How to get rid of hiccups quickly?

How to get rid of hiccups quickly?
How to get rid of hiccups quickly?

Overeating, stress, hypothermia, alcohol abuse - all this can lead to involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. Air is pushed out of the lungs with each spasm, exits through the larynx and closes the epiglottis and glottis. All this is accompanied by a characteristic sound. How to get rid of hiccups? The answer to this question is contained in the article.

How to get rid of hiccups with breathing exercises

So what to do? How to get rid of hiccups quickly and easily? First you need to eliminate the spasms that occur in the diaphragm and esophagus. Breathing exercises that are performed very simply will help to achieve this.

breathing exercises against hiccups
breathing exercises against hiccups

It is necessary to inhale the air deeply, and then hold your breath for two or three seconds. Next, take four breaths. The exercise is repeated until the hiccups stop.

Plain water

What else can a person do to beat hiccups? How to get rid of it at home?To do this, you need to drink 20 ml of non-cold and non-carbonated water. When a person drinks, rhythmic contractions occur in the esophagus, which replace the contractions of the diaphragm that cause hiccups. Take a few quick sips one after the other.

how to get rid of hiccups with water
how to get rid of hiccups with water

How else can you beat hiccups with plain water? An alternative solution is to take one large sip of liquid and drink very slowly. This method is also quite effective. Finally, you can drink from the opposite side of the mug, standing in an inclination. The cervical vertebrae and diaphragm will inevitably tighten, which will help get rid of the problem.

Breathe into a paper bag

How to get rid of hiccups if breathing exercises and water do not produce the desired effect? In this case, you can try to deal with the problem with a paper bag. This makes it possible to increase the amount of carbon dioxide that fights hiccups.

You can also breathe into a paper bag in order to get distracted. There is a chance that the hiccups will subside if the person stops thinking about them.

Squeeze your chest

What other methods of struggle exist? You should carefully compress the chest, lean forward, putting pressure on the diaphragm. If this position does not help to cope with the problem, you can try another. Lie on your back and pull your knees up to your chest. It is recommended to keep this position for several minutes.

Changing positions not only helps the body to relax, but also has a distracting effect.

Eat something unusual

How to get rid of hiccups with food? This method of struggle is also popular among the people. You can put a slice of lemon on your tongue, lick s alt or sugar. When a product with a sharp taste suddenly appears in the stomach, this provokes the release of gastric juice, which will help distract the body from hiccups. You can stop at something sweet, bitter, sour, s alty.

how to get rid of hiccups with food
how to get rid of hiccups with food

Close your ears

The effectiveness of this method of dealing with hiccups has been confirmed by numerous studies. It is necessary to prepare a large glass of cold water and a straw. All this can be placed on the table or ask someone to hold.

fight against hiccups
fight against hiccups

You need to plug your ears with your fingers so as not to hear anything. Next, you need to slowly drink all the liquid through a straw. The problem should be gone by the end of this procedure.

Put your tongue out

How to get rid of hiccups effortlessly? For this, a protruding tongue may be enough. This method of struggle has been popular for more than a century, its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

What exactly should be done? It is necessary to stick out the tongue as far as possible and fix it in this position for a while. To be sure, you can gently pull it out and down with your fingers, this will speed up the achievement of the desired result.

Gag reflex

Not all effective ways to deal with hiccups can be called pleasant. For example, you can get rid of it by touchingthe base of the tongue with the fingers. The person should act as if trying to induce vomiting. This will cause spasm of the esophagus, which will stop the diaphragm from contracting.

how to get rid of hiccups
how to get rid of hiccups


How to get rid of hiccups quickly at home? Massage will help to cope with this problem.

  • You can try massaging the inside of your ear. The finger is placed in the ear. The massage continues until the hiccups subside.
  • Another possible solution to the problem is light massage movements under the chest from both sides.
  • Get rid of hiccups and massaging the eyeballs through closed eyelids. You can also stroke the gums above the front teeth.
  • The problem will quickly disappear thanks to massaging in circular motions on the inside of the wrist.

Switching attention

What other methods are there to help beat hiccups quickly? How to get rid of it at home? This can be achieved if the person's attention is switched to something else.

tickle against hiccups
tickle against hiccups

For example, tickling helps in the fight against hiccups. The problem will go away if the contractions between the ribs kill the contractions of the muscles from laughter. You can also try to scare a person, his attention will switch in this case as well.

Other ways

What else can you do?

  • Sports show good results in the fight against hiccups. To get rid of it, you need to do a few exercises.
  • Take a hot bath or hot shower -another possible solution to the problem.
  • Cold water will also help get rid of this annoying phenomenon. You can dip your face in it, soak a rag in it and put it on your forehead.
  • You can also cover your ears with your thumbs, put your little fingers in your sinuses and close your eyes. Then you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath as long as possible. The heavy and rapid breathing that follows this exercise will allow the diaphragm to open, causing the hiccups to subside.
  • To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, gargling with water helps. The procedure takes about one minute. If the hiccups persist, you can take more water in your mouth and repeat.
  • A long kiss is another possible solution to the problem.

Creative way

This method is for those who want to save a friend from hiccups. You need to put a bill on the table and offer the sufferer a kind of deal. You should promise the person that the money will go to him if he hiccups again in the next minute. The person will concentrate on contracting the diaphragm, which will most likely cause the hiccups to stop. Of course, it’s better not to risk large denomination banknotes.


What to do after hiccups? How to get rid of the threat of its recurrence? To do this, you must follow the rules that are discussed below.

how to get rid of hiccups fast
how to get rid of hiccups fast
  • You need to train yourself to eat slowly. If a person is accustomed to absorb food in a hurry, he risks facing not only hiccups, butand with pain in the stomach, increased gas formation.
  • It's also important to cut out stimulant foods, or at least keep them to a minimum. For example, spicy food causes a surge of acid in the stomach, resulting in hiccups.
  • The amount of food is another point to pay attention to. Overeating overloads the digestive system, leading to stress.
  • Irritation of the esophagus is caused by alcoholic beverages. The more a person drinks, the more likely they are to experience hiccups.
  • The diaphragm is irritated by carbonated drinks. This is especially true if a person drinks quickly, takes large sips. If you can’t completely give up such drinks, you need to accustom yourself to drink slowly.
  • It is impossible to allow hypothermia of the body.


This problem is faced not only by adults, but also by children. How to get rid of hiccups in a newborn? You can put a warm heating pad on the baby's chest, give him a drink of warm water from a bottle.

How to prevent this? The baby must be fed in an upright position. After eating, the baby should be kept in a "column" for about half an hour. You should also pay attention to the hole in the nipple on the bottle. Its wrong size can cause hiccups in a newborn. If the diameter is too small and large, the baby may involuntarily swallow air along with food.


An older child may also get hiccups. How to get rid of it at home?There are various solutions to this problem.

  • In order for the baby to stop bothering with hiccups, you need to try to switch his attention. If the child becomes interested in, for example, a new game, the problem may disappear by itself.
  • You can offer your baby some sour product. For example, a piece of lemon, which should be eaten without eating it with sugar, will help to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.
  • Water is a tool that helps not only adults, but also children. It is necessary that the child takes a few small sips. You can also try washing with cold water.
  • Holding your breath is a simple and effective way to deal with an unpleasant phenomenon. The baby must take a deep breath so that his lungs fill with air. Breath should be held as long as possible.
  • In some cases, a rush of blood to the head helps. You need to hang your head off the bed, open your mouth and hold it in this position for at least a minute. You can also lie on your back and raise your head up.

The cause of hiccups in a child will tell you an effective way to deal with it. For example, this trouble can happen due to the fact that the baby is cold. In this case, you should offer him warm clothes and drink hot tea.

What else you need to know

The article tells how to get rid of hiccups at home. If it does not go away within an hour, you should definitely consult a doctor. This alarming symptom cannot be ignored, which may indicate certain malfunctions in the body. Also passexamination is necessary if this unpleasant phenomenon occurs regularly, for example, several times a week.
