This method is gaining popularity every day. And so the treatment of water by ozonation raises many questions. Is this water safe for human he alth? How is the procedure for its purification, filtration? What are the benefits and harms of water ozonation? We will answer all these and other important questions below.
What is this?
Ozonation of water for drinking today is an effective method of purification and disinfection of liquid intended for human consumption. Its properties are determined by the action of ozone - one of the powerful oxidizing agents. Accordingly, it has both beneficial and harmful effects.
What is this? Ozone by its nature is an allotropic modification of oxygen. In its normal state in nature, it is a blue, odorless gas. In small concentrations, it does not pose any danger to the human body. But inhaling ozone in large doses is very harmful.
As for the disinfection of water by ozonation, inhaling the gas is, of course, not required here. Water purificationhappens with the help of a special device.
Once in the water, ozone instantly enters into chemical reactions with the foreign compounds contained in it and pathogenic flora. Its outcome is able to quickly destroy known viruses, microbes and fungi. As for harmful impurities, after such a reaction they precipitate. It is already removed with the help of mechanical filters, which are supplied with each ozonator.
As for the ozone itself, after entering the reaction, it quickly decomposes into oxygen. Remarkably, this does not affect the change in color, smell, taste of the liquid. In water, foreign impurities from this decay are also not detected. The result is pure disinfected water, which is free from impurities of various chemical reagents.
The benefit of ozonating water here is that this chemical effect is converted into oxygen. Which is valued for its oxidizing properties acceptable to the human body. In fact, our life without it is impossible, since metabolism (metabolism) is based on the oxidation of nutrients supplied with food and their further transformation in this process into vital energy.
But on the other hand, active oxidative processes accelerate the aging of the body. Therefore, we will analyze in more detail the benefits and harms of water ozonation. After all, this process is quite complicated.

Main pros and cons
First, we will outline the main benefits and harms of drinking water ozonation. Among the most "fat" pluses stands outnext:
- Complete disinfection of the liquid without depriving it of its useful properties.
- Additional enrichment of water with oxygen.
- Fast and convenient decontamination available at home.
But speaking about the benefits and dangers of drinking water ozonation, it is important to highlight the disadvantages of this purification method:
- With the help of ozonation alone, it is impossible to purify the liquid from various phenolic impurities.
- High equipment cost.
- The need to comply with safety regulations during the operation of the ozonizer.
All these pluses and minuses will be discussed in more detail later.
Best effect
Today, quite a few people are turning to the treatment of drinking liquids in this way. Water purification by ozonation has many advantages:
- Ozone can sterilize water. That is, to destroy the pathogenic microorganisms present in it.
- The process of water purification by ozonation takes a couple of seconds. Unlike the same boiling. Many users simply put the ozone generator directly on the water faucet to immediately get purified water that can be drunk without fear for their he alth.
- Once in water, ozone is transformed into oxygen. A mineral liquid saturated with this element is very useful. To increase its beneficial properties, ionizers are often used along with the ozonator.
- With the help of water ozonation method, not only pathogenic viruses, fungi, bacteria are destroyed. The method is able to rid the liquid of an unpleasant aftertaste,smell. As for tap water, this is a rather urgent problem. It often smells of chlorine, sulfur and other unappetizing odors.
- Ozonation is able to rid the water of all known microorganisms that are the causative agents of human infectious diseases.
- Blue gas not only effectively purifies drinking water. It retains all its beneficial properties, minerals contained in the liquid. In addition, it additionally enriches the water with oxygen.

Indications for use
Talking about the benefits and dangers of water ozonation, we note when the liquid purified in this way is indicated for constant drinking:
- Asthma.
- Various manifestations of allergies.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Anemia. Especially the decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, diagnosed against the background of the development of this disease.
- Chronic diseases of the digestive tract. In particular, the pancreas and gallbladder.
- Autoimmune pathologies.
- Chronic malaise: drowsiness, constant complaints of weakness, apathy, etc.
- Increased acidity of gastric juice.
- Recovery period after surgery.
Why is ozonized water shown? The main reason is that such a purification method retains all the useful properties of water, leaving it "alive". It should not be forgotten that during ozonation, water is additionally saturated with oxygen, which makes it useful forcertain states.

Ozonated or mineral?
But at the same time, ozonized, but ordinary tap water cannot replace the one that is extracted from underground sources - mineral, saturated with certain valuable microelements. But, as medical observations show, the constant use of liquid purified by ozone can lead to the following positive changes in the state of the body:
- Improve metabolic processes (metabolism).
- Saturation of body tissues with oxygen.
- Releasing internal systems from accumulated toxins.
If we talk about individual cases, then the following effects of ozonized water on the body are noted:
- Promotes rapid healing of burns and wounds.
- Relieves asthma and chronic bronchitis.
- Prophylactic for stomach ulcers.
- Reduces various types of pain.
- Helps fight chronic fatigue of various nature.
- Hygiene procedures with ozonized water allow you to quickly overcome herpes exacerbations.
But it should be noted that these are isolated observations, and not conclusions based on an evidence-based scientific basis. From here it is impossible to judge the healing properties of ozonized water.
Are there any contraindications?
The water ozonation plant does not have any restrictions. Since there are no contraindications with which people should not use ozonized water. Hercan be drunk by both children and adults.
The state of human he alth does not matter here either. In he althy people, this fluid will not provoke the development of pathologies. In those suffering from certain diseases, it will not cause complications, exacerbations. Ozonated water is ordinary drinking purified water. Retained its useful properties, but purified from pathogenic microflora, from foreign odors. Accordingly, in color, taste, smell, it will not differ much from any other water that has passed through a different high-quality purification.

Disadvantages of the cleansing method
Ozonation, like all water purification methods that exist today, has its drawbacks. Of course, there is no question of the dangers of water ozonation, since this widely used technique is safe. But at the same time, it also has a number of disadvantages, many of which are very significant:
- The action of ozone is short-lived. Therefore, water purified in this way does not retain its beneficial properties and oxygen saturation for long. It is required to use it in the first hours after cleaning. If such water is stored for a long time, it needs additional purification from the same pathogenic organisms.
- Water should not be consumed immediately. If you can immediately pour the liquid from the same jug with a carbon filter into a glass and drink it, then the water after ozonation should stand for about half an hour. What for? This is necessary so that the ozone has time to transform into oxygen. Only in this case, the use of ozonized water will be useful.
- Requirements forroom. The kitchen in which you decide to install an ozonator should be well ventilated. As you remember, inhaling ozone in large volumes is quite harmful. This can lead to serious respiratory problems later on.
- Insufficient cleaning. We noted that ozone effectively purifies water from a variety of pathogenic microflora - none of these organisms can withstand the effects of blue gas. But ozone is not effective in purifying water from the phenolic compounds it contains.
- Purification of polluted water. If the water is too polluted, then a second cleaning with ozone is not enough. To make the liquid drinkable, you need to pass it through several cycles of such purification.

Pool Water Purification
In addition to drinking water purification, ozonation of water in the pool is also widespread today. The benefits and harms of this method echo those already described. Among the positive properties are:
- Purified water will not have an unpleasant odor. Many people do not like to go to the pool because of the strong smell of chlorine, which is difficult to remove from the skin, hair, swimwear.
- Purified water is safe for visitors. Many people do not go to the pools because of individual intolerance to the same chlorine, allergic reactions to it: rashes and redness appear on the skin, watery, eyes become inflamed, and so on. There is no such reaction to ozonated water.
- In the case of installing powerful equipment, you can disinfect quite quicklywater from pathogenic microflora. As for phenolic compounds, their destruction is not so important, since the water is not intended for drinking.
But since we reflect the benefits and harms of ozonating water in the pool, we need to highlight the disadvantages of this method:
- The installation of powerful equipment is required, which must constantly work. We have already mentioned that the disinfecting properties of ozone weakens over time. A few hours after cleaning, the water will again become a favorable environment for the life and reproduction of bacteria. To prevent this from happening, you need to process it periodically.
- High cleaning cost. For the disinfection of water in the pool, equipment of increased power is required. Today, even buying a home ozonator is not a cheap pleasure. As for the popular chlorine cleaning method, it is several times cheaper than ozonation. Why pool owners are in no hurry to abandon it.
- Safety. Even the operation of a home ozonizer requires careful observance of safety precautions. As for large devices, a special design of the premises where they will function is necessary. In addition, specially trained, trained personnel must interact with such devices, which also results in additional expenses.

Ozonation of wastewater is not widespread in the world. In Russia, it is almost never found. The main reason is the high cost of this method. ForDisinfection of sewage requires powerful equipment, qualified personnel for its maintenance. Why such a method is impractical - it does not justify itself. We must not forget that the disinfecting properties of ozone are temporary.
Therefore, today ozonation is mainly used only for drinking water purification.

Using home ozonation
Now you know everything about the benefits and dangers of water ozonation. Therefore, the question of buying and installing a home cleaning system should be based on a careful weighing of the pros and cons. Where to install the system? How polluted is domestic water? Are there small children in the house?
To ozonize water at home, you can not do without purchasing a special device - an ozonizer. By the way, today it is quite expensive equipment. The process of water purification itself should not be left to chance. Do not forget to ventilate the room well after it. The device should not work for more than half an hour in a row. The charcoal filters in the ozonator must be changed periodically.
How fast does the equipment work? To purify 10 liters of tap water from harmful microflora and heavy metal impurities, you will need to treat the liquid with an ozonizer for 20 minutes. For the process, it is better to use glass containers. Plastics and metal will oxidize.
Ozonizers today are presented in a wide range - with their help it is possible to disinfect not only water, but also householdappliances, clothing, kitchen furniture surfaces. This is very important, since such locations are rich in pathogenic microflora.
Modern ozonizers are fully automated. You just need to turn on the device, observe its operation. Any intervention, manual adjustment is not required. Make sure that no liquid gets inside the ozonator - this can damage the device. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to disinfect large volumes of water at a time.
When buying an ozonator, the first thing to consider is whether you can provide the necessary safety equipment when operating the device. Remember that ozone is a harmful gas, so you should never forget to ventilate the house after using the device.
Especially you need to be careful if there are children in the house. Before bathing a child in water purified by ozonation, it is necessary to ventilate the bathroom both before and after bath procedures. But doctors do not recommend bathing newborns in such water at all.
Ozonation of water is widespread today. But, as you have seen, the method has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to contact him if you can ensure the safe use of the ozonizer.