapidly, there is a possibility of developing strabismus. This technique can only be used by agreement with the doctor in combination with other methods of treating astigmatism.
It should be noted that although many ophthalmologists are skeptical about this gymnastics, patients regularly receive positive feedback about its use.
The first complex consists of several exercises. You should start by moving your eyeballs in different directions. Then rotate your eyes in a circle, draw an imaginary rectangle with your eyes, and finally draw an imaginary eight and an infinity sign.

Mandatory component in the treatment of astigmatism - palming. It is recommended not only to cope with this serious disease, but also to relieve excessive eye muscle tension and fatigue. This is a universal remedy for stress relief, developed by the American ophthalmologist Bates. It is important to know how to do palming for the eyes.
Start by rubbing your eyes well until a characteristic warmth appears. After that, put your hands on your eyes so that they completely cover them. Leave only the nose free for unhindered breathing. Fingers need to be closed together so that no light seeps through them at all. Sit in this position for several minutes. Your body and upper limbs should be as relaxed as possible.
Forcorrect palming for the eyes according to Zhdanov, at this moment it is necessary to remember some joyful and pleasant event from life, to hold your eyes on this imaginary image as much as possible.
It's not just how you get to palming that matters, but how you get out of it. To do this, straighten your back as much as possible, slightly close your eyes under your palms. After removing them from your face, slowly and gently shake your head in different directions, while not opening your eyes yet. Then lightly rub them with your fist, only then begin to gradually open. Be sure to blink as you do this.
Palming is recommended to be done regularly not only for patients suffering from astigmatism, but also for office workers who have to spend a lot of time at the computer. This exercise in this case should be performed for four minutes every hour.
Solarization is another anti-astigmatism method recommended by Zhdanov. This exercise will help you relax your eye muscles, quickly and effectively restore vision. It can be performed under any light source except for fluorescent lamps.
First, stand facing a light source located in the room. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes, and at the same time relax your body as much as possible. Turn your entire body to the right, slowly lifting the heel of your left foot. Repeat the same action on the other side, turning the body to the left. These turns should be done 20 times. You need to stop the exercise earlier if you start to flicker under your closed eyes.sunny "bunnies".
After solarization, it is recommended to perform palming, while remaining in a standing position. This discharge will help you get rid of "bunnies" in front of your eyes, if they do occur, and also relax your eye muscles as much as possible, which is very important for achieving the result. To do this, rub your palms together until they become warm. Only then apply them to your closed eyes. In this case, the elbows should be pressed to the chest, and the head should be slightly lowered.
Unconventional methods
Part of the exercises Zhdanov developed independently, without relying on Bates' hypotheses. For example, he advises splashing cold boiled water into the eyes. At the same time, ideally, it should be thawed. It should be boiled and then frozen in the refrigerator. It is useful to wash your face with thawed water and splash yourself directly into your open eyes twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Water retains its useful polymeric structure as long as ice crystals remain in it. It should be boiled first to remove bleach, which can harm the eyes.
It's good to make faces. Relax and strain the muscles of the face, move your ears, jaws, eyes. Funny faces are better to make right in front of the mirror. The better your facial muscles are developed, the more efficiently the blood supply to the eyes will begin to work. It will also significantly improve the work of the oculomotor muscles, which are important for maintaining sharp vision.
Note that newborns are constantly grimacing. They do it instinctively so that the facial muscles develop withfirst day of life.
Evaluation of experts

Doctors today evaluate the effectiveness of Zhdanov's technique in different ways. The vast majority considers him a charlatan, and the gymnastics he promotes is completely useless. There are international studies that have proved the fallacy of the hypotheses and assumptions that Bates put forward. Later, his Russian follower built his methodology on them.
Some ophthalmologists treat these exercises more favorably. Without categorically denying them, they argue that additional studies and experiments are required to confirm or disprove their effectiveness. Zhdanov himself holds the same point of view.
At the same time, one often has to meet gratitude from patients. People claim that after meticulous and thorough implementation of these exercises, they were able to improve their vision, some patients with glaucoma even noted a decrease in intraocular pressure, which already indicates significant results.
By doing these exercises regularly, as well as eating a balanced diet and completely giving up alcohol, a person can significantly improve his vision in a few months. At least, Zhdanov himself is sure of this.