The problem of sleep often occurs in people of all ages. This happens from nervous experiences, constant stress, lack or absence of active movements and walks in the fresh air. What causes insomnia and how to get rid of it? Effective methods are presented in the article.
Concept and signs
Insomnia is a persistent sleep disorder. This diagnosis is made when a person is not able to fall asleep or sleep normally for a long period. Insomnia is a situation when a person finds it difficult to fall asleep at least 3 times a week, and so on for a month:
- In the presence of periodic violations, this is a mild form.
- When sleep difficulties appear every day - this is a chronic phenomenon.
- If a person simply cannot fall asleep for several days, then this is not considered insomnia (these disorders are temporary, they do not need specific treatment).

Insomnia can be identified by the followingfeatured:
- Prolonged falling asleep, inability to sleep even with physical fatigue.
- Shallow sleep, waking up from minor noises, inability to fall asleep after sleep interruption.
- Recurring sleep disturbances - at least 3 times a week for a month.
- Feeling sleep deprived, depressed.
Symptoms are supplemented by internal pathologies - disturbances in cardiac work, brain activity, hormonal instability. If there are these signs, then this is a persistent sleep disorder. If you suffer from insomnia, what should you do? First you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons that prevent a person from having a good rest.
What happens in a dream?
During sleep, there is minimal brain activity, the reaction to stimuli of the surrounding world is reduced. Physiological sleep is different from coma, fainting, hypnotic trance, suspended animation, lethargic sleep.
During sleep:
- Respire, heartbeat, important organs work.
- There are no disturbances in cerebral blood flow and cardiac output.
- The minimum required muscle tone is maintained.
- No psychic connection to the outside world.
When insomnia occurs, what should I do? The reasons for this phenomenon must be identified. This affects the methods of therapy.
Norm and pathology
If the physiology is normal, before going to bed, the formation of internal inhibition occurs (a decrease in the activity of the cells of the subcortex of the brain). After some time, almost 98% of the subcortical cells are inhibited;nap, then light sleep, then deep sleep.
During inhibition, almost all cells of the subcortex slow down. Some non-inhibited cells are "sentinel" or "awake points". The number of inhibited and sentinel sets the depth of sleep. The more they slow down, the deeper the dream will be.
During braking, a person feels tired, a desire to lie down, to rest. Drowsiness occurs when brain activity is reduced, the heart rate is slowed down, and the muscles are relaxed. The sleep hormone melatonin also increases in the body. With it, drowsiness appears and the temperature is regulated (it decreases during sleep).
In the normal state, changes such as relaxation, decreased brain activity, digestion, melatonin production, are the cause of restful sleep. If these processes are disturbed, night insomnia is formed.
What provokes
When insomnia what to do? The reasons must be found out in order to determine the methods of treatment. Insomnia occurs due to the following factors:
- During mental work at night or at night, there is an increase in the activity of brain cells. There is a violation of the processes of inhibition and falling asleep.
- Due to a very active life in the evening or at night (discotheques, loud music, strong emotions), the body is kept in good shape, so it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. For this reason, insomnia appears in children - when overexcited in the evening.
- Reception of stimulant drinks in the evening is a provocateur of overexcitation.
- For a reasonImproper sleep conditions disrupt the supply of oxygen and the production of the sleep hormone.
- With light (from a computer or a light bulb), the production of the sleep hormone decreases.
- Negative habits or work conditions that do not correspond to a person's biological clock can lead to disruption of sleep and wakefulness, shifting night sleep to morning or daytime.
- The flow of thoughts prevents inhibition from reaching the right amount of brain cells. Sleep will be superficial, and falling asleep will be long.
- Some disease or physiological condition leads to sleep disturbance. Pain or discomfort does not allow you to rest, and also wakes you up at night. For example, sleep is disturbed in women before childbirth. Insomnia comes from an uncomfortable posture, discomfort, feeling unwell.
- Severe physical fatigue overtaxes the muscles. From the spasm of muscle fibers, you will not be able to relax and fall asleep.
- Carbohydrate and high-calorie foods in the evening or at night provide energy that stimulates activity. Brain activation disrupts inhibition.

Sleep is disturbed by any discomfort - physical or mental. A person who suffers from insomnia will be irritable, acquire chronic ailments of the brain, blood vessels, and heart.
For good sleep, braking, calming and relaxation are required. Therefore, the remedy for insomnia acts in this direction - it relieves muscle clamps, relaxes the body, and slows down the brain. Simple traditional medicine has the same effect. If aTormented by insomnia, what to do? There are many effective remedies.
What are the consequences of pathology? If there is no timely treatment, it will negatively affect the human condition. Possible consequences are:
- sleep will be shallow and intermittent;
- immunity weakens;
- sleep phase occurs after a few hours;
- the patient has frequent awakenings at night;
- may have nightmares;
- feels tired and lethargic during the day;
- there are pressure drops, severe headaches and dizziness;
- feeling weak in the morning;
- the daily routine is severely disturbed;
- memory and attention worsens;
- there is discomfort during night rest;
- physical and mental activity decreases and irritability occurs.
Lack of sleep negatively affects appearance. The eyes turn red, bags form under them, the skin on the lips dries, the body feels bruised. The consequences are very negative, so you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Help from experts
Not everyone knows which doctor to contact for insomnia. It is necessary to go to a specialist with a long absence of sleep. Other signs of pathology may also appear. Which doctor to contact for insomnia depends on the causes of the disease:
- Therapist. The specialist will perform a comprehensive diagnosis and make a preliminary diagnosis. If this is due to a somatic ailment, then the doctor will independently deal with the therapy. If other factors are found,the therapist writes a referral to a narrow specialist.
- Neurologist. It is considered the main doctor treating insomnia. He knows all disorders of the nervous system. Neuropathologists know many ways to diagnose sleep disorders, which will help to quickly and reliably determine the cause of the disease.
- Psychiatrist. When a mental illness is considered the cause of sleep disturbance, then the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is needed. Sometimes hospitalization is needed.
- Manual Therapist. The doctor is familiar with the methods of physiotherapy and other non-drug procedures. He uses reflexology and other similar techniques. Usually, his treatment is enough to eliminate the pathology.
Treatment of insomnia in the clinic can be performed by different methods. Doctors often prescribe physical therapy. These are electrophoresis, electrosleep therapy, darsonvalization, aerotherapy, therapeutic massage and vibromassage. These procedures have a positive effect on the overall well-being of a person, improving sleep.
Risk group
Insomnia typically occurs in the following people:
- Older people.
- Women before menstruation or menopause.
- Patients with chronic pain syndromes.
- Teens.
Almost every teenager has temporary sleep disturbances. The reason is hormonal changes, which lead to imbalance. Even at risk are people with a night work schedule, who often change time zones. Also, the problem occurs in suspicious people who take all problems to heart.
Effective treatment of insomnia with herbs. Soothing teas can be prepared. At night, it is enough to brew 1 tbsp. l. herbal tea with a calming effect. Can use collection from:
- valerian rhizomes;
- herb motherwort;
- symptomatic herbs - in the treatment of specific symptoms.

Peppermint and lemon balm help. Herbs are suitable for adults and children. They contain essential oils that calm the nervous system. It is enough to brew a small branch in 1 glass of water and drink this tea. Mint and lemon balm can be used together - in the same parts. Drink no more than 200 ml.
Used for insomnia motherwort. You will need dry chopped grass (1 tbsp), which is poured with boiling water (0.5 l). The remedy is infused for 30 minutes. The decoction should be taken after 16-17 hours.
When insomnia tormented, what to do? It is necessary to create a favorable environment in the room. It should be cozy, quiet and warm. It is required to ensure the flow of fresh air, for which a window is opened in the summer, and a window in the winter.
Suitable temperature is +18 or +20 degrees, and humidity is 70%. Due to the dry air in the bedroom, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract dry out, discomfort, and awakening at night appear. If you have to wake up in the morning from bright light, then the windows should be curtained with thick curtains.
Sleep and rest regimen
What helps with insomnia? It is important to observe the sleep and rest regimen. The physiological inclinations of a person are not considered heredity. "Owl" or "lark" is the result of many years of habit, which, if desired, can change. Habituation occurs in 3-4 weeks.
First, an alarm clock will help you wake up. After 10-14 days, awakening will not be difficult, and after another 7-10 days, the habit of waking up on your own is developed.

Why do you need to change from an owl to a lark? With early awakening, early going to bed and timely falling asleep are ensured. If you get up at 6 or 7 o'clock, then by 10 pm you will want to sleep. Therefore, if you have insomnia, you should adjust your personal regimen.
If you suffer from insomnia, what should I do? Muscle tone is increased from hard work, negative emotions. Stress and anxiety are common phenomena in modern man.
For relaxation, a general light massage is used, as well as warm baths. General massage can be supplemented by massaging individual parts of the body (where the spasm is stronger). For example, in office workers, the neck and upper back hurt more. And the salespeople complain about their feet.
Pairs of essential oils have a positive effect on the body. With them, the tension of the central nervous system is eliminated, the muscles relax, the headache is eliminated. But not all oils are suitable for treating insomnia. The excitability of the nervous system is reduced with the help of esters of mint, rosemary, sandalwood, lavender, jasmine. Valerian, basil, cedar, rosewood also help.
You just need to put 4-5 drops into the aroma lamp bowl and smoke the oil in the sleeping room for half an hour. You can also moisten the corners of bed linen or napkins with esters. Warm evening baths with oils also help. 10-15 drops are added to the water, and the procedure takes about 15 minutes. They also perform massage with essential oils. Massage temples, palms, feet, neck and shoulder area.
Influence of computer and TV
According to doctors, after watching TV or working on a computer, he althy people also have difficulty falling asleep. From the flickering of light bulbs, the blue light of screens, a subconscious feeling of anxiety arises.
As a result, it will be more difficult to fall asleep, even if you feel tired. Work on the computer and watching TV should be completed 1 hour before bedtime. The same applies to the use of phones, tablets, and other modern technology.
Proper nutrition
Can I eat at night? The answer is yes, but not all products. You should not eat foods rich in carbohydrates. With them, the production of insulin is accelerated, a signal is sent to the brain that it is not fat that needs to be burned, but glucose. Such products not only negatively affect he alth, but also interfere with sleep.
To fall asleep easier, you need to be neither full nor hungry. This requires a light dinner 1 hour before bedtime. Useful action has kefir and fermented baked milk.

Helps with insomnia honey. The product contains tryptophan, an amino acid that causes drowsiness. 1 tsp is added to 1 glass of warm milk. honey. Means drink15-30 minutes before bed. This elixir provides deep and restful sleep.
Psychological methods
Nervous insomnia can be treated by a psychotherapist. Light hypnosis is used in the formation of an obsession, the fear of difficult falling asleep.
If the problem is not solved by psychological analysis, the work of hypnosis is applied. With the help of the first 3-5 quick sleep procedures, the specialist shows the person his capabilities and provides further effective treatment.
Soothing music for sleep also works effectively. She should be calm and quiet. There is special music, which is based on repetitive rhythms, sounds of nature, which subconsciously relax, reduce brain activity, and allow you to fall asleep.
Soothing music for sleep is good for adults and children. Especially it helps after a state of excitement. Each person has a positive effect on their own sounds of nature:
- rain;
- forests;
- sea;
- cat purring.
You need to choose music that allows you to immerse yourself in relaxation. It should be light, without words. Some kindergartens use classical music to help you relax and fall asleep.
Effective ways
Treatment of ordinary and senile insomnia treatment is performed by all the methods presented in the article. Meditation is also effective, which allows you to escape from the worries of the day, fuss, problems, thoughts. Sleep is disturbed by positive and negative emotions. Therefore, it is important to leave all emotionsand calm down before going to bed.

It is useful for children to sing lullabies and rock them to sleep. Based on the research of Academician Pavlov, it was revealed that the inhibition of the cells of the cerebral cortex occurs with the influence of a mild stimulus. In this case, it is necessary that the impact be constant and not strong. Motion sickness and lullabies have this effect.
Drugs and drugs
In chronic insomnia, treatment with pills will be very effective. But many products are sold by prescription. Taking medications in uncontrolled quantities can lead to collapse and death. Therefore, you should buy sleeping pills after a doctor's prescription.
A person loses the ability to sleep without sleeping pills. Therefore, such methods should be treated only when really necessary. There are several effective over-the-counter insomnia medications because they are made from herbal extracts:
- "Melaxen". The drug contains an analogue of the sleep hormone synthesized artificially. It is an over-the-counter insomnia medication, as it is non-addictive, does not affect motor coordination, memory, attention.
- "Persen". This is a plant-based remedy that includes valerian, lemon balm and mint extract. With it, the normalization of cerebral circulation occurs, inhibition of the cells of the subcortex is provided.
- "Dormiplant". The drug has a plant base. The active ingredients are valerian root extract and lemon balm leaf extract.
- NovoPassit. The complex remedy includes extracts of several herbs - valerian, hops, elderberry, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hawthorn.
- "Phenazepam". It is also an effective remedy for insomnia, which has an anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effect. It calms down the nervous system. If there are sleep disturbances, the drug is used in an amount of 0.25-0.5 mg half an hour before bedtime.
If you have insomnia, you should not be nervous about this problem. During the absence of a night's sleep, you should do a quiet thing - reading a book, household chores. This will help not to focus on the lack of sleep.
It is much easier not to treat insomnia, but to engage in prevention. To do this, use a few simple methods:
- Get ready for bed at the same time.
- It is better to go in for sports before 16 o'clock.
- Need a comfortable bed.
- Eat at least 3 hours before your planned rest.
- Don't watch horror movies at night.
- Caffeinated drinks should be avoided.
- Do not drink alcohol at night.
- The bedroom should have cool air.
- Need frequent walks before bed.
Excellent prevention is the use of herbal decoctions. It is advisable to consult a doctor about which decoctions are useful and lead to drowsiness.
Sewn pillow with herbs helps with insomnia. This will require several sprigs of dried valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn. They are wrapped in natural fabric. small pillowplaced next to the pillow. Plants have a positive effect on the body.
What is the danger of disturbed sleep?
This condition can lead to complications. If there are no timely therapeutic procedures, the following pathologies develop:
- memory gets worse;
- diseases of the heart muscle appear;
- the nervous system suffers, which leads to neurosis and psychosis;
- weight increases;
- impaired immunity;
- developing diabetes.

Chronic diseases exacerbate with sleep disorders. Therefore, in the presence of this condition, you need to consult a doctor. Timely and effective treatment will improve well-being by relieving a person of insomnia.