"Turboslim", alpha-lipoic acid, l carnitine: composition of the drug, instructions for use and contraindications

"Turboslim", alpha-lipoic acid, l carnitine: composition of the drug, instructions for use and contraindications
"Turboslim", alpha-lipoic acid, l carnitine: composition of the drug, instructions for use and contraindications

Every woman wants to look her best. But over the years, it's getting harder and harder to do so. The catastrophic lack of time makes it impossible to devote enough hours to your appearance. Quick snacks, rare trips to the gym, constant stress lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to extra pounds. To normalize metabolism, many different drugs have been developed, one of which is Turboslim alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine. The tool not only fights with unnecessary weight, but also maintains the result, including the subsequent completion of the course of the drug.

General product information

bad turboslim
bad turboslim

"Turboslim" alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine is a synthetic drug (bioadditive) used for body shaping.

The product is producedin Russia by the pharmaceutical company Evalar. Dietary supplement is one of the representatives of a wide line of products for weight loss produced by this company. For convenience, "Turboslim" is available in two dosage forms:

  • Pills, with the content of active substance 1, 1g, 20 and 60 pieces per package.
  • Pills 0.55 g, 20 and 60 pieces per box.

Drink in bottles of 50 ml, 6 bottles per pack. According to experts, this form is better absorbed by the body.

Composition of the dietary supplement

alpha lipoic acid
alpha lipoic acid

dietary supplement is designed to combat excess weight by speeding up metabolic processes. This action provides a unique composition of the product. Based on the instructions, "Turboslim" alpha-lipoic acid is one of the main active pharmaceutical ingredients. The composition also includes other important substances that promote weight loss.

  • Alpha-lipoic acid, also referred to as thioctic or thioctacin, is an important non-protein compound that a protein needs for its biological activity, an intrinsic inhibitor of oxidation. In terms of biochemical effects, the substance is similar to B vitamins. They are known to play an important role in cellular metabolic processes.
  • L-carnitine (contains at least 300 mg per tablet). The substance is also related to B vitamins. It is found in the body in skeletal muscle tissue and the liver. Needed to maintain the acetylation stone, which is involved in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids.
  • Pulpmicrocrystalline (70 mg) helps reduce appetite. Normalizes bowel function, makes stool regular.
  • Pantothenic acid is necessary for the metabolism of fats, fatty and amino acids, carbohydrates. Vitamin B₅ activates intestinal motility, which contributes to better digestion of food. Its content in the preparation is about 5 mg.
  • Pyridoxine (2 mg) is the main stimulant of metabolism. Takes part in the processing of amino acids and promotes the absorption of proteins.
  • Riboflavin (1.8 mg) is involved in the oxidative processes of succinic and fatty acids. Vitamin B₂ improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Thiamin (1.5 mg) is involved in almost all metabolic processes and most enzymatic reactions.

Drug action

Thanks to the unique composition of "Turboslim" alpha lipoic acid ("Evalar") in the body, metabolic processes are accelerated, which is a prerequisite for weight loss. The drug breaks down fats, normalizing lipid metabolism. Reduces physical fatigue, which makes it possible to increase the load. Quickly relieves mental stress, thereby protecting the body from stress.

What effect does Turboslim have on metabolism?

If you stick to the generally accepted opinion, then in order to lose extra pounds, you need to constantly exercise and starve. But often, even observing these conditions, the result leaves much to be desired. Excess weight can cause metabolic disorders.

Metabolism is a complex of chemical reactions during which useful substances that comefrom the outside, converted into energy. Non-compliance with the diet, decreased physical activity, age are one of the main factors contributing to the slowdown in metabolism.

Therefore, to normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to take dietary supplements such as "Turboslim" alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine. It is these substances that improve metabolism. Their deficiency in the body is a common cause of overweight.

Action of alpha-lipoic acid:

  • Regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Activates cholesterol metabolism.
  • Protects cells from the toxic effects of metabolic products.
  • Helps reduce glucose levels.
  • Improves nervous trophism.

The action of L-carnitine:

  • Participates in the oxidative processes of fatty acids.
  • Reduces mental and physical fatigue.
  • Provides an increase in muscle mass.
  • Slows down the natural aging process.


how to lose weight
how to lose weight

The drug of the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" "Turboslim" alpha lipoic acid is not a medicine and is not indicated, but is recommended for use. The remedy should be taken in the following cases:

  • Urgent need for quick weight loss (before surgery, for athletes to move from one weight category to another).
  • Supplement to the diet to make it more effective.
  • The drug helps the body quickly adapt to drastic changes in the diet. There arecases when the doctor recommends completely eliminating the intake of various familiar products. With the help of "Turboslim" restrictions are transferred much easier.

The drug helps people who want to go on a diet, but do not make serious efforts to do so, to lose some weight. Very often, visual effectiveness is a good incentive to come to grips with your he alth.


Bioadditive "Turboslim" alpha-lipoic to-that L-carnitine has a number of contraindications. Some of them are pathological conditions. Therefore, before use, you should consult your doctor. The product is not recommended for use in case of:

  • Increased sensitivity to substances that are part of dietary supplements.
  • Pregnancy (all trimesters).
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Functional gastric hypersecretion.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Under 16 years of age.

With caution, people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract should take a dietary supplement.

"Turboslim Alpha" lipoic acid: instructions for use

The remedy must be taken correctly. Its effectiveness depends on it. Tablets "Turboslim" alpha-lipoic acid and carnitine are drunk at least 15 minutes before meals or 2.5 hours after. Take 2 tablets once a day, without chewing, with water or juice. It is advisable to immediately select the time and not change it throughout the course, the duration of which is 30 days.

If the result is notSatisfied, repeated use of the supplement is allowed. But between courses you should definitely take a break of 10-14 days. Continuous use of pills can cause serious harm to he alth.

Side effects

stomach ache
stomach ache

If you carefully read all the prescriptions and consult a doctor before using the supplement, then the likelihood of negative reactions is minimal. Despite the fact that the remedy acts gently, in some cases side effects may occur.

  • Breach of stool.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Dehydration.
  • Kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • L-carnitine, which is part of Turboslim alfa, can have a negative effect on the central nervous system. With frequent unreasonable irritability, sleep disturbance, anxiety, you should stop taking the remedy.
  • Irregular menstruation.

The occurrence of such symptoms is rare, but if they occur, you should seek medical help.


garcinia forte
garcinia forte

If for some reason it is necessary to find a similar replacement for the drug, then Evalar supplements are perfect for these purposes. But this does not mean that other pharmaceutical companies do not produce similar drugs. The following tools are most effective, and therefore most popular:

  • "Garcinia Forte" ("Evalar") - a dietary supplement based on plant extracts and vitamins. Has a metabolic effect, recommended in combinationwith diets. Dosage form of tablets and capsules.
  • "Reduxin Light". Dietary supplement, which includes a combination of isomers of linoleic acid. Used to lose weight and increase muscle mass. Available in capsules.
  • "AyurSlim" is a dietary supplement based on herbal ingredients that grow mainly in India. The drug helps reduce cravings for sweets, effective for weight loss.
  • Goldline Light is a prescription drug for the treatment of obesity. Take only by prescription.

Reviews of doctors about the drug

dietitian's appointment
dietitian's appointment

Doctors, for the most part, unflattering opinions about the drug "Turboslim" alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine. They are embarrassed that this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, and there is no special control over this group of drugs. In addition, there is no confirmation that the research was actually carried out.

Dietitians assure that it is possible to lose weight radically only with an integrated approach to the process. Any drugs must be taken in parallel with a special diet designed individually for each patient.

Doctors believe that a slow metabolism is not a pathology, but a feature. First you need to find out the reasons for the abnormal functioning of the metabolism and, on this basis, decide whether it is worth it to “speed up” the metabolism at all.

But all doctors unanimously say that before you start using dietary supplements, you should consult a doctor and better with a nutritionist or endocrinologist. The specialist will direct you tolaboratory research. According to the results of the analyzes taken before and after the start of admission, it will be possible to judge the effectiveness of the remedy.

Reviews of losing weight about "Turboslim alpha lipoic acid"

slimming man
slimming man

The vast majority of overweight people who took the drug were satisfied. Particular joy was experienced by those who needed to quickly lose 3-4 kilos. Young women note that the weight is “melting before our eyes.”

In the reviews, many write that one of the main advantages is ease of use. You can buy a package of 60 tablets and mark the date of the first dose, and exactly in a month the tablets should disappear, taking extra pounds with them.

But dissatisfaction is still present. Many in the early days experienced discomfort in the abdomen. Due to a sharp decrease in appetite, some forgot to eat and violated the course. Of the minuses, the most important is the price.
