Sore throat remedy is used by many patients. This is not surprising, because such drugs help relieve irritation, soften the mucous membranes. In part, they prevent the development of cough syndrome. However, much depends on the composition of a particular drug.

This article presents throat and cough lozenges under the trade name Isla Moos. We will consider the instructions in detail, and also read the reviews about the drug.
What is this?
Instructions for use "Isla-Moos" reports that it contains an aqueous extract of Icelandic moss. One lozenge contains up to 80 mg of this substance. Also in the medicine there are additional components: sucrose, fragrance, and so on.
The medicine is available in the form of tablets intended for resorption. The price of the medicine "Isla" is about 400 rubles. Before using any drug, you need to carefully studyinstructions for its use.
Indications for treatment
Instructions for use "Isla-Moos" says that the composition has a softening, anti-inflammatory, antitussive effect. The medicine improves breathing.

The indications indicated in the annotation are the following situations:
- viral, bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by cough (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis);
- bronchial asthma;
- increased load on the vocal cords (lecturers, singers);
- dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes (often occur during the heating season);
- complex therapy for diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
Before using the described medication, be sure to read the contraindications.
Use restrictions
Instructions for use "Isla-Moos" warns that the composition has its own contraindications. There are quite a few of them. The medicine should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the components. Also, the drug is not prescribed to children under the age of 14 years. There is a chance that a small child will not keep the tablet in his mouth until it dissolves completely, but will simply chew it.

The drug is not recommended for use by expectant mothers and lactating women due to the lack of clinical trials in this group. However, doctors report that the active substance theoretically should not causenegative impact on the child. However, such an appointment should only be made by a specialist.
Instructions for using "Isla-Moos"
The drug is prescribed one tablet every two hours. The daily norm is 12 lozenges. The medicine must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Only in this case the effect will be maximum. If you first dissolve the capsule or crush it, then the effect of the medicine will be reduced. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor and can be several months. However, if there is no effect within two weeks, you need to visit a doctor.

The drug is also used for prevention purposes. In such a situation, the treatment regimen will be as follows: dissolve the tablets one at a time within a few minutes, retake them no earlier than three hours later. The daily norm is 6 capsules.
Use in children: experts disagree with contraindications
As you know, Isla-Moos lozenges are contraindicated for the treatment of children. However, some pediatricians consider this ban unreasonable. Doctors prescribe medicine to children, but they select an individual dose. The daily norm of the drug is 6 capsules. This amount should be divided by the same number of doses. It is worth noting that children under 4 years of age will not be able to use the medicine correctly. That is why they are not assigned a composition.
How does the drug work?
The remedy for sore throat under the trade name "Isla-Moos" affects the mucous membranesmembranes of the oral cavity. The drug softens inflamed tissues without causing irritation. As a result of this, the swelling is removed, and the cough disappears. It is worth noting that doctors do not recommend using the described medicine with mucolytic compounds. This may lead to drug resistance.

The drug is absorbed into the membranes of the oral cavity, increases immune protection. After all, the main entrance to the body for viruses is the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.
Reviews of consumers about the described medicine and some opinions of doctors
Consumers say Isla-Moos is little known. Doctors rarely prescribe this drug. However, its undoubted advantage is the composition. The components included in the medicine are absolutely natural and safe.
Patients report that the effect of using lozenges becomes noticeable almost immediately. The tablets have a pleasant taste. This is due to the fact that the composition includes sucrose. Doctors also note that it is precisely this fact that special attention should be paid to people suffering from diabetes. In such situations, it is necessary to control the level of the substance in the blood.

Some users report that their digestion was disturbed during the treatment period. However, these symptoms are not so pronounced as to cancel the drug. Usually they are expressed in increased gas formation and flatulence. Very rarely, consumers may experience an allergic reaction.
Did you hear aboutnatural remedy for sore throat. Lozenges can be purchased at every pharmacy chain without a special prescription from a doctor. However, this does not give you a reason to use the composition in unlimited quantities. When self-treatment, be sure to consider the information that the instructions for use carry you. Always pay attention to contraindications and side effects. If you suspect any, contact your doctor first for advice.
Subject to all the rules of application, the composition quickly has a positive effect on the body. Have a good he alth, do not get sick!