Positive reviews about "Gribkosept 911" are explained by its natural composition, which includes natural ingredients. The drug is classified as an antifungal cosmetic.

Composition of the drug
Composition "Gribkosept 911" refers to multicomponent. Gel structure included:
- triclosan - has antibacterial and antifungal activity;
- allantoin - has a softening effect, promotes the activation of regeneration processes;
- drieline - highly purified natural baker's yeast extract, producing collagen production, preventing the harm of ultraviolet radiation;
- vitamin E - an immunomodulator with antioxidant action;
- zinc - eliminates foci of inflammation, restores damaged tissues, has an astringent effect;
- juniper plant oils;
- sage - a hemostatic component with a regenerating effect;
- lavender - a disinfectant antispasmodic that eliminates itching and sensationdiscomfort;
- eucalyptus - destroys pathogenic microflora;
- tea tree is a natural antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Etherols tone up, relieve itching, eliminate inflammation, are excellent antiseptics.

In the complex, all components have a cosmetic, preventive and therapeutic effect. It is worth noting that the gel has an unpleasant odor due to the lack of a cosmetic fragrance that does not carry special benefits.
Manufacturer of medical cosmetics
Positive feedback about "Gribkosept 911" is the result of the work of a Russian company that scientifically studied the effect of medicinal herbs on human physiological processes. Paraformation has become the basis of production activity.
Medical cosmetics "911 Your Rescue Service" has proven itself well in the domestic market. Unique developments with balanced compositions of extracts of medicinal collections, ethers and other active substances have found their application in every family.
Why buy "Gribkosept 911"
Production "Twins Tech" is an enterprise that controls the entire production cycle with a lot of the following advantages:
- permanent laboratory research;
- innovative additions to manufactured products;
- sterility, compliance with sanitary standards;
- equipment from the world's best manufacturers;
- highly qualified engineering and technical staff;
- state registration and the entire package of declarations and certificates in full.

In addition to reviews of Gribkosept 911, you can often find enthusiastic comments about other company products.
Product properties
From the reviews of "Gribkosept 911" we can conclude that the drug has the following properties:
- promotes accelerated wound healing;
- disinfects the surface of the skin;
- stops and smoothes inflammation;
- strengthens the barrier properties of the skin;
- eliminates unpleasant odors;
- reduces perspiration in the feet;
- softens, soothes the skin;
- relieves itching, irritation;
- effective for athlete's foot.

The substance smoothes the symptoms of fungal infection, restores the balance of microflora, fights pathogenic microorganisms. If your feet itch, there is no doubt that regular application of the gel will relieve discomfort.
Indications for use
Based on the instructions, "Gribkosept 911" is used for the following changes:
- with excessive sweating on the feet;
- with fetid foot odor;
- when feeling burning, itching, irritation;
- with cracked heels, dry feet.

Visiting a pool, sauna, bathhouse, as well as public places, confront a person with a problem,which is itchy feet. Already from this moment, it is advisable to start using the gel to stop the process.
How to apply correctly
Gel "Gribkosept 911" is applied to a clean, dry surface of the body. The course of therapy is designed for two months of daily application (2 times a day). If we are talking about prevention, then the period of use can be reduced to a decade (1 time per day).
The advantage of the gel is that it does not leave marks and stains, it is perfectly absorbed and even helps to nourish and moisturize the skin.
Before you start using the drug, you should read the instructions in detail. Despite the rich composition of useful components and good reviews of the Gribkosept 911 gel from consumers, there are a number of contraindications that should be considered.
Composition is unacceptable for use:
- children under 2 years of age;
- women during lactation;
- during gestation;
- if there are open wounds on the body;
- with individual intolerance to some components.

Important! "Gribkosept 911" is not intended for the treatment of fungal pathologies, therefore, applying the composition to the nail plate is impractical.
Side deviations
Usually the gel "Gribkosept 911" is well received by patients. The composition is balanced and does not pose a threat to he alth, but in some cases the following side effects were noted:
- hyperemia on the skin;
- burning, itching;
- swelling of tissues in the area of application of the drug.
An allergic reaction to the drug indicates the need to stop using the gel. Any external products are recommended to be tested on the inner crook of the elbow before use.
Drug interactions
If the feet itch, the use of the gel is allowed in conjunction with other medical preparations. Moreover, there is no evidence that the application of the product is unacceptable when drinking alcohol.