Why does hookah make you sick: reasons and what to do?

Why does hookah make you sick: reasons and what to do?
Why does hookah make you sick: reasons and what to do?

Recently, hookah smoking has become a very popular activity. Of course, this is not the most useful pastime, but the hookah is in great demand among young people. Without this ritual, not a single event takes place. Many are interested in whether hookah can make you sick and why this happens. Let's try to figure it out.

What is this?

Hookah is a smoking device that allows you to filter and cool the smoke that is inhaled. A vessel with wine or water plays the role of a filter. A smoking bowl is inserted into the vessel, connected to a pipe, the end of which goes under water. Above the water level, another tube leaves the vessel, to which a chubuk is attached. When smoking, negative pressure is formed in the hookah vessel, due to which the smoke rises through the liquid and enters the smoker's lungs through the pipe from the chubuk.

The hookah was invented in India, but it quickly became popular around the world. Smoking a hookah is a whole ceremony that requires about an hour of preparation. The process of smoking has a special etiquette. Hookah can be served with a variety of dishes and drinks.

sick of hookahmake
sick of hookahmake

When should I smoke it?

Smoking a hookah should be after a meal, in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. This process should take place reclining or sitting on a soft pillow, this is the so-called smoking ritual. It is also recommended that when smoking hookah, eat fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, such as orange, grapefruit, lime and tangerine. It is not recommended to combine hookah smoking with alcohol, as this has a detrimental effect on the body. This is forbidden not only by doctors, but also by the traditions of hookah smoking. So why is hookah sickening? One reason is alcohol. If the hookah was smoked without alcohol, the reason should be looked for elsewhere.

hookah makes me dizzy and nauseous
hookah makes me dizzy and nauseous

A little about tobacco

Hookah tobacco is very different from ordinary cigarette tobacco. Hookah tobacco should be moist. In most cases, pressed tobacco for hookah is so wet that juice flows from it. Its translucent and sticky leaves are glued together, forming a whole mass, similar to jam.

sick of hookah
sick of hookah

Why is hookah sickening?

As for feeling unwell and nausea after smoking hookah, in most cases this occurs in people with frequent drops in blood pressure. But he althy people can also feel worse after smoking hookah if they are inexperienced smokers. It is strictly forbidden to smoke hookah for pregnant women and people with heart disease.

can hookah make you sick
can hookah make you sick

Side effects

It happensmany side effects after smoking hookah, among them such as:

  • vomiting;
  • disorientation;
  • severe dizziness when walking;
  • severe migraine headaches;
  • tinnitus;
  • hard breathing;
  • strong and rapid heartbeat;
  • pain perception of light.

These symptoms can occur almost immediately after smoking hookah.

Severe consequences

In severe cases, there may be convulsions and loss of consciousness. With such symptoms, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor. One of the causes of nausea is smoking on an empty stomach. So if you are on a diet, then this type of rest is not recommended. Also, you can not smoke a hookah when the body is dehydrated, so smoking is recommended to be combined with drinking tea and other soft drinks. Adding strong alcoholic beverages to a hookah flask can also cause nausea. This can lead to the development of negative side effects. The smoke comes out in sharp, saturated clubs containing caustic substances. For many people, this can provoke allergic reactions.

Why do you feel sick when you smoke hookah
Why do you feel sick when you smoke hookah

Some may not even feel sick from smoking, but from the smoke itself, so non-smokers should refrain from attending such events. If a person has never smoked cigarettes before, and this is his first smoking experience, then after the first puffs, you may feel dizzy, nauseous and feel worse. Basically, this is a normal reaction.body to the penetration of nicotine into the lungs. Tobacco smoking through a hookah must be organized correctly. In this case, you need to adhere to special technologies. Otherwise, hookah smoking can negatively affect the human body and its well-being. The whole problem is the products of combustion contained in the smoke from the hookah.

Often poor quality coals are used to kindle a hookah, thereby violating the technology. Such coals can contain dangerous impurities, which, when burned, mix with smoke and enter the lungs of a person.

nausea and dizziness after hookah
nausea and dizziness after hookah

Poor hygiene and poor quality fillers

Another reason why hookah makes you sick when you smoke is a violation of hygiene. Some hookah makers use quick-burning coals. They are very dangerous for the body, since s altpeter is contained in the composition of such coals. Another violation of the rules of smoking is a dirty, insufficiently washed mushtuk. It causes many negative and unpleasant effects after smoking. Over time, it accumulates a lot of resins with a high concentration, which are very dangerous for the human body. Great importance should be given to the choice of smoking mixtures. Since the main content of mixtures is tobacco, it is this that produces an intoxicating effect on the smoker.

The amount of tobacco should be determined, taking into account the needs of the person. Usually those people who started smoking recently begin to feel sick. For them, you can offer smoking with a small amount of tobacco. Man won'tfeel nauseous if the additives in the smoking mixtures are of high quality. Such mixtures have minimal effect on the body, without causing much harm.

sick of hookah why
sick of hookah why

We should not forget about the microbes that are contained in the hookah, because only the nozzle is changed in it. In other places, a lot of infections also accumulate, so without special treatment of a hookah, a person may well vomit. If immediately after hookah you feel sick and dizzy, pathogenic microbes, such as staphylococcus aureus, which enters the respiratory tract, may be the culprits. The fungus Aspergillus can also affect lung tissue. But the most terrible disease after smoking a hookah is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Recently, it is very resistant to major antibiotics, so it can quickly spread in the body and affect all internal organs. When ingested, it is very difficult to tolerate.

High fever starts, mind is lost, constant vomiting, convulsions and even loss of consciousness are inherent. If all these symptoms appear within a few hours after smoking, you should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment. Often, infection from poorly washed hookahs occurs with a large flow of visitors in an institution where the staff does not have time to conscientiously wash hookahs.

Basic rules

Knowing what causes can lead to poor he alth after smoking, with a reasonable use of a hookah, you can avoid them. You just need to follow some simple rules:

  • not worth itdrink strong alcoholic beverages while smoking hookah;
  • be sure to ventilate the room when smoking to get fresh air;
  • you should definitely take breaks between smoking, arrange light snacks with tea drinking;
  • use only quality tobacco from well-known manufacturers;
  • it is forbidden to smoke on an empty stomach, as this can cause pain and nausea;
  • use only high-quality coal, in no case should you use quick-burning coal;
  • constantly make sure that the bowl does not overheat.


We have already learned why hookah makes you sick. What to do in this situation? If you or the people around you become ill, you need to urgently take action and provide emergency assistance. It is advisable to ventilate the room in which the smoking ceremony is held, or to bring a person who has become ill into fresh air. A cup of strong coffee can alleviate a bad state, since caffeine has a beneficial effect on depression after smoking. Another great help to overcome nausea is a glass of freshly squeezed juice, especially orange, or any other citrus. Headaches can also accompany poor he alth, and if they are very strong, then it is worth taking painkillers. Also, with prolonged smoking, oxygen starvation occurs, from which it can feel sick. You can alleviate this state of he alth with the help of ammonia, simply moistening cotton wool with it and letting it smell to a person who has become ill. After such a procedurerelief is immediate.

Smoking hookah is considered not particularly dangerous to he alth. But only if you follow the rules of smoking and choose only high-quality tobacco.

There are many disagreements about the benefits and harms of hookah smoking. According to the Ministry of He alth, hookah is no less safe to smoke than cigarette smoking. Also, experiments were carried out that prove that the harmful substances that are in hookah smoke cannot be completely destroyed thanks to liquid filters and are very dangerous to he alth.

Scientists have concluded that hookah smoking has a toxic effect on the body. But the choice always remains with each individual. Most importantly, this hobby should not be abused.
