In pharmacy chains you can find a large number of medicines that increase immunity (immunomodulators). Patients do not always trust such remedies, since not all of them really increase the body's resistance to infections. Recently, a new immunomodulatory drug "Esberitox" has appeared on the market. Reviews of these tablets indicate that this is an effective remedy. It is composed entirely of herbal ingredients, each with powerful immune-boosting properties.
Composition and action of the drug
The composition of the "Esberitox" includes the following components:
- Dyeing baptisia root. The extract of this perennial plant is found in many homeopathic preparations. Baptisia stimulates the activity of B-lymphocytes and increases the production of antibodies and interferon, which helps to strengthen the acquired immunity.
- Extracts of Echinacea pallida and Echinacea purpurea. The substances of these medicinal plants increase the activity of phagocytes. As a result, the ability of protective cells to absorb and digest microbes is enhanced.
- Extract of young shoots of thuja. It is a natural antiviral agent.

The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets. The main medicinal component of this remedy is echinacea extract. It is this ingredient that helps the body fight infection. The remaining components of the tablets complement and enhance the effect of echinacea.
Indications for use
Instructions and reviews of "Esberitox" indicate the effectiveness of tablets in the following cases:
- with reduced immunity and poor resistance to infections;
- at the first symptoms of colds;
- for acute respiratory diseases (as part of complex therapy);
- to prevent infection during the flu and cold epidemic;
- after contact with an infectious patient.

If you start taking pills at the first sign of a cold, it will help cure the disease 2 to 3 days faster. With advanced symptoms of SARS, the medicine softens the unpleasant manifestations of inflammation of the nasopharynx. Reviews of "Esberitox" for children suggest that small patients who take the drug for prevention have become less sick and remain he althy even during epidemics.
Contraindications for use
"Esberitox" is a fairly safe drug, consisting entirely of natural ingredients. However, this does not mean that it can be taken on its own without consulting a doctor. This remedy has contraindications for use, as it contains highly active plant extracts.

If the patient is allergic to echinacea, baptisia or thuja, then he should not take the drug. This remedy is also contraindicated in patients with enzymatic disorders: intolerance to fructose, lactose, sucrose and glucose. These sugary substances are included in the tablets as auxiliary ingredients.
The drug is categorically contraindicated in autoimmune rheumatic pathologies, multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis and tuberculosis, hematological pathologies. The medicine should not be used if immunodeficiency is caused by HIV infection or by taking immunosuppressants, corticosteroids and cytostatics.
Side effects
Rare reports of allergic reactions can be found in reviews of Esberitox. Some patients experienced a rash like urticaria, itching and swelling of the skin. In severe cases, dizziness and high blood pressure may disturb. This is due to hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the tablets. The product contains extracts of medicinal plants, which are not well tolerated by all patients. In the event of an allergy or jumps in blood pressure, taking the tablets should be stopped. Cases of overdoseEsberitox was not observed.

Special Instructions
The effect of tablets on the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers has not been fully studied. Taking the drug during gestation and lactation is not recommended by the instructions for use of Esberitox. Reviews about the treatment and prevention of diseases in children with the help of tablets are usually positive, however, under the age of 4 years, the medicine is not prescribed.
Treatment with the drug should be continued for no more than 10 - 14 days. If during this period the patient's condition does not improve, a high temperature persists, or purulent discharge from the respiratory tract appears, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
"Esberitox" should not be taken together with immunosuppressants, corticosteroid hormones and cytostatics. It is necessary, if possible, to avoid the simultaneous administration of tablets with Aspirin, Xanax, Atorvastatin, Singular, Zyrtec and Levothyroxine. Echinacea extract affects the metabolism of these drugs. It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking Esberitox, as this can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug.
The effect of pills on concentration and driving ability has not yet been studied.
How to take pills?
Esberitox is chewed in the mouth or washed down with plenty of water. Adults and teenagers from 12 years old can use 3 - 6tablets three times a day. Children from 7 to 12 years old can take 2 tablets, and from 4 to 7 years old - 1 tablet three times a day.

How to store the drug?
The medicine is stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees. It keeps validity within 2 years. After this period, tablets should not be taken, as their plant components lose their healing properties. Such storage conditions are recommended by the instructions for use of Esberitox. Price, reviews and analogues of tablets will be discussed further.
Cost of tablets and analogues
Esberitox tablets are available without a prescription. They are difficult to find in pharmacy chains, but it is possible to order the drug through online pharmacies. The tool is sold at a fairly high price. In reviews of Esberitox, there is often an opinion that this is a very expensive drug. A package of 100 tablets costs about 700 - 800 rubles, and the price of 200 tablets is from 1250 to 3300 rubles.
Patients are often interested in cheaper analogues of Esberitox. You can pick up means to increase immunity, which include echinacea. These drugs include:
- "Echinacea tincture";
- "Echinacea P";
- "Echinacea Premium".

These drugs are also immunomodulators. However, they cannot fully replace the drug "Esberitox", since it has an effectechinacea is enhanced by the healing properties of the dyeing baptisia and the antiviral effect of thuja shoots. "Echinacea tincture" should not be used to treat children, as it contains ethyl alcohol. "Echinacea P" is a plant extract in the form of tablets with vitamin supplements, it is prescribed from the age of 12 years. "Echiancea Premium" contains hydroxycinnamic acids, this remedy can be used not only for respiratory diseases, but also for genitourinary infections. The price of analogues is from 120 to 150 rubles.
You can choose analogues for therapeutic action. The drug "Bronchomunal" has immunomodulatory properties, its action is similar to the effect of Esberitox tablets. However, the composition of the Bronchomunal capsules contains killed bacteria, and not plant components. It is believed that the drug cannot cause an infectious process, but some children have a fever after taking this remedy. The price of "Bronchomunal" is from 400 to 600 rubles.

Reviews about the drug
There are still few reviews of Esberitox tablets, since the drug has recently appeared on sale. Patients note that the medicine helps to protect against colds in the winter, alleviates painful manifestations in the respiratory system. If you take pills in the first hours of the disease, then often this leads to the relief of all symptoms of a runny nose and sore throat.
Many patients leave positive feedback about "Esberitox" as a tonicmeans. Some people take the drug with echinacea for tiredness and fatigue. This helps them stay alert and energetic throughout the day. There is evidence of the effectiveness of tablets in arterial hypotension.
Negative reviews about Esberitox are due to the fact that some people are suspicious of immunomodulators. Not all patients with echinacea tablets helped to quickly get rid of a cold. It must be remembered that a herbal preparation will help to recover quickly only if the pills were started in the first hours of the disease. With a severe cold, the drug is effective if used together with other medicines as part of a complex treatment.