Tore off a nail: first aid, necessary medicines, advice from surgeons

Tore off a nail: first aid, necessary medicines, advice from surgeons
Tore off a nail: first aid, necessary medicines, advice from surgeons

A plucked nail can create big problems and hurt a lot. Each person should know what to do if he tore off a nail, and be able to provide first aid. It is not always possible to have all the necessary medicines at hand, so it is important to consider how to act in different situations.

What to do if the nail is damaged?

In the event that a physical injury has occurred, and the nail begins to move away from the finger, immediately after the impact, place the finger with the torn nail into cold water. If the injury occurred outdoors, it is important to use available means to cool the wound as soon as possible.

tore off a nail
tore off a nail

Such actions are considered simply necessary, since it is the cold that can relieve pain and prevent hemorrhage from forming under the skin.

If the nail begins to move away from the finger, then the cold should be applied every fifteen minutes for an hour. As soon as the blood stops, the resulting wound should be treated, it is advisable to use an iodine solution for this. Each movement must be careful not to cause injury to the injured person.even more pain. There are doctors who recommend applying an iodine mesh to the damaged area.

First Aid Procedure

If a trouble happened: a person tore off a fingernail or a toenail, it is important to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • First of all, do not panic and think that the nail will no longer be able to grow. It is important to ensure complete sterility and prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • To prevent the penetration of bacteria, a streptocide should be used. This medication is sold in tablets, so you need to crush one thing and sprinkle the wound, after which it should be bandaged.
torn off nail surgery
torn off nail surgery
  • A broken nail will grow back over time. Sometimes the nail plate grows in a curve, but today it is possible to turn to specialists who will correct it.
  • More dangerous is the situation when a person has completely torn off a fingernail. In this case, the help of a surgeon will be required. Of course, initially it is worth providing first aid and applying a sterile bandage, and only then go to see a doctor. For the speedy healing of the wound, you can use Levomekol ointment and change the bandage more often.

Serious wounds should not be treated at home, as there is a risk that due to improper dressing, sterility will be violated and infection will enter the wound.

As a result, the soft tissues of the finger may become inflamed. In this case, more serious treatment will be required, and in somecases even amputation.

How to correctly assess the scale of an injury

First of all, you should carefully examine how badly the victim tore off the nail. If the nail remains in place or a crack has simply formed, the prognosis is considered the most favorable. But sometimes complications can occur in the form of accumulated blood with pus under the nail plate. In no case should you tear off the nail completely. It is best to bandage it and wait until the finger heals and the plate begins to grow. If the entire plate is torn off, then there is a risk of severe bleeding. In this case, you need to stop the bleeding and consult a doctor.

Varieties of injuries of the nail plate

A torn off fingernail is not the worst thing that can happen. Such an injury comes with certain complications:

  1. The formation of a hematoma is dangerous, in which case the doctor will open the wound to evacuate the blood. For this purpose, a hole is made in the nail through which the pus is pumped out.
  2. If a cut of the nail has occurred, then one cannot do without removing one part of it. The skin around the nail is sutured, and the plate is glued with special glue. The finger remains in this position for at least three weeks until it heals completely.
  3. In the case when a person has torn off a nail with a fingertip, the situation is much more complicated. It is unlikely that it will be possible to engraft, but if you go to the hospital in a timely manner, there is a chance of a successful operation.
  4. When a nail breaks, part of it can go under the skin. In this case, surgery will be required.
tore off a fingernail
tore off a fingernail

For any injury, you should definitely consult a qualified doctor. Only he can provide the right treatment.

Treatment at home

After the scale of the injury is assessed, it is necessary to proceed directly to the treatment itself. If the wound is not too large, then for the first two days it should not be bandaged so that oxygen enters, and healing occurs as quickly as possible. During the entire treatment period, it is worth applying an antibiotic ointment, which will speed up recovery. Home treatments include:

  1. Dip your finger in baking soda baths.
  2. If the victim has torn off her toenail and wants to preserve its beauty in the future, then you should steam your feet in baths with laundry soap, and then pour hydrogen peroxide on your finger.
what to do if a nail is torn off
what to do if a nail is torn off

It is important to remember that if the nail is damaged by 50%, then it is best to seek qualified help from a doctor.

Therapeutic treatments

Therapeutic techniques include the same methods as in the treatment at home. But sometimes it is necessary to act in a completely different way, as the injury can be serious. In order for the doctor to be able to properly examine the wound, it is necessary to rinse it well. A tetanus shot counts. If it was done a long time ago, then it is repeated. If the patient has torn off the nail, then the finger must be anesthetized by injection into its base. The finger loses its sensitivity for a while, and the surgeon calmly spendsoperation.

torn off fingernail what to do
torn off fingernail what to do

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, but such a need arises only if there are fractures or lacerations.

Surgeon Tips

In case the injury is serious and most of the nail is damaged, and the finger begins to bleed heavily, it is first of all important to stop the bleeding. Surgeons in this case are advised to lift the damaged part so that the blood does not flow out, as well as apply a sterile bandage and immediately go to the hospital.

Do not be afraid of going to the doctor, as only he can properly clean the wound from the accumulated blood with the help of a puncture. Also, a specialist will be able to prescribe an effective treatment, for example, when an ichor accumulates under the nail, it is recommended to make baths with a solution of the Betadine drug. As a rule, with proper treatment, the nail should fully recover after three weeks. Any use of medications should be agreed with the doctor, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

toe nail torn off
toe nail torn off

Every woman should know how to act if she tore off her fingernail. What to do in this case is clear, but it is also important to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the nail plate in the future. It should be even and beautiful, and a plastic surgeon will help in this.
