Calcium can be called one of the most important materials for the human body. It is essential for muscles, nails, bones and teeth. The beneficial properties of calcium are not only that it is a building block for teeth and bones, but also that it prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream, increasing the body's resistance to infectious and toxic processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, takes part in metabolic processes and hematopoiesis. Individuals whose diet contains a sufficient amount of calcium-rich foods are more likely to tolerate various infections and changes in weather conditions.
General information about the processes in the body involving trace elements and vitamin D
The norm of calcium in the human body is from 1 to 2.2 kg. Most of it is contained in the skeleton. Phosphorus is necessary for the absorption of this trace element. For their balance in the bodyvitamin D is responsible. An imbalance provokes calcium leaching from teeth, bones, and nails. With a long absence of calcium intake into the body, it is replaced by strontium, which has a similar molecular structure. However, it is somewhat larger, so the replacement is manifested by bone changes, represented by various growths or bumps. A lack of calcium provokes fragility of blood vessels, as well as pain. The level of calcium in the body is regulated by hormonal substances of the thyroid gland, as well as vitamin D. Parathyroid hormone increases its concentration in the blood, and calcitonin, participating in metabolism, reduces its level. Vitamin D affects the absorption of calcium. The blood always contains a constant amount of it, so its concentration does not change even with insufficient intake from the outside. In these cases, calcium is withdrawn from the teeth and bones. The latter are called the main store of calcium, from where it enters the bloodstream, where it is detected in the following forms:
- Ionized - free active.
- Inactive - associated with protein substances.
- Inactive - associated with anions.

In a laboratory study, the total amount of all of the above forms is determined. The processes of calcium metabolism in the human body begin in the bone tissue, and it is absorbed in the small intestine. Calcium is excreted through the intestines and kidneys. Calcium enters the body of an individual with food.
Phosphorus and calcium
Phosphorus is in every cell. ATabout 85 percent of it is contained in bone tissue and teeth, and the rest is in the brain tissue, blood and muscles. Phosphorus compounds enable muscles to contract. This element enters the body with food. Phosphorus and calcium in the human body is a large amount. The assimilation of one of them is impossible without the presence of the other. For normal life, it is necessary to maintain a ratio of 2: 1, where 2 is calcium, and 1 is phosphorus. Its violation leads to a failure of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. For example, an excess of phosphorus provokes the excretion of calcium from the body, and its deficiency causes an excess of calcium. In the first case, foods are added to the diet that can make up for calcium deficiency and reduce the amount of phosphorus. In the second case, such pathologies as osteochondrosis, urolithiasis develop. A huge role in regulating the exchange of calcium and phosphorus elements in the human body is assigned to vitamin D. To restore and maintain balance, you should eat foods enriched with vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus:
- Butter.
- Fish and beef liver.
- Seafood.
- Egg yolk.

If there is no effect, the doctor will prescribe drug therapy.
The mineral element sodium
Another important element besides phosphorus and calcium is sodium. In the human body, it takes part in the following processes:
- Promotes the passage of nerve impulses.
- Together with potassium, it participates in the regulation of water balance.
- Includedin the composition of the interstitial fluid, as well as in the blood. For better absorption, vitamins such as D and K are needed.
- Has a vasodilating effect.
- Regulates the level of circulating blood.
- Takes part in the formation of gastric juice.
- Influences myocardial function.
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
- Regulates the excretory system.
- Activates some digestive enzymes.
- Participates in the delivery of glucose to cell tissue.

The daily requirement for sodium is low. For an adult individual, it is in the range of four to six grams, which corresponds to ten to fifteen grams of table s alt. The need for this element is higher when you are in a hot climate zone, consume a large amount of fluid, sweat, intense physical exertion. It is recommended to reduce the amount of s alt consumed when taking hormonal drugs and the following pathological conditions:
- Allergy.
- Kidney disease.
- Hypertension.
- Obesity.
- Rheumatism.
- Diseases of the pancreas.
Distribution and role of calcium in the human body
Acceptable levels of calcium in the blood are different, depending on the age of the individual. In the range from 2.2 to 2.5 mmol / l they are in adults, up to 2.75 mmol / l - up to the age of twelve. The recommended intake of this trace element per day is also not the same:
- Children - 800 mg.
- Adult - 800-1200mg
Both excess (hypercalcemia) and deficiency (hypocalcemia) are harmful to children and adults.

Approximately ninety-nine percent of the trace element goes to the formation of teeth and bones, and the rest is constantly in the biological fluids of the body. In situations where the body does not receive enough calcium from the diet, it extracts it from the bones of the skeleton. Its deficiency is mainly reflected in the spine, teeth, limb bones, blood vessels.
Thanks to this element, the following biological processes occur that ensure vital activity:
- Participates in the formation of bone tissue, hair, teeth.
- Enhances the action of vitamin K, which affects blood clotting.
- Provides contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles.
- Together with magnesium, potassium, sodium regulates pressure and vascular permeability.
- Affects the permeability of cell membranes.
- Participates in the normalization of the work of the endocrine glands and the secretion of hormonal substances, as well as in the functioning of the nervous system during the transmission of impulses.
What calcium affects in the body
The effect of calcium on the human body cannot be underestimated. Its impact extends to the following life processes:
- Plays a key role in the formation of teeth in children and adolescents.
- With its insufficient level in the blood, the blood supply suffersall organs. Calcium is involved in the regulation of the processes of the cardiovascular system and helps to normalize blood pressure.
- The movement and activity of the muscular system depends on its level.
- Lack of calcium in the human body leads to impaired conduction of nerve impulses. The individual develops irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, impaired concentration, memory. Simultaneous intake with magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves excitability.
- Low concentration provokes a decrease in the synthesis of prothrombin, due to which there is a lack of blood clotting.
- Regular intake of calcium from food protects cellular tissue from the negative effects of free radicals, helping to protect against tumor and heart disease.

The latest technological processes allow you to add calcium directly to food.
Foods containing calcium and other elements
Fish liver and beef liver are foods that contain a large amount of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. The use of this food is recommended by doctors initially. It is also desirable to include seaweed, crabs, herring, mackerel, butter, shrimp in the diet. The following products have both items:
- Cauliflower.
- Green peas.
- Cottage cheese.
- Wheat (whole grain).
- Celery.
- Radishes.
- Fresh cucumbers.
Specialrich in calcium:
- Green beans.
- Dairy products.
- Oranges.
- Currant.
- Apricots.
- Parsley.
- Dandelion.
- Dill.
- Med.
- Carrot.
- Bow.
- Bran.
- Cherry.
- Strawberries.
Sprouted wheat, lentils, soybeans, pears, nuts, mushrooms, barley, meat and rye are high in phosphorus.
Thus, the list of products is quite diverse. From it you can come up with delicious and he althy dishes so that the body is saturated with these trace elements important for he alth.
Calcium deficiency: symptoms and consequences
Lack of calcium in the human body affects the immune system, as a person's resistance to infections decreases. Children who receive it less than the norm grow up more passive and physically weak. In addition, calcium is essential for muscle growth. The manifestation of unwanted allergic reactions is associated with the level of this element in the blood. Its deficiency provokes a small release of histamine, which leads to a more severe course of bronchial asthma, dermatitis. It must be remembered that with a sharp drop in body weight, calcium also disappears from the body. As a result, the skin looks flabby and the muscles weaken. To prevent such a state, the body should be replenished in a timely manner with a microelement.
For a person, calcium, which is maintained at an acceptable level, is also useful because it prevents the deposition of fat. The active development of the individual's skeletal system occurs before the age of 25. During this period, calciumtogether with other important elements accumulates in the tissues. After the turn of 35 years, bone tissue decays. This process is gradually increasing. Osteoporosis quite often develops in the female half during menopause. The reason, of course, is the lack of calcium. Reducing it in the bones significantly increases the risk of fractures. Scientists have determined that a lack of calcium provokes more than a hundred different diseases, and can also lead to irreversible consequences. Identification of this problem in the early stages and preventive measures will help to saturate the body with the necessary trace element. Calcium deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Irritable.
- Memory weakening.
- Nervousness.
- Increase in pressure.
To prevent such conditions, preventive measures should be started already in childhood.

Causes of calcium deficiency
Our ancestors never thought about the lack of calcium for the human body and were he althy. Why, in modern conditions, almost all individuals feel its lack? It turns out that there are a number of reasons that explain this phenomenon:
- Insufficient supply from outside. According to statistics, most citizens consume only one third of the required daily allowance. In cases where it is impossible to replenish calcium with food, the doctor recommends taking medications containing this NT. Dosage and course of treatment are selected individually.
- Reduce intake of dairy products containing easily digestible calcium.
- They consume a lot of alcohol-containing and carbonated drinks, which intensively flush out calcium from the body.
- Smoking. The explanation for why smokers have yellow teeth lies precisely in the lack of calcium. Nicotine actively contributes to its withdrawal, which provokes a deterioration in blood flow, weakens the work of the myocardium, and has a negative effect on the body.
- Passivity, which is expressed in the lack of movement. Sedentary individuals suffer from poor posture and other skeletal disorders.
In addition, the reason for the lack of calcium for the human body is its poor digestibility. Unfortunately, only half of the calcium that enters the body with food is absorbed into the intestines. It is increased in certain life periods: pregnancy, childhood and adolescence. In the elderly, digestibility is reduced. The following factors influence this process:
- Simultaneous intake with vitamin D3 enhances calcium absorption. In addition, this substance under the influence of sunlight is synthesized in the body on its own. To do this, you need to be in the sun for at least fifteen minutes a day.
- Magnesium also improves absorption.
- Carbonated, alcohol-containing, milk and coffee drinks, smoking, raw vegetables containing oxalic acid interfere with its absorption.
- Constant moderate physical activity helps calcium absorption.
How to replenishlack of calcium in the human body
To do this, it is recommended to change the diet to include:
- Dairy products: yoghurts, low-fat cottage cheese, cheeses.
- Greens: parsley, celery.
- Beans.
- Egg yolk.
- Cabbage, broccoli is best.
- Nuts.
- Egg shells.
Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption and can be obtained from the following sources:
- Fish oil.
- Sunbeams.
- Physical activity.
- Hiking outdoors.
Excess calcium. Symptoms

An excess of calcium s alts in the human body negatively affects its he alth. This phenomenon occurs for the following reasons:
- Violation of calcium metabolism.
- Too much vitamin D.
- Get plenty of calcium in your body every day.
- Uncontrolled intake of drugs and biologically active supplements containing this element.
Signs of an overdose appear:
- Depression of excitability of the nervous system.
- Bradycardia.
- Angina.
- Increase in the concentration of calcium s alts in urine.
- Urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis.
- Varicose veins.
- Increased blood clotting.
- Decreased tone of the skeletal muscles and smooth muscles.
- Heartburn.
- Gout.
Thus, the role of calcium in the human body is great. Its deficiency can cause great harm to the individual. The use of foods or dietary supplements with calcium, starting from childhood, helps to protect yourself from many problems in the future, strengthen immunity and bone tissue.