Thirst is a natural reaction of the body, which does not have enough fluid. This is a warning that you need to replenish the reserves of life-giving moisture. Why do you always want to drink water? This may occur for various reasons. But in any case, it is important to replenish the lack of fluid, if the body requires it.
When the feeling of thirst is constant, and water does not save from this, this phenomenon is not considered the norm. A symptom may indicate dangerous diseases of the blood or internal organs. Therefore, it is important to find out why you want to drink water all the time.
The role of water
Considering the topic of why you are always thirsty, you should familiarize yourself with the function of fluid in the body. Water maintains fluid balance, so without it the body dries out. After all, it is 60% water.

Other functions of water include:
- digesting food;
- blood circulation through the vessels;
- removal of harmful substances, toxins;
- saturation of cells with nutrientssubstances;
- maintaining normal body temperature;
- saliva.
When exercising at the gym or at home, you need to drink a little water to replenish water lost by sweating. After training, you should immediately drink in small sips. For some people, drinking water during exercise is relaxing.
Fluid is essential for skin to look he althy. Without it, it will be wrinkled, dry, flabby. To enhance its retention on the skin, a moisturizer is used.
The kidneys without water are not able to properly remove urea nitrogen from the blood and other water-soluble wastes. There is a risk of kidney stones. Water allows the intestines to function normally, protect against constipation. This is especially effective when combined with fiber. The regulation of water balance occurs through the pituitary gland, which commands the kidneys.
Fluid is great for controlling calorie intake. It fills the stomach, and the person eats less. It is used by those who want to lose weight. Why do you want to drink all the time? The reasons for this condition are presented below.
Heavy and fatty foods
Foods that are high in water make you feel fuller faster, keep you fuller with fewer calories. Therefore, it is advisable to eat:
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- beans;
- oatmeal;
- soups with weak broth.
But why are you always thirsty? This phenomenon may be associated with the abuse of meat, fatty foods. This is one of the reasons why while eatingwant to drink. S alty foods are also thirsty. Why do you want to drink while eating? This may occur with sugary foods.

After eating, the body will need a lot of water, as the waste from eating such food needs to be removed by the kidneys and stomach. But the organs will not be able to do this job perfectly, swelling occurs, pressure rises, joints hurt.
Therefore, it is so important to eat right, adding more vegetables and greens to each meal. Heavy, full, fatty food leads to the fact that you want to sleep, drink, lethargy occurs. A person will not have energy.
Why are you always thirsty? This always happens after drinking alcohol. This phenomenon is associated with dehydration of the body from alcoholic beverages. Such a state is dangerous, especially for those who go into hard drinking.
The risk of blood clots due to thick blood is high. Slags are not removed from the cells, they are located in them and destroyed from the inside. There is no nutrition of the cells, the nutrients do not reach the cells without water. Therefore, you should get rid of this bad habit.
This is another answer to the question, why are you always thirsty? With this ailment, the patient is often thirsty. A person drinks a lot of water, but can not get drunk. There is also constant dry mouth, heavy urination, constant hunger.

I want to drink water all the time due to high blood sugar. To eachthe required amount of water molecules is attracted to the glucose molecule present in the blood. Dehydration occurs over time.
Need mandatory treatment, lowering blood sugar, diet with carbohydrate control. Refined foods should be avoided. Blood sugar needs to be constantly monitored.
Diabetes Insipidus
If you are thirsty all the time, this rare disease may be the reason. Deficiency of vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone, leads to diabetes insipidus.
Pituitary diabetes manifests itself in the form of a large amount of dilute urine, thirst, and a huge consumption of water. Only the introduction of vasopressin stops this process. This disease appears due to a malfunction of the pituitary gland.
Treatment is with despopressin or adiuretin. There are adiuretin medicines that are used intramuscularly or intravenously. Lack of water can affect the desire to drink water. Fluid intake should be normalized and adhere to the norm - 1.5 liters per day.
Other reasons
If you want to drink water all the time, the reasons may be:
- Dehydrated. This is observed with strong physical exertion, bleeding, diarrhea, hot climates. Alcohol and coffee lead to dehydration. To fix the problem, you need to drink more water.
- Evaporation of water with sweat. High air temperature and physical activity lead to heavy sweating, after which you want to drink. This reaction is normal, fears should arise with excessive sweating. She cantestify to diseases of the nervous system, fever, inflammation, diseases of the heart, kidneys, immune system. In this case, diagnostics are required.
- Dry air. The body loses moisture. This takes place in air-conditioned rooms. To normalize humidity, you should drink more water and have plants that raise humidity.
- Soft water. If the liquid contains insufficient mineral s alts, this leads to intense thirst. It is advisable to drink sodium chloride mineral water with a minimum of s alts.
- Hard water. An increase in the amount of mineral s alts adversely affects the body. With an excess, the absorption of fiber becomes more difficult.
- Dysfunctions of the parathyroid glands. This is due to a violation of the regulation of calcium levels. The patient will have muscle weakness, bone pain, renal colic.
- Medicines - antibiotics, antihistamines, diuretics.
- Kidney diseases. Inflamed kidneys do not retain fluid, which leads to the need for water.
- Diseases of the liver. In addition to lack of fluid, nausea, yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes occur.
- Injuries. Head injuries often result in extreme thirst.
When carrying a child
Why do you want to drink during pregnancy? Carrying a child is a difficult period in which a strong load is placed on the body. At this time, there is severe dehydration. Water is in all cells and is considered the key to the normal functioning of the body. Lack of fluid slows down metabolism and pathologically affectsthe body of mother and child.

Constantly thirsty during pregnancy for the following reasons:
- In the early stages, the formation of the fetus occurs, and his body does not work to the fullest. This refers to the organs that are responsible for the neutralization of toxins and the removal of toxins. Therefore, the need to drink fluids is felt.
- Water is required for the formation of amniotic fluid where the baby develops. With each week, its volume increases, so the thirst increases.
- Another reason is the restructuring of the circulatory system, which is completed by 20 weeks of gestation. Due to lack of fluid, the blood becomes thick. This leads to the risk of blood clots, ischemic damage and other pathologies.
- Taste preferences change. Since pregnancy tends to be sweet, spicy, s alty, fatty, extra fluid is needed for digestion and fluid removal.
Sometimes doctors restrict pregnant women from drinking water. This is due to poor urine tests, edema, polyhydramnios. High water accumulation can lead to preeclampsia and preterm labor.
If you experience dry mouth during dehydration, this may indicate serious ailments. Often, expectant mothers are diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, which is detected by urine and blood tests. Then a diet is required to restore blood sugar levels.
Why do I feel thirsty while breastfeeding? During breastfeeding per dayapproximately 1-1.5 liters of milk is produced. For its production, liquid is needed, so women are thirsty. The norm at this time will be 2-2.5 liters per day.
Persistent feeling of thirst is usually the first clinical sign and is almost never considered the only symptom. Usually there are those manifestations that are characteristic of the pathology that has become the cause.
The sensation of thirst manifests itself as:
- dry mouth;
- discharge of light urine;
- plaque on the tongue;
- weakness and general malaise;
- fluctuations in pressure and heart rate;
- bad breath;
- nausea;
- temperature increase;
- severe itching of the skin;
- shortness of breath and belching;
- headaches and dizziness;
- skin tone changes;
- frequent urge to urinate;
- swelling of the legs;
- pain with localization at the site of the affected organ;
- reduction or complete lack of appetite;
- sleep disorders.

Patients should remember that these are just some of the symptoms. Along with them, there is a strong thirst.
What to do if you are thirsty all the time? You need to see a doctor. Diagnosing dehydration is a lengthy process, as malaise may be indicative of a pathology. Usually, the disorder is considered in several aspects - diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels.
Applicable diagnosticprocedures depend on additional symptoms that manifest with thirst. Blood and urine tests for biochemistry will be required. An analysis of thyroid hormones, kidney and liver tests is also prescribed.
Therapy depends on the underlying ailment. It is necessary to restore the water-s alt balance. Do not limit drinking. There are several recommendations to eliminate the ailment:
- Drink ½ cup of pure water every hour. Drink 2 liters of fluid per day.
- Pay attention to urination. The norm is slightly yellow urine without a strong odor.
- While playing sports and physical labor, you should replenish water supplies. Therefore, you should drink 1/2 glass of water 15 minutes before training or work.
- If the lack of water is constant, then you need to take a blood test for sugar. After all, it is likely that the malaise is caused by diabetes.
With frequent and severe dehydration, you should visit a therapist or endocrinologist. If a high need for fluid arose after a head injury, then you should contact a neurologist and traumatologist.
How to eliminate desire?
First you need to learn how to use clean water. Scientists believe that tea, sweet sodas and other drinks cannot quench thirst. On the contrary, they lead to dehydration.
Then you need to restore the correct process of drinking. It is based on the fact that water should be consumed without haste, in small sips. Feeling of thirst disappears 10 minutes after drinking.

Daily allowance is best divided into equal portions. Don't wait until you're thirsty. But sometimes (during sports, high body temperature, heavy sweating), the amount of fluid needs to be increased.
It is advisable to drink water in the morning immediately after sleep and before eating, 10-15 minutes before. Morning reception allows you to quickly wake up. And a glass of water before a meal allows you to eat less.
Why shouldn't you drink a lot of water?
Thirst leads to the fact that you want to satisfy this desire. But more liquid has a negative effect on a person. Negative consequences include:
- s alt imbalance;
- congestion of the kidneys and heart;
- stretching the stomach.
Prevention is to eliminate the factors that lead to the disorder. The main task is to establish the cause:
- You should give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol, eating fatty, s alty, spicy foods. Coffee and snacks make you want to drink.
- You should control the amount of water you drink per day. Whatever the diet, you should consume at least 2 liters of clean liquid.
- You need to control the air in the room. Dry air leads to thirst. You can use humidifiers or have indoor plants.

It is useful to drink milk and drinks from it - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. It is important that all products are not fatty. Fitsblueberry tea, chamomile. You can drink juices - blueberry, pomegranate, tomato. They must be freshly squeezed. Mineral water should be chosen without gas.
It depends on the reasons. If malaise is considered a sign of diabetes, then you will need to be treated for life. This is a therapy that allows you to maintain normal levels of sugar and glucose in the blood. If the disorder is associated with diseases of the kidneys and heart, then the root cause should be eliminated.
Thirst, which appears from psychological factors, requires the help of a psychologist or neurologist. With the elimination of provoking factors, the prognosis is positive. In any case, this symptom should not be ignored.
Frequent thirst has many causes. In any case, you must follow a he althy lifestyle, eat right, drink 1-2 liters of water a day. It is advisable to use mineral water only for treatment prescribed by a doctor. Then the body will begin to work normally, and thirst will disappear.