Dental implantation is the introduction of an artificial support into the jaw tissue, which acts as a replacement for one's own tooth. Removable and non-removable dentures are widely used in modern dentistry. Dental implants increase the ability of the dentist to restore gaps in the dentition or the complete absence of units. They have a lot of different advantages in comparison with other types of prosthetics. Dentures help restore the normal chewing process, as they can withstand significant mechanical stress.
Features of the implant procedure
In modern implantology, prosthetics with dental implants has become quite popular, despite the high cost of the procedure. They meet almost all requirements, as they restore all the lost functions of the dentition and look like natural teeth. Other than that, they don't cause any discomfort at all.

Dental implantation is a surgical operation, duringwhich an artificial tooth root is installed in the jawbone, and a crown is already placed on it, which imitates a natural tooth. The implant is a steel rod, which has a diameter of 3-5 mm. It is often made of zirconium oxide, titanium, and leucosapphires and ceramics are also used for this.
Materials used for the manufacture of dental implants are fully biocompatible with gum tissues, do not cause allergies and are practically not rejected by the body. The risks associated with the development of complications after the implantation procedure are minimal.
This type of prosthetics is used in case of significant tooth decay or its complete loss. With the correct manufacture of the implant and its subsequent installation, the artificial structure will not cause any physical and psychological discomfort. It will take root very quickly and begin to feel like your own tooth.
Types of implants
According to the classification of dental implants, they are divided into 2 main groups, namely intraosseous and extraosseous. Intraosseous structures are divided into the following types:
- root-shaped;
- platform;
- combined.
Root-shaped implants are widely used in modern dentistry and are a screw made of titanium. In its shape, it resembles a tooth root, so the whole structure is particularly durable, takes root well and looks as natural as possible. For its installation, a sufficient amount of its own bone tissue is required,and if it is not enough, then an additional operation is required to increase it.
A lamellar implant is a plate on which a pin is attached. Due to its special shape, such a design holds well even in a fairly small amount of bone tissue. It is used when it is impossible to install a root-type dental implant, as well as to restore the front teeth, as they do not withstand the masticatory load. In addition, such structures take root much worse due to the fact that a significant part of the bone tissue is damaged during the installation.

Combined dental implants are considered one of the most reliable and are used in case of severe bone tissue atrophy, as well as with a large number of missing teeth. They are structures that are installed immediately at 3 points on the jaw.
In addition, there are non-osseous types of dental implants that are used when it is impossible to use intraosseous structures. In particular, they are:
- subperiosteal;
- stabilizing;
- intramucosal.
Subperiosteal implants are used when there is insufficient bone tissue, which is mainly found in the elderly. They are installed without additional surgery and are less traumatic, so they hold quite firmly and take root well.
Stabilization implants preserve the natural root of the tooth, whilesomewhat lengthen due to the installation method. Such constructions are used as a temporary measure, since a tooth without a nerve will have to be removed after a while due to its severe destruction.
Intramucosal implants are placed in the mucosa without affecting the bone itself. They are small in size and shaped like a mushroom. They are used for attaching complete removable dentures. Such designs are convenient and affordable.
Implantation types
There are several types of dental implants. Designs of implants in each case are selected strictly individually. Among the main types of such a procedure, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- classic;
- simultaneous;
- basal;
- mini-implantation.
Classic implantation is characterized by the fact that the problematic tooth is initially removed, then you need to wait for the gums to heal and the bone tissue to recover. Only after that the implant itself is installed, which takes root within 2-6 months. This technique is considered one of the most popular, as it allows you to restore the beauty and aesthetics of a smile, as well as restore the ability to chew food normally.
Simultaneous implantation implies the installation of an implant in the hole immediately after tooth extraction. This method has many advantages, since you do not need to wait 3-4 months before the bone tissue recovers and the hole heals. The implant is placed in a fresh hole left aftertooth extraction, after which the space is filled with natural or artificial bone material to accelerate the restoration of bone tissue. Then the design is closed with a plug and left for 3-6 months for engraftment.

Basal implantation with immediate loading refers to express methods. To perform this procedure, one-piece implants are used, which are somewhat longer than the classic options and have a more aggressive thread. This makes it possible to more securely fix them in dense bone tissue.
Slim constructions are used for mini-implantation. However, they are unable to withstand significant loads, so they are used only to support lightweight removable dentures.
Main benefits of the procedure
The Dental Implant System has various advantages, which should include such as:
- long service life;
- high aesthetic qualities;
- no need to grind and depulp adjacent teeth.
When carrying out such a procedure, the patient does not experience vomiting at all, as well as pain and discomfort. Modern materials are quite high quality, durable and reliable, which is why you can consume any food without restrictions.
Rehabilitation of patients with the help of dental implants is widely carried out, as they help to fully restore chewing functions and normal diction. Reliable fastening of the structure provides themstability for years to come.
Indications for implantation
There are certain indications for prosthetics on dental implants, among which it is necessary to highlight:
- total absence of teeth in one jaw;
- deficiencies in the dentition;
- missing one tooth;
- the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system as a result of poor chewing of food due to the absence of some teeth.

In addition, the indication for prosthetics is the inability for a person to use removable dentures, as well as atrophy of the alveolar processes. It is worth noting that only patients who have reached the age of 18 years, but not older than 65 years old, can only install prostheses.
Contraindications for the procedure
Prosthetics on dental implants has certain contraindications that must be taken into account. These should include:
- lack of bone tissue;
- malignant tumors, chemotherapy;
- psychological illness;
- diabetes mellitus;
- oral pathologies;
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding.
All possible contraindications will be reported by the dentist, who will definitely perform a number of procedures and studies before implantation. There are also some contraindications for the installation of a dental implant, which can be eliminated right before the procedure. These include:
- tobacco smoking;
- poor oral hygiene;
- periodontal disease;
- bite defects;
- inflammation of the oral mucosa.
In any case, before the operation, you need to undergo an examination and consult with a dentist, as this will avoid complications.
Preparation for prosthetics
Now the possibilities of rehabilitation of patients with the help of dental implants have expanded significantly, as there are many modern designs and methods for performing such a procedure. Initially, there is a preparation phase. It involves an examination of the oral cavity, and on the basis of a tomogram or x-ray, the degree of suitability of tissues for the operation, the condition of the sinuses of the jaw and the temporomandibular joint are assessed.

After choosing the implantation technique, the state of other organs and systems is diagnosed. It is also required to consult with other doctors regarding the presence of contraindications for this operation. After developing a treatment plan and drawing up a contract, the dentist performs activities such as:
- professional teeth cleaning;
- removal of decayed teeth that cannot be restored;
- old orthopedic systems are being removed.
This stage ends with the manufacture of a diagnostic model based on a cast of the dental system.
Surgical stage
Depending on the choice of prosthetic method, surgic althe intervention can be performed in one or more steps. Installation of a non-separable dental implant is carried out in the hole of the extracted tooth. If the procedure is performed in several stages, then initially the dentist, after applying anesthesia, models the bed for the future prosthesis. The jaw bone is exposed along the ridge, and then the tissues are gradually peeled off and marked in the area intended for implant placement.
Then the dentist performs the preparation of the canal in the jaw. The depth of the hole should correspond to the size of the intraosseous supporting segment of the prosthesis. To avoid complications during the installation of dental implants, the dentist must perform the preparation sequentially, using several types of drills of different sizes.

In the case of using combined or plate types of prostheses, fissure drills are used for preparation and creation of a lodge for an artificial structure. After the initial stage of prosthetics, the implant is installed. The screw structure is screwed in, and the plate or cylindrical type is installed in a pre-prepared bed. To prevent tissue ingrowth into the channel of the prosthesis, a plug is installed at the next stage.
The surgical stage ends with the suture of the gums. After that, the plug is unscrewed using a microscopic incision in the gum, and then the shaper is installed, which is subsequently replaced by the implant abutment.
Orthopedic stage
Orthopedic treatment based on dental implants involves making an impression of the teeth. Based on the finished impressions, copies of natural teeth are made, on the basis of which a bridge or artificial crowns are prepared.
Post procedure care and recovery
For better survival of the implant, it is imperative to ensure proper care of the oral cavity. The engraftment time of the construction on the lower jaw takes about 2 months, and on the upper jaw - 3 months. During this period, a person must regularly visit a dentist who will monitor tissue healing. By constantly rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic, you can minimize the risk of implant rejection.

In the postoperative period, treatment is carried out with the use of analgesics, antiseptics and other medications. Immediately after the operation, ice should be applied to the area where the intervention was performed, 6-7 times during the day. Ice should be kept for 20-25 minutes. It also requires the consumption of only mechanically sparing food. When brushing teeth, only a soft brush should be used, and special care should be taken in the suture area.
Patient reviews of implants
Reviews of many people after the installation of dental implants are mostly positive. Despite the fact that some say that the procedure is expensive, and there are certain limitations, however, the result is pleasing, since it is possible to return not only the aesthetics of the smile, but also the chewing function. Moderndesigns of very high quality, so it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural teeth.
Dental implantation is becoming more and more popular every year, as it is an opportunity to return lost teeth.