There are dozens of reasons that can explain the phenomenon of insomnia. Millions of people around the world face it every day. How to deal with this scourge?
It should be remembered that the regular use of sleeping pills can cause serious he alth problems. That is why before you start drinking pills, it is better to use proven folk remedies and start following the recommendations of specialists.
Folk remedies for insomnia

1. The simplest remedy for insomnia that you can prepare is a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. "Borjomi", the same amount of honey and 1/2 tbsp. l. chopped lemon. It should be taken in the morning, with a course of treatment of 1 month.
2. You can mix a glass of lemon juice with 2 tbsp. l. crushed walnut and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Drink a large spoonful of the miracle drink daily before bed.
3. Many believe that the best remedy for insomnia is kefir with honey. A spoonful of sweet treats is dissolved in a glass of kefir and drunk before going to bed. Durationcourse - 1 week.
4. Another remedy for insomnia that is worth mentioning is a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar. Add 3 tsp to a cup of honey. vinegar. Before going to bed, take 2 tsp. finished product.

5. An ancient remedy for insomnia is chamomile. 1 st. l. flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. One hour before meals, you need to drink a third of a glass of infusion.
6. Dill is very effective in the fight against insomnia. 2 tsp chopped dill pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. This is enough for 2 days, and you need to take the remedy three times a day. You can add 50 g of dill seeds to 2 glasses of wine (cahors or red port). This mixture should be boiled over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Next, you need to cover the container with a towel and wait a few hours, and then strain and squeeze. At night, take 50-60 g of this remedy.
7. You can pour a glass of oatmeal with a liter of boiling water and boil the mixture until it thickens. In the finished medicine, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and leave to cook for three minutes. Take 1/2 cup of warm mixture 2-3 times a day.
8. You can also prepare a decoction of mint (at the rate of 1 tbsp mint per 1 cup boiling water). After the composition is infused (about 20 minutes), you need to strain it. Use the product half an hour before a meal.
Check your diet
Try to include the following foods in your daily diet: bananas, honey, herbal teas, oatmeal, warm milk,potatoes, almonds, whole wheat bread, flax and sesame seeds, corn flakes. All of them contribute to the normalization of sleep.
What to do if traditional medicine is powerless?

With especially strong disorders, pills are indispensable. What are the best remedies for insomnia? The pills that are bought most often in such situations and that are sold without a prescription are Ambien, Rozerem, Lunesta, Zollidem (Sanval), Sonata, Zaleplon. Almost all of them are quickly excreted from the body, have a small number of side effects (however, before use, you should still familiarize yourself with contraindications) and do not cause a "hangover" effect after taking. The risk of addiction to these drugs is much lower than if you drink strong drugs for insomnia. The medicines that were listed above, in combination with proper nutrition and any of the folk remedies described, will give you good nights and sweet dreams!