If your fingertips hurt on your hands, then this may be a sign of the development of a disease. There are quite a few reasons that can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or burning of the fingers. This article will help you understand the signs of possible diseases, as well as learn about how to treat them.
Signs of disease
The following signs can signal the presence of a disease in the human body:
- burning;
- edema;
- tingling;
- numb and sore fingertips;
- skin redness;
- nail plate is dark or too light;
- convulsions;
- aches.

Polyosteoarthritis of fingers
This disease is observed quite often. Such a disease overtakes mainly people 50-55 years old. In rare cases, it can be in people 40-45 years old, but not younger. Doctors say that women are more likely to get this disease than men.
With polyosteoarthritis, the so-called Heberden's nodules appear on the fingers. They are located on the lateral or back side of the joints, which are close to the nail plate. These nodules develop symmetrically and can appear on all fingers.
When such nodules begin to form, then there is pain in the joints. Also, the pain may be accompanied by burning and swelling with redness. But such a disease can also be painless.
In addition to Heberden's nodules, Bouchard's nodules can form, which are located in the middle of the fingers. They develop rather slowly and cause little or no pain.
Psoriatic arthritis
This disease is observed mainly in people aged 20-45 years. Typically, psoriatic arthritis occurs in people who have or have had psoriasis (dry, flaky skin with red patches).
Psoriatic arthritis is manifested by axial inflammation, that is, all joints swell on the finger and outwardly begin to resemble a sausage, while the fingertips on the hands hurt.
With this disease, inflammation of the joints can occur on any finger. This inflammation occurs asymmetrically.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis can affect people of any age, but is more common in those over 30 years of age. Women are particularly susceptible to this disease. Such arthritis occurs against the background of a severe stressful condition or after the flu. It may also causeto serve the fact that a person very often has hypothermia or has any infections.
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be inflammation and swelling, which appear only on the phalanges of the middle and index fingers, but also at the very base. Swelling is also observed in the wrist joints. The person has the following symptoms: weakness, weight loss, fever, and chills.
Such inflammations are symmetrical. If there is on the right hand, then they will be exactly the same on the left. People who suffer from this disease very often suffer from the fact that the disease spreads to the joints of the whole body (ankles, knees, elbows, etc.).
With rheumatoid arthritis, the tips of the fingers on the hands hurt, especially at night and in the morning, and the intensity of the pain decreases in the afternoon and evening.

Gouty arthritis
Gouty arthritis, or, as it is also called, gout, is erroneously considered by the people to be a deformity of the big toe. But in fact, this process is called arthrosis of the thumb. Gout, oddly enough, most often occurs in men and manifests itself between the ages of 20 and 45 years. Signs of gout begin to appear with inflammation of the joints of the legs, and then the fingers. This type of arthritis often affects the thumbs. Very rarely spreads to other fingers.
Gouty arthritis manifests itself in the form of attacks, due to which the tip of the thumb on the hand hurts. Seizures can overtake a person quite unexpectedly,even if he feels quite he althy. Typically, attacks of pain occur at night or early in the morning. Such pains have a very acute manifestation, many people draw an analogy with a toothache. When a pain attack occurs, the affected joint begins to redden and the skin becomes hot in this area.
In women, unlike men, such attacks are milder and without acute pain. This state lasts 3-10 days, after which there is a lull. But after a while, the attack again suddenly seizes the person.

De Quervain's tenosynovitis
This disease is characterized by inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint (muscles and ligaments) on the thumb. Other fingers on the hand are not exposed to inflammation. This disease can manifest itself at any age, equally in women and men.
Symptoms of de Quervain's tenosynovitis: pain in the thumb at the base and the wrist joint. Pain may be sudden or appear after a large load on the finger.
Rhizarthrosis causes inflammation of the joint of the thumb at the base and the wrist joint.
In its symptoms, rhizarthrosis resembles gout, but unlike it, it occurs as an independent disease due to overload or trauma to the thumb. Also, rhizarthrosis resembles de Quervain's tenosynovitis, so it can be difficult to determine the exact diagnosis.
But still, these two diseases have differences, rhizarthrosis of the joint is clearly visible on the x-ray, and whende Quervain's tenosynovitis on x-rays shows only tissue changes, and even then not always.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This disease most often affects women aged 40-50 years. Symptoms: the tip of the finger on the hand hurts when pressed, and there is also a burning sensation and numbness in all fingers of the hand, but except for the little finger. In this case, all the discomfort can spread throughout the palm, up to its very base.
Like some of the conditions described above, carpal tunnel pain occurs at night or early in the morning. There are no external changes in the joints, but the skin color has a pale or cyanotic color, which is accompanied by slight swelling.
This disease occurs as a result of prolonged and severe compression of the nerve in the carpal tunnel. The cause of the occurrence may be a profession that involves flexion and extension movements with the hands.
Panaritium (from lat. - nail eater). No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but panaritium really “eats” nails, because after inflammation, the nail plate dies off. This occurs as a result of the penetration of bacteria into an open, traumatic wound, which is located near the nail plate.
Besides, it does not matter at all whether it is a strong wound or just a scratch. This happens especially often in women during a manicure. It is because of frequent injuries that panaritium affects the nail area on the side or in the center of the finger.
The main feature of this disease is thatinflammatory and purulent processes do not spread to other areas of the skin. But they go deeper into the finger, which causes damage to the joints, bones and tendons. That's why the tips of the fingers on the hands hurt. In addition to the fact that the pain can be sharp and throbbing, the fingers themselves begin to darken and swell.

Other reasons
In addition to the above diseases, there are other reasons that cause pain in the fingertips on the hands. The reasons are:
- Vibration disease is a pathology that occurs as a result of working with a vibrating instrument. Consequences: a person feels pain, numbness and tingling of the fingers.
- Cervical osteochondrosis - when there is such a disease, numbness of the hand appears and terrible pain in the fingers.
- Heart attack.
- Diabetic neuropathy is a disorder of the nervous system that is associated with damage to the blood vessels.
- Ischemia.
- Vascular disease on the hands - is of a sclerotic nature, in which not only the fingertips of the right or left hand hurt, but there are also cramps and numbness.
- Injuries.
- Polycythemia is a disease caused by an increased number of red blood cells, which causes pain in the fingers and itching.
Traditional medicine
In order to relieve inflammation and get rid of pain, herbalists recommend a huge amount of traditional medicine. But in order for the treatment to be successful, you need to consult with your doctor in advance. Below is a listmost effective folk remedies:
- bay leaf decoction (should be taken orally);
- horse chestnut tincture is perfect for lotions;
- make a compress with a decoction of wormwood;
- compress of honey and alcohol;
- burdock compress;
- compress of white and blue clay;
- compress of fir oil and sea s alt;
- do rubbing with elecampane root rubbing.
All remedies are great if you have sore fingertips on your left hand (and right). But we must not forget that self-medication and treatment with folk methods may not always be effective and can provoke the development of complications.

Many people ask the question: "What should I do if my fingertips hurt on my hands?". The answer will be a little banal - you need to go to the doctor! And the first person you should turn to is, of course, a therapist. After the examination, he may refer you to other doctors:
- neurologist;
- rheumatologist;
- surgeon;
- traumatologist;
- hematologist.
Treatment will depend on what is causing the pain. The main groups of drugs that doctors can prescribe:
- anesthetics (local and general);
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- drugs that relieve muscle spasms;
- drugs with absorbable effect;
- decongestants;
Many people don'ttake care of their he alth, and especially the he alth of their hands, which ultimately leads to horrific consequences. In order not to experience such unpleasant sensations when the fingertips on the hands hurt, you need to do prevention:
- to do a manicure only after preliminary cleaning and disinfection of devices;
- add fruits, vegetables, dairy and fish to your diet;
- get rid of bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
- try to dress according to the weather, do not overcool or overheat;
- do not overload the brush, take frequent breaks;
- do gymnastics or warm-up for hands;
- go for massages, baths and compresses;
- prevent the development of the disease to a chronic type;
- take care of your hands and protect them from everyday influences.
If one fine morning you find yourself in pain in your fingertips, this means you should not hesitate, but contact a specialist as soon as possible. After all, it is better to treat the disease in the early stages than to fight with chronic pathology all your life.