How easier it is to transfer EGD: features of the procedure, recommendations of specialists, reviews

How easier it is to transfer EGD: features of the procedure, recommendations of specialists, reviews
How easier it is to transfer EGD: features of the procedure, recommendations of specialists, reviews

Of the modern methods of examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, FGDS is considered one of the most informative. This name stands for fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Means EGD examination of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Sometimes doctors use the abbreviation EGDS, i.e. gastroscopy is also performed on the esophagus.

However, not everyone knows how easy it is to transfer EGD and how to prepare for it.

What you need to know about EGD?

Gastroscopy is prescribed to diagnose diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, as well as to determine the presence of polyps or tumors of various etiologies. Sharp weight loss, abdominal pain, frequent belching and vomiting - all these symptoms serve as the basis for the appointment of a diagnosis.

how easier it is to transfer a gastric FGD
how easier it is to transfer a gastric FGD

During gastroscopy, an endoscope is inserted into the patient's esophagus, which is a very thin, up to 1 cm in diameter, flexible tube equipped at the working end with a special light source. Traditionally, optical endoscopes are used, on which lenses are mounted - the resulting imagetransmitted through a special fiber to a special eyepiece, into which the specialist looks. There are also video endoscopes, which are equipped not with lenses, but with miniature video cameras that allow you to get a sharper image - especially since it can be further enlarged to make it more detailed.

In modern medicine, even medical endoscopes are used, which make it possible to carry out additional medical manipulations, in particular, they are used to perform a biopsy - the collection of tiny pieces of tissue for laboratory research.

fgds: how to transfer easier
fgds: how to transfer easier

This technique has long been worked out and debugged. Therefore, the procedure is considered safe and complications are rare. Another thing is the psychological moment. Many people are afraid to swallow an endoscope, and those who have de alt with older equipment of this type remember that the sensation was unpleasant. However, today the maximum discomfort after EGD is when a person has a sore throat. And then these sensations pass quite quickly, usually within a day after the examination.


There are people for whom this type of examination is completely contraindicated. Although FGDS has few limitations, they still exist: these are severe cardiac arrhythmias, bronchial asthma in the acute stage, respiratory failure, etc. Also, the examination is not carried out during the rehabilitation period after a myocardial infarction or stroke.

how to pass fgds easily
how to pass fgds easily

Before the procedure, the patient's blood pressure is measured. elevatedindicators are a contraindication for its implementation. But in such cases, the patient is simply given a drug to reduce pressure, and when it works, EGD can be safely performed.

Preparation for EGD

While wondering how easier it is to transfer FGDS, you need to prepare for the procedure 2-3 days before the appointed date. All this time you will have to follow a certain diet.

First of all, all spicy dishes, smoked meats and pickles should be excluded from the diet, as they irritate the gastric mucosa and therefore negatively affect the reliability of the examination. For the same reason, you should not drink alcoholic beverages.

When asking how to get an EGD easily, it is best to follow at this time a semblance of diet No. 1, designed for patients with gastritis, that is, for this time to give up fatty meat, fried foods, vegetables with a lot of essential oils like radish, onion or garlic. Also, during this period of time, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid should not be taken.

how to transfer FGDS easier
how to transfer FGDS easier

Do not eat or drink for at least 8-10 hours prior to the start of the study. The fact is that the presence of food or liquid residues in the stomach greatly complicates the diagnosis, not to mention the fact that the results may be unreliable.

When asked how it is easier to transfer gastric EGD, owners of removable dentures need to get rid of this design before starting the procedure. If the patient has an allergy to any medication, this should also be advance.

How to make the process easier

The procedure is tried to be as comfortable as possible for the patient. Therefore, he is first given a local anesthetic solution for gargling (sometimes such agents are used in the form of a spray) to reduce the sensitivity of the pharynx. After a few minutes, the mucous membranes become numb, after which you can proceed to the main part, when the patient needs to hold a special mouthpiece between the teeth - this is necessary for the introduction of the endoscope.

Here, there may be discomfort associated with the passage of the endoscope from the throat into the esophagus. The patient can facilitate this procedure himself if at this moment he takes a breath and relaxes, and then performs a swallowing movement, during which it will be easier for the doctor to insert the endoscope.

how to transfer FGDS easier
how to transfer FGDS easier

The situation is a bit different with children. Babies under the age of 6 can only do this procedure under general anesthesia. This also applies to people with hypersensitivity.

If FGDS is performed only for diagnostics, then the whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. If additional manipulations are performed, all this can take 20-30 minutes. The conclusion is usually issued by the doctor in an hour. All this time the patient will be under medical supervision. Biopsy results usually come back within a week.

Diet after EGD

This type of gastroscopy is a fairly serious intervention. Especially if it also produces a biopsy. Therefore, after the procedure regarding nutrition, alsocertain rules must be followed. If FGDS included only examination of the mucous membranes and was carried out without complications, then the first meal is possible within an hour after the end of gastroscopy. If there are any difficulties, the doctor may recommend increasing this time.

In general, after EGD, it is recommended to follow the therapeutic diet No. 1, which is usually prescribed for people suffering from gastritis or ulcers. As a rule, such a diet is relevant for one or two weeks, and then everything depends on the results of the examination. If, however, during a gastroscopy, tissue was taken for a biopsy, the doctor may recommend a diet for 2-3 weeks.

Such a diet means a sparing regimen for the stomach and intestines. This means that meals are served warm, but neither hot nor cold. Cooking methods are regulated - products can be boiled, steamed, baked without a crust, but not fried.

Forbidden foods

All dishes that can irritate the mucous membrane or cause increased production of gastric juice are prohibited. In addition to spices, this list includes:

  • carbonated drinks, even without sugar;
  • any alcohol;
  • strong broths;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • baking pastry;
  • all types of cabbage (due to the ability to increase gas formation);
  • black tea and coffee.

Recommended dishes

After diagnosis, for a sparing regimen, slimy soups, cereals boiled in water, dried bread or toast, as well as meat are recommendedlow-fat varieties and steam omelettes. For dessert, you can eat a baked apple.

On the first day after the diagnosis, you should drink only clean water without gas. On the second day, you can already drink rosehip broth, jelly, etc.

How easier it is to transfer EGD: medical sleep

The EGD technique with sleep medication or sedation has been used for two decades. At first, it was practiced only in elite metropolitan clinics, today such studies have become more common.

how to pass fgds
how to pass fgds

It differs from the usual technique in that before the start of the examination, the patient is given an intravenous injection of a sedative, and the person falls asleep. Further, the procedure is carried out in the usual manner, that is, an endoscope is inserted through the mouth, it enters the stomach from the esophagus, but the person does not experience pain or discomfort, since such artificial sleep is deeper. The effect of the drug is designed for 40 minutes, this is enough for the examination.

After that, the patient wakes up, but even in this case he does not experience discomfort, since drug sleep is not a general anesthesia, and it is easily tolerated by most patients. Therefore, after waking up, there is no lethargy, no lethargy, no difficulty with orientation, at least not more than after ordinary sleep. 5 minutes after waking up, a person can get up, and after another hour he can already leave the medical facility. True, it is still impossible to drive a car on this day.

The advantage of this method is that while the patientis in a state of sleep, the doctor has the opportunity to conduct a wider range of studies, including identifying the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which are the causative agents of gastritis and ulcers, determining the level of acidity of gastric juice and performing a biopsy.

Rules of preparation for the procedure with drug sleep

According to reviews, how easier it is to transfer FGDS, subject to immersion in drug-induced sleep, the procedure requires a more serious approach. The fact is that in this case, an anesthesiologist should select a suitable drug, which introduces the patient into a drug-induced sleep. And for the selection of funds, this specialist will need to see the results of a clinical blood test and fluorography. And if the patient is over 40 years old, then he is recommended to do an additional ECG.

fgds: how to transfer easier
fgds: how to transfer easier

An electrocardiogram is needed so that the anesthesiologist is sure that when the patient is immersed in sleep, there will be no disturbances in cardiac activity, there will be no problems with breathing. However, such problems are also contraindications for conventional gastroscopy, just the patient, if they occur, can inform the doctor about this, and the procedure will be terminated. But even in a situation with conventional EGD, older patients should do an ECG - just in case.


When answering the question of how easy it is to transfer EGD, it follows from the reviews that modern equipment virtually eliminates injuries. However, if the patient is frightened, stressed by such examinations, there is always a possibility that hetwitches involuntarily. Therefore, it is better for such people to choose a procedure with medical sleep.
