In the article, we will consider the symptoms and treatment of foot mycosis. A photo will also be presented. This disease is the most common fungal infection of the skin today. There are three types of mycosis of the feet. And each of them is localized in different areas and looks different.
How can a person get infected with foot fungus?
This mycosis is provoked by a fungus growing in the upper layers of the skin. It breeds well in a moist and warm place. For example, between the fingers. This disease spreads easily. It is enough just to touch the legs of a sick individual to also become infected with a high probability. But often, infection occurs when a person walks barefoot on a contaminated surface near a swimming pool or in a locker room, gym, and so on. After that, the fungus can remain in the shoes, especially if they are very narrow and the air cannot circulate there.
If a person touches any object on which a fungus is present, then after that he can also become its distributor, infectingothers. Moreover, if a person transmits an infection to another, this does not mean that he is necessarily infected himself. Doctors do not know why this happens, but the predisposition to the fungus on the legs of people is different. And if an individual has already suffered from this pathology, there is a high probability of becoming infected again. About the treatment of mycosis of the feet (in the photo below you can see how the disease manifests itself) we will describe in more detail below.

Signs of athlete's foot can be burning and itching between the toes. The skin can peel off, and cracks will appear on it. Other manifestations of the fungus differ depending on what type of mycosis a person is diagnosed with.
The first type is an infection that most often causes symptoms between the fifth and fourth toes. The skin becomes scaly, cracks and peels off. In some situations, bacterial infections may also join, in which case the condition worsens even more.
The second type may begin with a slight soreness in the leg area. Further, the skin on the heels or in the lower region of the foot thickens, cracks can form on it. In the case of the progression of the fungus on the legs, it also affects the nails. At the same time, they can break, compact and even peel off. A fungal infection on the nails and on the skin needs to be treated differently.
Vesicular infection is the third type of mycosis on the feet. Usually this type of fungus begins with the appearance of blisters filled with fluid under the skin. Bubbles usuallyform on the bottom of the foot, but can occur on the leg and anywhere else. A bacterial co-infection can also form with this type of foot fungus.
To diagnose this disease, as a rule, it is enough for a doctor to simply examine the patient, and also to get acquainted with the history of the disease (what are its manifestations, previously transferred pathologies). If the fungus on the legs has an uncharacteristic appearance or cannot be treated, then the doctor may take a sample of the nail or skin for research. It is worth noting that not all problems with the skin of the legs are mycosis. In any case, if a person suspects that he has a fungus, but has never had one before, it is worth contacting an experienced dermatologist. He will select drugs for the treatment of mycosis of the feet.
How is the treatment of the disease?
To combat this disease, as a rule, it is enough to use a special cream or spray. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe prescription pills or topical treatments to treat the fungus. It is necessary to carry out treatment as much as the doctor requires. This will serve as a guarantee of a cure for the disease. In addition to the general therapy of mycosis, it is imperative that the patient's feet are clean and dry (as noted earlier, the fungus needs a warm, moist environment to grow).
As part of the prevention and reappearance of the disease, it is worth using your own special shoes when visiting the gym, pool and any similar places. To keep your feet dry, you can use talc or specialmeans. Sandals or loose shoes will certainly provide the required air circulation with moisture removal.

Medicated solution
Modern principles of therapy for such diseases involve a direct fight against the main cause, that is, with a pathogenic fungus. Currently, a number of drugs for the treatment of mycosis of the feet act directly on the fungus, helping to stop its growth. In addition, the elimination of concomitant factors is also required (they include frequent foot injuries along with the presence of a warm, humid environment, increased sweating, and so on). Local therapy plays a big role in eliminating the fungus. Usually, creams or sprays with ointments sold in pharmacies are used for this. We will describe the most popular means in the article, we will also present a photo.
In the treatment of mycosis of the feet, specialized agents are able to act on the main types of parasites. A number of antimycotic drugs, among other things, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, while eliminating the bacterial flora that can accompany any fungal infection. We must not forget that therapy can take time. Periodic or one-time application of the product to the affected skin surface may simply not give the desired result. Therefore, the treatment of foot mycosis with drugs should be carried out regularly according to the recommendations of a specialist.
Which medicines to choose?
First of all, before using them, be sure to consult witha specialist who will certainly select the appropriate therapy. For example, one solution might be a cream called Exoderil. Its active component naftifine acts on a fairly wide range of different pathogens of the fungus (on dermatophytes, molds and yeasts). Wash and dry your feet thoroughly before using this medication.

The drug for the treatment of mycosis of the feet "Exoderil" in the form of a cream is well distributed over the affected skin surface with some capture of he althy areas. Regular use of this remedy (once a day) leads to getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, for example, itching and redness, as well as pathogenic organisms. When treating a fungus on the feet, daily use of this medication will be required. The course can last several weeks. It is used once a day, which is very convenient. After the unpleasant manifestations disappear, and the skin regains a he althy appearance, it is impossible to immediately stop the therapy process. You need to use "Exoderil" in strict accordance with doctor's recommendations and instructions.
In addition to the above remedy, you can also use as an alternative to treat mycosis of the skin of the feet a combination drug called "Candide B". While conventional anti-fungal drugs have only antifungal components, beclomethasone is still present in this medication. It quickly relieves itching and other unpleasant symptoms. The action of this ingredient canfeel fairly quickly, usually within twelve hours of first use.
Thus, beclomethasone fights against itching and inflammation, and the drug "Candide B" destroys the main cause of unpleasant symptoms and the fungus itself. Considering that the patient who uses this remedy stops combing the skin, the treatment becomes more comfortable, and at the same time more effective, since the infection does not spread beyond the infected area.
Despite the fact that the manifestation of mycosis disappears soon after the start of the use of "Candida B", the therapeutic course must be continued to finally get rid of the infection. Usually, two to four weeks of application is sufficient for recovery. This will certainly help to avoid relapses.
Inexpensive, but effective drugs for the treatment of athlete's foot to buy in pharmacies is quite realistic. The next remedy, which is often prescribed by doctors for foot mycosis, is Lamisil gel. Its active substance is terbinafine. The drug has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of any fungal skin disease. This medicine is used externally for adults and children from the age of twelve. It is smeared on the affected area once a day, as if rubbed lightly. The duration of therapy is one week. Rarely observed adverse reactions in the form of local redness, burning or itching. Do not use this drug in the presence of hypersensitivity to its substances. Pregnant and lactating ladies can use this remedy only under strict medical supervision.

What other inexpensive, but effective drugs for the treatment of athlete's foot can be purchased? Patients may also be prescribed Gevol powder, which contains zinc oxide along with magnesia and other auxiliary components. This is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of the early stage of fungal infection. The drug in question has drying, disinfecting and antifungal properties. It well relieves the legs of the presence of an unpleasant smell in a person. Apply it to the skin 5 grams once a day. It is also recommended to be used to disinfect shoes. No side effects or contraindications.
Other inexpensive remedies
Given the availability of a wide range, finding among them inexpensive drugs for the treatment of mycosis of the foot today will not be difficult. Thus, at present, cheap medicines available in various dosage forms include:
- Means "Amphotericin", which is an affordable antifungal medication that is available in absolutely any pharmacy. It is worth noting that this is an antibiotic that can overcome absolutely all types of fungal infections. It costs about fifty rubles.
- Miconazole is also a popular low cost remedy for athlete's foot. The spectrum of its impact lies in the fact that it is appliedfor yeast-like fungi. This medication in any form of release has a detrimental effect on the cell membranes of the pathogen, due to which its reproduction stops. In pharmacies, this medicine costs one hundred and sixty rubles.
- Medication "Econazole" is also considered inexpensive and has the ability to resist any fungal infection. It is mainly prescribed in the presence of trichotones in patients. The drug costs about a hundred rubles.
Treatment of athlete's foot folk remedies
At home, the following therapies are used for athlete's foot:
- Baths. To do this, you need warm water (from thirty-nine to forty-five degrees) with the addition of agents that soften the skin and also destroy microorganisms. After performing the procedure, the upper softened layer is removed with a nail file, and other medicines are applied to the freed surface. It is best to use disposable nail files so that during re-processing there is no infection from the tools. Folk remedies in the treatment of mycosis of the foot help no worse than pharmacological drugs.
- Compresses. In order to enhance the effect of drugs, compresses are used that warm the skin. Heat promotes the best penetration of therapeutic substances into damaged tissue, helping to quickly cure the fungus on the legs.
- Appliques. Applicable for the effective treatment of mycosis of the feet and more aggressive components, such as iodine, whichapplied simply to the surface of the affected skin. After the recommended time, this product is washed off with warm water.
- You can also get rid of pathogenic pathogens using soda. For a bath, take a tablespoon of the substance in two liters of water. In order to enhance effectiveness, you can add sea s alt or ten drops of iodine. Areas of the skin are also lubricated with gruel formed from soda, which is slightly diluted with water. The duration of the action should be about ten minutes. When finished, the feet should be washed well.
- Essential oils. The structure of this tool helps the healing substances to stay on the skin and how to penetrate deep into. Applications are made using oils. They are also added to bath water. Clove, eucalyptus and cinnamon oils have proven themselves well in the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails. However, the best remedy for the fungus is oil, which is obtained from tea tree seeds. Applications with its use should be done twice daily.

Let's consider the treatment regimen for foot mycosis with "Fluconazole". The presented agent is an antifungal drug that inhibits the activity of fungal enzymes, it well disrupts the growth, and in addition, the reproduction of pathogens. The active ingredient in this drug is fluconazole of the same name. Auxiliary ingredients are croscarmellose sodium along with povidone, magnesium stearate, lactose, titanium dioxide, talc, gelatin, potato starch and some dyes. Release "Fluconazole" in the form of tablets, as well as capsulesat a dosage of 50 or 150 milligrams.
The advantage of this medicine is that it also belongs to inexpensive, and therefore affordable medicines for mycosis on the legs. Its price in pharmacies is about eighty rubles.
"Fluconazole" is forbidden to use if a person is allergic to its ingredients, as well as in the case of simultaneous use of drugs such as "Cisapride", "Terfenadine", "Astemizola" and other medicines that prolong Q-T on the ECG. The tool is not assigned to children under four years.
With great care, Fluconazole is prescribed for liver and kidney failure, in case of simultaneous use of drugs toxic to the liver, against the background of alcoholism, as well as conditions in which heart rhythm disturbances, dehydration, and so on are likely.

In the presence of athlete's foot, as a rule, 150 milligrams of the drug is used once a week. A dosage of 50 mg is allowed to be used once a day. The volume of the drug largely depends on the severity of the symptoms, as well as on the result of microbiological tests. The duration of treatment is four to six weeks.
Mycosis is easier to prevent in a timely manner than to treat sick feet with yellowed nails for a long time. Below are effective preventive measures for every day:
- observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- buy shoes in size only from natural materials;
- don't use other people's bathsaccessories;
- maintain immunity;
- have your own rubber shoes when visiting the bath, sauna, pool.
Hygiene for athlete's foot
It should be emphasized that, unfortunately, people do not develop immunity to fungal diseases, therefore, from the beginning of course therapy (and even more so immediately after its successful completion), special attention will be required to pay attention to the basic rules of personal hygiene.
For example, in no case should you wear someone else's shoes, even if they belong to family members. As for public changing rooms, showers and swimming pools, only disposable slippers are required along with rubber slates. And of course, if symptoms of mycosis reappear or if there is any doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis, it is better to consult a dermatologist.
Among other things, in order to prevent the occurrence of such an ailment, excessive sweating of the feet should be fought by changing socks frequently and using only personal bath accessories and hygiene products. Now we learn reviews about the treatment of mycosis of the feet with drugs. It is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

In the comments, people praise various drugs that helped them cope with such a problem as athlete's foot. For example, a drug called Exoderil is often mentioned. It is noted that this remedy leads to getting rid of unpleasant symptoms (itching and redness), as well as pathogenicorganisms. Consumers of Lamisil and Gevol also praise. But it is worth noting that these are quite expensive medicines, whose price in pharmacies ranges from five hundred to nine hundred rubles.
In this regard, according to reviews of the treatment of athlete's foot with drugs, many people prefer cheaper remedies, which, according to them, also turn out to be very effective. We are talking about Fluconazole and Amphotericin.
As for folk methods for the treatment of mycosis of the foot, according to reviews, they, unfortunately, are less credible compared to pharmaceuticals. However, they are also often used as part of complex therapy.
How the feet affected by mycosis look can be seen in the photo used at the beginning of the article. Symptoms of mycosis of the feet and treatment (folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations) - the topic, unfortunately, is quite relevant. We hope that the information presented in the material will be useful to you and will help you overcome the disease and prevent further relapses.