What causes hiccups: the main reasons, how to get rid of

What causes hiccups: the main reasons, how to get rid of
What causes hiccups: the main reasons, how to get rid of

Everyone in this life at least once experienced hiccups. It is an unpleasant convulsive contraction of the diaphragm, which causes an attack. But what causes hiccups? Why does she appear all of a sudden? Why sometimes seizures last a long time, and sometimes - a few minutes? We will answer these questions in more detail in this article.

why does hiccups occur after eating
why does hiccups occur after eating

Mechanical process

Speaking of what causes hiccups, you should pay attention to the fact that the occurrence of such an attack is a physiological process that appears against the background of diaphragm contraction. The reason for the appearance lies in the load on the so-called vagus nerve. This nerve is present in everyone in the body. It innervates the mucous membrane and throughout the body. The vagus nerve links the central nervous system with the actions of the internal organs. It is located directly in the chest, and through a small hole in the diaphragm passes into the peritoneum and to other organs.

Herselfthe diagram is made up of tendons and muscles, and its septum is too narrow. If the nerve is working properly, then it should send commands to the brain, as a result of which the diaphragm contracts, and the glottis begins to close and there is an unpleasant sound that we call hiccups.

What comes from?

Specialists also identify some causes, factors that cause an attack. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the symptom may occur due to various ailments. However, first you should consider the reasons why hiccups occur, which are not associated with diseases. These should include:

  1. Quick meal. The fact is that with the rapid use of products, large, not chewed pieces enter the stomach, which begin to injure and irritate the vagus nerve described above.
  2. Great overeating. Why does hiccups occur after eating? A large amount of food consumed can stretch the stomach, as a result of which it comes into contact with the diaphragm, thereby irritating it.
  3. Eating in an uncomfortable position. After eating, hiccups occur if you use it in an uncomfortable position. Experts advise eating at the table while sitting, otherwise the nerve will be compressed, and the diaphragm will begin to contract convulsively. This results in hiccups.
  4. Eating dry foods. Too cold or hot food, as well as drinks, dry meals can lead to an unpleasant symptom.
  5. Fright. When a person is suddenly afraid of something, he sharplyexhales, causing the diaphragm to become irritated.
  6. Using carbonated drinks. When a person drinks soda in large quantities, the stomach begins to burst, which puts pressure on the vagus nerve.
  7. Microtrauma of the vagus nerve. When a nerve is injured, the diaphragm contracts to relieve the injury, causing hiccups.
  8. Alcohol abuse. In adults, hiccups can occur due to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Toxins provoke an increase in the liver, muscle relaxation. This is why drunk people often hiccup.
  9. Hiccups when smoking. Such an unpleasant symptom can also occur due to smoking. Experts explain this by the fact that the sphincter is weakened, which entails the release of acid into the esophagus, irritation of the diaphragm. In addition, smokers are observed to be poisoned by combustion products, as well as the absorption of smoke together with air.
  10. Speaking about why hiccups occur, you should also pay attention to the fact that this is due to hypothermia. In most cases, this applies to young children. A viewed attack may appear if a person is experiencing some kind of severe stress.
what causes hiccups in adults
what causes hiccups in adults

The cause of the disease

So, above we discussed that frequent hiccups are observed in most cases due to overeating or improper eating. However, there are also diseases that can provokethis symptom. If the attack lasts for more than 2 days, then it is imperative to visit a specialist, examine the body, after which treatment will be prescribed. So, let's consider why hiccups occur in an adult, from what diseases. These should include:

  1. Hypermotor dyskinesia. In this case, the contents of the stomach constantly irritate the esophagus, thereby provoking bouts of hiccups. In addition, there are other symptoms: coughing, tension in the neck muscles, heartburn.
  2. Hernia in the diaphragm. As a result of this diagnosis, hiccups can occur immediately after eating and when changing the position of your body. In some cases, the symptom is accompanied by a slight soreness in the sternum or abdomen. As a result of the development of such a hernia, the internal organs begin to shift, which causes shortness of breath, as well as frequent heart rhythms.
  3. Irregular lung function. In this case, in addition to hiccups, people also begin to lose their hair, drowsiness appears, constant yawning.
  4. Cervical-thoracic sciatica. In this case, the roots on the spinal cord are affected, the tone of the diaphragm increases, the liver shifts down. Prolonged hiccups in this case begin to be accompanied by discomfort in the throat, the appearance of a coma that a person cannot swallow.
  5. Incorrect functioning of the central nervous system. This can occur due to a tumor, infection, injury. What causes chronic hiccups in adults? It can provoke a stroke, meningitis, multiple sclerosis,encephalitis.
  6. Intracranial pressure. In this case, the hiccups are excruciating and severe.
  7. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. When answering the question of what causes hiccups in humans, it is imperative to mention diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This should include gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, as well as various problems of the bile excretory system.
  8. Oncology. A cancerous tumor of the lungs, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, liver can provoke an attack.

If you do not know why hiccups occur in children, then the above diseases can also be accompanied by a similar symptom. That is why it is imperative not to ignore the attack, especially if it continues for a long time.

hiccups after eating
hiccups after eating

Other causes of hiccups

You should also highlight other reasons why hiccups may occur. They are not associated with the development of the disease. This includes chemotherapy or anesthesia. As a rule, after such manipulations, a person can hiccup for a long time and often. With some surgical interventions that are associated with the respiratory system, an unpleasant symptom may also occur.

How to get rid of hiccups?

Despite all the above causes and factors that provoke hiccups, medicine is not able to name the specific causes of this symptom. That is why at present there is still no universal remedy that can save a person from this scourge. However, it is not worthfeel bad about this as there are several tried and tested methods you can use to fix this problem at home.

First of all, the spasm of the esophagus and diaphragm should be stopped. This can be done by holding your breath or distracting your attention. In most cases, this is quite enough to deal with the problem. But if a person has hiccups all the time, and the attack is protracted, then it is best to seek help from a specialist who should prescribe an ultrasound of the esophagus, identifying the main cause of the symptom, after which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

frequent hiccups
frequent hiccups

Let's look at ways to get rid of hiccups that you can use yourself at home.

Reflex method

To do this, you need to press your finger on the base of the tongue, as if you are provoking vomiting. Thanks to the spasm of the esophagus, the contraction of the diaphragm is removed, and the hiccups recede.

Drinking water

A very effective method is plain water. To do this, you need to drink a large glass of drinking water, but in small sips. In this way, you can remove all particles of food residue from the pharynx, as a result of which their impact on the nerve that passes in this place will be eliminated. You can also drink water by tilting your torso, moving the glass away from you.

water for hiccups
water for hiccups

Sour or bitter

To get rid of hiccups, you can swallow something very sour or bitter. Foryou can eat a spoonful of vinegar diluted with water. When the solution enters the digestive system, the spasms should stop.


To get rid of hiccups, you can put sugar on your tongue. Swallow it. You can also dissolve one tablespoon of granulated sugar in two tablespoons of beer, then drink the resulting mixture.

why hiccups occur
why hiccups occur


Try to inhale deeply several times, hold your breath for the maximum time. After that, exhale the air into a paper bag, and, while inhaling, take a breath from the same bag. Thanks to this, the blood is filled with carbon dioxide, and hiccups pass much faster.

Betting money

This may sound a bit silly and weird, but this method has often helped get rid of hiccups. If a person starts hiccuping, then take the money out of your wallet and put it on the table. Make a bet with a hiccuping person that he will stop hiccuping in a couple of minutes. Surprisingly, often in such situations, hiccups disappear literally instantly.

Press or push-ups

If you are tormented by hiccups, then pump the press or do push-ups until the attack completely leaves you. This method is effective, but it is not suitable for everyone.

what causes hiccups in humans
what causes hiccups in humans

Protruding tongue

If you are tormented by hiccups, then try to stick out your tongue, then pull it and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds. This method was the most beloved of all for getting rid ofhiccups at President Kennedy's personal doctor.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that hiccups are a very unpleasant and annoying condition. But if such an attack bothers you too often and for a long time, then this is a reason to see a doctor. As mentioned earlier, a similar symptom can occur with the development of various diseases, so you should not ignore it.
