After a stressful situation, the pressure can rise sharply 180 to 120. What should I do? Act according to your feelings, call a doctor or go to a therapist yourself? After all, the normal pressure (BP) of a person is 120/80. A decrease is considered hypotension, and an increase is considered hypertension. To establish these diagnoses, careful observation by a doctor for a month is required.

What you need to know about hypertension?
The occurrence of hypertension can be both an independent disease and the result of various abnormalities, such as:
- kidney disorders;
- hereditary diseases, Conn's syndrome;
- failure in the endocrine system and thyroid gland, diabetes disease;
- cardiovascular disease;
- nervous disorders, stress.
In such cases, the use of drugs that lower blood pressure may not have the desired effect. A doctor's examination will be required to determine the patient's degree of hypertension.
If hypertension is not related to another disease, finding out the cause should not delay treatment. When the pressure is 180 to 120, the reasons for what to do, you needfind out right away. The answer lies in medical knowledge.

Pressure 180 over 120: what to do? Reasons for high blood pressure
High blood pressure is often caused by lifestyle factors:
- nicotine addiction;
- alcohol;
- overweight;
- s alty food;
- immoderate coffee consumption;
- nervous excitement, stressful situations are the cause of disease progression.
Hypertension can be overcome not only with medication, but also by leading a sparing lifestyle. The use of proper and he althy food, physical activity, a positive attitude to unforeseen situations in life make it possible to avoid manifestations, complications, and diseases that arise due to high blood pressure.

The body's response to high blood pressure
When the pressure rises to 130/100, the internal organs undergo unpleasant changes:
- constriction of the vessels of the heart and brain occurs;
- headaches;
- tinnitus;
- vomit;
- sweats or chills;
- goosebumps in the eyes;
- heart rate fluctuates;
- deteriorating kidney function.
Remember: in the early stages of the disease, it is still possible to reverse the processes. If the symptoms of hypertension are not treated, then readings above 130/100 will lead to cardiovascular insufficiency, a heart attack. Also, a sharp increase in pressure has a dangerous effect onthe brain, which can cause a stroke.

Traditional medicine
In the initial stages of the disease, for prevention, you can resort to folk recipes:
- linden honey in the amount of 200 g;
- pulp of 2 lemons;
- carrot juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon;
- beetroot juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon;
- shredded horseradish, half a glass is enough.
Mix all the ingredients, insist for 4 hours. The medicine is taken for 1 tbsp. l. twice a day. Another effective recipe:
- 1 lemon;
- 1 tbsp l. fresh viburnum fruits;
- 1 tbsp l. runny honey;
Berries and lemon are crushed, mixed with honey. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. per day, the mixture is washed down with water.
How to reduce the pressure yourself?
If the pressure on the tonometer is 180 to 120, how to lower it? Should I take medicine or wait for an ambulance? Yes, treatment is needed. It is advisable to take a course of examinations in the clinic. Such high blood pressure is the third degree of hypertension and threatens with a stroke. But it can also be the “working pressure” of a person, but good he alth does not mean the absence of hypertension. Internal organs operating in a stable mode due to reserve reserves threaten to wear out soon. And the possibility of complications increases. Do not be afraid to take medicines, modern medicine uses drugs with minor side effects:
- "Clonidine";
- "Inderal";
- "Captopril".
These pills will help reduce high blood pressure 180 to 120, but what if after taking the medicine again there is no change for the better? It is worth calling an ambulance, delay can provoke an attack of a stroke. This threatens with loss of ability to work, speech, ability to move.

Pressure 180 to 120: how to reduce
If at least once in your life your blood pressure has increased, but nothing else bothers you, you should not put off going to the doctor. Having made an examination and passing tests, you will find out the reason for such a jump, and the doctor will prescribe a treatment option. But when the diagnosis of "hypertension" has already been made, then you need to follow all the recommendations:
- plan your day correctly: he althy nutrition, no nicotine addiction, no alcohol and coffee, exercise, hiking;
- constant monitoring of pressure, the measurement must be carried out twice a day;
- The use of drugs is carried out strictly according to the specified scheme and is canceled only with the permission of the attending physician.
Learning to monitor your he alth and listen to the signals of your body is important. Such actions will help to avoid serious problems. You can lower the pressure 180 to 120, the ways are as follows:
- take a horizontal position with a roller under your feet;
- fresh air should enter the room;
- take deep breaths, try to relax;
- take "Validol" orCorvalol.
This will help the patient until the doctor or ambulance arrives. But the help of doctors is needed, you should not limit yourself to self-medication!
A good way (in addition to treatment) is to master folk recipes. You will need:
- 1 tbsp l. crushed garlic;
- 0, 5L alcohol tincture.
Crushed garlic is poured with vodka and put in a dark place for a day. The resulting tincture is taken three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. Next recipe:
- 3 lemons;
- 3 heads of garlic.
Lemon and garlic are crushed, the resulting gruel is brewed with 1.5 liters of boiling water, shaken, infused for three days. Reception is made one hour before meals three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
Cooked herbal decoctions also have a positive effect on lowering pressure:
- melissa 2 tbsp. l.;
- motherwort 3 tbsp. l.;
- mint 3 tbsp. l.;
- juniper cones 2 tbsp. l.;
- dill 1st. l.
The resulting collection is mixed and taken 2 tbsp. l., poured with a liter of boiling water and brewed in a thermos for four hours. The decoction is taken warm 30 minutes before meals, it is useful to use it after a meal, 100 g each.
High blood pressure is a reason to see a doctor. He alth care gives a chance to increase life expectancy. For many, it is important to be of sound mind and solid memory. Take care of yourself.