The term "hemoglobin" refers to an iron-containing protein that performs a large number of important functions in the body. When it deviates from the norm in a smaller direction, it is customary to talk about anemia. This is a pathological process that negatively affects the work of all internal organs. In this regard, many people are puzzled by how to quickly and effectively raise hemoglobin in the blood. You can normalize the concentration of iron-containing protein at home, simply by adjusting the diet. However, doctors still recommend contacting a medical facility to find out the cause of anemia. Specialists will carry out diagnostic measures and, based on their results, will prescribe highly effective drugs.
Hemoglobin: concept, functions
A complex protein found in red blood cells. Its small concentration is also present in the plasma in a free form. Normally, one erythrocyte can contain about 400 millioniron-containing protein molecules.
Hemoglobin is directly involved in many vital processes:
- Carries out the transport of oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the human body and carries carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Accordingly, a lack of hemoglobin always leads to a dangerous condition - hypoxia.
- Maintains the acid-base balance in the body. Hemoglobin has unique properties, due to which it is the key link in the blood buffer system. Iron-containing protein binds acidic compounds and removes them from the body. Due to this, acidosis does not develop. The latter is a dangerous condition in which the blood and tissues become acidic. In the lungs, hemoglobin, on the contrary, prevents the alkalization process.
- The first to take a hit when intoxicated. Methemoglobin (an iron-containing protein derivative) strongly binds toxic compounds, including hydrocyanic acid. Due to this, the degree of intoxication of the body is significantly reduced.
Thus, in the event of anemia, each person should know how to raise hemoglobin in the blood. Ignoring the same alarming signs often leads to consequences that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to human life.

Low hemoglobin: causes
The concentration of iron-containing protein depends on gender and age. In addition, it changes in women during pregnancy. Update processhemoglobin is inextricably linked to the life cycle of the red blood cell to which it is attached. On average, it takes about 120 days. After this period, erythrocytes, together with iron-containing proteins, move to the liver, where they undergo splitting. After that, the synthesis process starts again, and hemoglobin joins the free red blood cell.
Thus, the concentration of iron-containing protein changes for natural reasons. Normally, the blood of women should contain 120 g / l of hemoglobin and above, in the liquid connective tissue of men - from 130 to 160 g / l.
The main reasons for the decrease in the concentration of iron-containing protein:
- Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, and the process of iron absorption worsens due to gastrointestinal disorders and toxicosis.
- Unbalanced diet. Many people who were interested in what the diet should be like to increase hemoglobin are surprised to note that adjusting the diet did not help normalize the level of iron-containing protein. It is important to know what you need to eat and those foods that contribute to its absorption. It is necessary to exclude from the menu everything that prevents the absorption of iron.
- The presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthic invasions. Problems like these also prevent the body from absorbing iron.
- Bleeding. They can pose a threat to life and he alth, or be harmless (a prime example is menstruation or donating blood for analysis).
Whenthe appearance of signs of iron deficiency (weakness, fatigue, deterioration in the quality of hair and nails, disorders of the internal organs), you must consult a therapist. The doctor will find out the cause of anemia and tell you how to raise hemoglobin in the blood.

Sorbifer Durules
In order to normalize the level of iron-containing protein, doctors often prescribe medication. "Sorbifer Durules" is a modern and effective drug for hemoglobin. The active components of the product are: ferrous iron, ascorbic acid and anhydrous sulfate.
The main indication for use is the presence of anemia or its prevention. Against the background of the intake, the lack of iron is replenished, and ascorbic acid contributes to its maximum absorption in the intestine.
The dosage regimen is determined by the attending physician. Unless the specialist has indicated otherwise, the information reflected in the annotation should be taken as the basis. According to the instructions, the tablets should be taken at least half an hour before a meal. For the prevention of anemia, you need to take 1 pill per day, for treatment - 2 pills.

Ferrum Lek
This drug is also anti-anemic. It comes in tablet and syrup form.
"Ferrum Lek" is a drug whose active ingredient is a complex compound of iron. It is stable and has a large molecular weight, which quickly and effectively disappears signs of anemia.
It is necessary to take the remedy on timemeal or immediately after it. In this case, the tablets can be chewed and swallowed whole. The dosage regimen is determined by the attending physician based on the results of the patient's blood test.
"Ferrum Lek" - this is what can raise hemoglobin in the blood, even in an infant. However, the possibility of non-iron anemia (eg, megaloblastic or hemolytic) should be ruled out first.
M altofer
This drug is also anti-anemic. Its composition is represented by a complex compound of iron. "M altofer" is what raises hemoglobin in the blood very quickly. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous clinical studies.
According to the instructions, "M altofer" is indicated both for latent iron deficiency and for severe anemia. In addition, as part of the prevention of the disease, it can be taken by pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly, blood donors, as well as vegetarians (hemoglobin obtained from plant foods is rather poorly absorbed by the body).
The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of iron deficiency. Doctors usually prescribe 1 to 3 tablets per day.

The drug is available as a solution. Its active components are: iron, copper, manganese. All active ingredients are presented as gluconate.
Indications for use of the drug:
- Having iron deficiency anemia.
- Prevention of hemoglobin decline in high-risk individuals(children, pregnant women, the elderly).
It is necessary to take the drug before eating. It is necessary to tear off a piece of cardboard from the package along the marked line, bend it in half and carefully break off the head of the ampoule. The solution must then be poured into a glass of water or any other soft drink.
The dosing regimen is also determined by the doctor. As a rule, for the treatment of anemia, it is enough to take the contents of 2-4 ampoules per day.
Practically everyone knows that this sweet bar is something that can raise hemoglobin in the blood.
"Hematogen" is a dietary supplement that first saw the light in 1890. Initially, it was produced in the form of a mixture, the active component of which was bovine blood. The tool was so effective that almost immediately became widespread. After the revolution, Hematogen could also be purchased in Russia.
After the Second World War, it was decided to produce dietary supplements in the form of solid tiles. Whole bovine blood has not been added to them for several decades, this technology has been declared obsolete.
Composition of "Hematogen" according to GOST:
- Black food albumin - 4 to 5%.
- Sweetened condensed milk - from 30 to 33%.
- Starch syrup - from 18 to 23%.
- Vanillin - from 0.01 to 0.015%.
- Sugar - 40%.
However, the composition of "Hematogen" does not always correspond to GOST. By law, manufacturers have the right to make adjustments to the traditional recipe. Many people use various additives. Concerningit is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition before buying, it must contain albumin protein.

Foods rich in iron
If anemia is the result of an unbalanced diet, it is enough to make adjustments to the diet. With regards to how you can raise hemoglobin in the blood. The list of products is quite impressive. Doctors recommend initially including those that contain the maximum amount of iron in the diet.
The following products will help you quickly raise hemoglobin at home:
- Halva. To the surprise of many, it is this sweetness that contains a large amount of iron, which is easily absorbed by the body. Doctors recommend giving preference to tahini halva. 100 g of sweets contain approximately 50 mg of iron. In sunflower halva - 33 mg.
- Meat and offal. It is important to remember that the iron contained in food of animal origin is well absorbed by the body (by 20% or more). That is why among vegetarians anemia is not uncommon. Iron contained in plant foods is absorbed only by 5%. To quickly raise hemoglobin at home, you need to include veal, beef, rabbit meat, tongue and liver in the menu. Doctors recommend purchasing fresh meat and not overcooking it for too long. To increase hemoglobin, beef or pork liver, tongue or tenderloin should be consumed in an amount of 100 g daily.
- Dried mushrooms. This is an excellent tool that helps to normalize the hematopoietic system. In 100 gDried mushrooms contain about 30 mg of iron. Doctors say that eating 50 g of this product a day will quickly get rid of signs of anemia.
- Seafood. Shrimps, squid, clams and scallops are foods that are recommended to be included in the diet. They not only increase the concentration of hemoglobin, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of most internal organs.
- Wheat bran. They contain about 15 mg of iron and B vitamins, which are directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. The maximum daily dosage is 30 g. It must not be exceeded so as not to provoke the occurrence of disorders in the digestive system.
- Beets. 30 ml of juice per day will help to significantly increase the level of hemoglobin. In addition, this liquid contains proteins, vitamins and amino acids, which have a positive effect on the hematopoietic system. It is important to know that beetroot juice is best diluted with carrot or apple juice. In addition, it must be kept in the refrigerator for half an hour before use.
- Honey. A valuable product containing not only iron, but also a combination of minerals that contribute to its maximum absorption. Doctors recommend giving preference to honeydew, heather and buckwheat honey. To increase hemoglobin, 2-3 tablespoons per day are enough.
- Nuts. Especially with anemia, walnuts are useful. To increase hemoglobin, nuts can be eaten neat or chopped and mixed with raisins or honey.

What elsefoods to include in your diet:
- Chicken eggs.
- Beer yeast.
- Molasses.
- Boiled broccoli.
- Chicken.
- Potatoes.
- Peaches.
- Beans.
- Green salad.
- Buckwheat.
- Tomatoes.
- Cocoa.
- Wheat flour products.
- Pasta.
- Apples.
- Almonds.
- Semolina.
People who are interested in how to quickly raise hemoglobin in the blood, you need to know that for the human body the most valuable is two- and three-valent iron. The first is better absorbed by the intestines. The products can have both the first and the second option. But if, after adjusting the diet, the hemoglobin concentration does not increase, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose an effective drug.
Foods that help and hinder iron absorption
As mentioned above, protein levels can be significantly increased just by adjusting the diet. However, it is not recommended to eat foods that interfere with the absorption of iron.
These include:
- Milk and dairy products. If it is difficult to refuse them, it is necessary to eat them and foods containing iron at different times.
- Coffee. For the duration of treatment, it is recommended to replace it with cocoa.
- Black tea. You can change it to green.
- Cereals. They bind iron in the intestines and prevent its absorption. Doctors recommend eating meat without bread. It is also incompatible with cereals and pasta. As a side dish, it is better to choose vegetables, beans, green peas.
Iron absorption can be significantly increased by eating foods rich in vitamin C (grapefruit, lemon, tangerines, green onions, etc.). In addition, doctors recommend drinking cabbage pickle, freshly squeezed tomato and orange juice, and water with lemon juice.
Additionally, you can take folic acid and vitamin B12. These substances contribute to better absorption of iron.

In closing
Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. This iron-containing compound performs many vital functions in the body, in particular, it is responsible for the acid-base balance and the delivery of oxygen to every cell of the body. In addition, it binds poisons and thereby reduces the intensity of the intoxication process in case of poisoning.
Low hemoglobin is a he alth hazard, and severe anemia is life threatening. The first signs of a deviation in the level of iron-containing protein from the norm are: constant weakness, fatigue, deterioration of the skin, hair and nails. With severe anemia, hypoxia occurs, that is, the functioning of all internal organs is disrupted.
If you experience the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and tell you how to quickly raise hemoglobin in the blood.