Practically everyone has heard the name of the disease "eczema". This is a skin disease that is not transmitted from person to person. One of its varieties is microbial eczema. It prevails in about 27% of cases among people who have contracted this disease. It does not develop independently, but on the skin already affected by pathology.

Case history
What is the cause of microbial eczema? If it is inherited or appeared as a result of allergic processes in the body. Its appearance is influenced by endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors. The culprits of eczema can also be psychovegetative, neuroendocrine disorders.
Speaking specifically about the causes of microbial eczema, they lie in most cases in a weakened immune system. It can occur after an illness, during the period of spring beriberi, when the immune defense is most reduced, the threshold of susceptibility of the organism to pathogenic bacteria is high. Especially for staphylococci andstreptococci.

Risk area
Which of the people is at risk as the most susceptible to the disease?
- Lack of personal hygiene creates an excellent environment for eczema to develop.
- People who have problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Those who are under constant stress experience increased emotional stress.
- People prone to frequent illness due to weakened immune systems.

Symptoms of disease
Foci of microbial eczema most often appear and are localized on the lower extremities of a person. They look like large foci, inflammation of the skin, with serous purulent vesicles, weeping erosions. All lesions merge with each other, without clear dividing edges. Microbial eczema is accompanied by severe itching, its areas are covered with purulent crusts, have a tendency to grow. He althy skin around the affected area contains foci of peeling (screenings).

Varieties of eczema
There are several types of microbial eczema.
- Sycosiformis most often occurs in people with inflamed hair follicles. Places of its manifestation are the chin, upper lip, armpits, genitals. It looks like weeping red inflamed areas, accompanied by severe itching.
- Because this type of eczema is notan independent disease, and arising against the background of already existing pathological processes, then microbial eczema on the legs can manifest itself with varicose veins, in its advanced case.
- Human hands are also not immune from the manifestation of the disease. Microbial eczema on the hands is called nummular and manifests itself in the form of lesions of a round shape, up to three centimeters in diameter.
- If the nails or skin are affected by a fungal infection, you can expect the appearance of a mitotic variety of eczema.
- Unhealed wounds, long-term injuries can also serve as a pretext for the development of an unpleasant factor. In this case, eczema is called paratraumatic and is localized around the indicated skin lesions.
- The last type of disease affects mainly women, breastfeeding. Or people infected with scabies. Eczema appears around the nipples and has a similar name. Red spots become very wet, causing discomfort and itching.

Forms of eczema
Depending on the time of manifestation of the disease, microbial eczema can take the following forms.
- Spicy. Lasts up to three months, is characterized by the appearance of bright red spots on the skin, they are weeping and itchy.
- Subacute. It's been going on for up to six months. The skin is not only red, but thickened, flaky.
- If measures are not taken in time to treat the disease, eczema passes into the next form - chronic. Her manifestations are disturbing for more than six months. The affected skin becomesvery dense, the color stands out sharply against the background of the surrounding fabric.

The very first and most striking symptom, in the presence of which one can judge the occurrence of the disease, is inflammation of the skin. Literally immediately, a rash and weeping erosion appear on the affected area. The whole process is accompanied by severe itching, which will not confuse eczema with any other ailment. If several affected lesions appeared on the skin at once, then after a while they merge, covering a he althy cover. The surface of these foci is covered with a thick layer of purulent crusts.
Treatment of microbial eczema must be started in a timely manner, at the first of its manifestations. In no case should you self-medicate. In case of improper use of inappropriate drugs, lubrication of lesions with an unsuitable ointment, the consequences can manifest themselves in rashes and the formation of secondary allergic foci. Gradually, they merge into a single spot, spreading to he althy skin and becoming covered with weeping erosion. After that, microbial eczema turns into true.
How to Diagnose
It will not be difficult for a dermatologist to recognize microbial eczema in the disease (L20-L30 - ICD codes). This is indicated by its secondary nature, that is, not the independence of the occurrence, but the consequence of an already existing disease, such as varicose veins, candidiasis, streptoderma. It will also be indicated by areas of infected skin or injured skin. To ensure the correct diagnosis,bacteriological culture or scraping from the affected area. If there is reason to suspect the occurrence of eczema from a fungal infection, a scraping is taken to determine pathogenic fungi.
But first, the doctor carefully examines the patient's medical history to identify factors that influence the occurrence of eczema. Then a detailed visual examination of the affected skin areas is carried out. And the third necessary element is to conduct a survey of the patient to establish the time of occurrence and the severity of the disease.
If it is not possible to visually diagnose microbial eczema, or a more serious examination of it is necessary, then a histological examination of particles taken from the focus itself is carried out. In this case, it is determined how strong the swelling of the dermis, bubble formations are. During the examination, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of psoriasis, dermatitis or other types of eczema.
In case of detection of microbial eczema, treatment should be comprehensive. And, first of all, it should be aimed at eradicating the root cause of the disease and maintaining the whole organism. Microbial eczema is a chronic disease in most cases. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of it and even more difficult to keep the skin from reappearing rashes.

In the treatment of microbial eczema on the legs, the ointment helps best, and it can also be applied to the affected areas of the hands. But only after a detailed study of the medical history and examination. First you need to identify the underlying pathology that led todisease. After all, as already known, microbial eczema is a secondary and dependent phenomenon. Only after establishing the cause is the effect on the focus of inflammation.
General recommendations
To get rid of an unpleasant ailment, there are a number of general recommendations that must be followed by all victims.
- Patients with eczema need to carefully monitor body hygiene. But at the same time, refrain from prolonged contact with water on the affected areas.
- You should refrain from overheating the body, do not sunbathe, do not expose the affected areas to direct sunlight.
- Directly, along with the process of getting rid of foci of infected tissues, chronic infection in the body is also eliminated.
- You can not injure the inflamed skin. Underwear and clothing should be made of soft natural fabrics that do not cause discomfort.
- You can not do without a diet in the process of treatment. It should mainly consist of dairy-vegetable and meat dishes. Moreover, the latter should be less. It is forbidden to use citrus fruits. The restriction is imposed on the amount of fluid taken, alcohol, canned and spicy food.
- For the varicose form of microbial eczema, the treatment is ointment and bandaging the legs with an elastic bandage, or wearing thick stockings. First of all, you should direct your efforts to getting rid of the varicose veins itself.
In addition to the conditions described, drugs are also used to treat eczema. Antihistamines - to get rid of allergic reactions, vitamins - to support immunityand restore balance in the body. Treatment of microbial eczema on the legs with ointment in combination with medications quickly leads to positive results. Treat the affected areas with antiseptics.
Topical therapy
You can treat microbial eczema and alleviate the well-being of a sick person at home. To do this, you need to make lotions on the affected areas from lead water and 1% resorcinol solution. Treat lesions with Castellani liquid. If the cause of eczema lies in the presence of bacteria in the body, ointments containing antibiotics - Bactroban, Dettol - are well suited. To dry weeping tissues, ointments containing tar are used. Antifungal ointments are suitable for the treatment of eczema provoked by a fungus.
When the disease progresses to a more severe stage, conventional therapy is used, using hydrocortisone ointment and glucocorticosteroids to help cancel a relapse. Additionally, vitamins B and C are prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections. After removing the acute phase, the affected areas of the skin are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The long-term positive effect of the treatment will help to preserve the healing mud and protect the skin from frost, snow, sun, rain.
What happens if left untreated
In some cases, a person may ignore the appearance of inflamed foci of the skin for a long time and not contact specialists to prescribe effective treatment. What can happen in such a case? Red, itchy patches will quickly spread to still he althy skin. They will callherpetic infection. The disease will turn into a chronic form, from which it will not be possible to get rid of.
The same effect can be observed when trying to heal yourself. Only timely contacting a specialist, prescribing a course of the right drugs and following the above recommendations will help get rid of the disease and avoid relapses in the future.
It is not enough to recover from eczema. A number of actions must still be taken so that an unpleasant disease does not manifest itself in the future. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of the body. The skin should not be allowed to become infected or structurally changed. If you find the above diseases that cause eczema, you should immediately take measures to cure. Only by following these recommendations will it be possible not only to recover from an unpleasant illness, but also to forget about it forever.