Drug "Ambrohexal" (tablets): instructions for use

Drug "Ambrohexal" (tablets): instructions for use
Drug "Ambrohexal" (tablets): instructions for use

A drug such as Ambrohexal (tablets) belongs to the category of mucolytics and expectorant drugs. The therapeutic effect is the liquefaction of sputum and the improvement of its excretion from the respiratory tract. The active ingredient is Ambroxol.

Issue form

The tablets are distinguished by their round shape, bevelled edges and white tint. On one side of the capsules there is a separating notch, thanks to which they can be broken into two parts. This is very convenient if there is a prescription to drink Ambrohexal tablets in half. The package contains only 20 pieces in 2 blisters.

Ambrohexal tablets
Ambrohexal tablets

The drug "Ambrohexal" (tablets, 30 mg) in addition to the main active ingredient ambroxol hydrochloride in the indicated concentration contains the following auxiliary components:

  • 2 mg magnesium stearate;
  • the same amount of colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • 4 mg sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • 10 mg cornstarch;
  • 50 mg calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • 102 mg monohydratelactose.

What does taking the drug do?

When taking, many are interested in what pharmacological effect "Ambrohexal" (tablets) has. The instructions say that this mucolytic and expectorant gives the following effects:

  • through the serous cells of the bronchial mucosa, the production of liquid sputum is enhanced;
  • synthesis is initiated with the help of enzyme cells, they also break down the internal molecular bonds of mucopolysaccharides, which are the basis of sputum and reduce its viscosity;
  • together with it, various foreign components are excreted, which provoke coughing and inflammation; this happens because the movement of the cilia of the airway mucosa (mucociliary clearance) increases; these include viruses, harsh chemicals, allergens, bacteria and dust.

Means "Ambrohexal" (tablets) tends to accelerate the period of transformation of dry cough into productive, slowly reduces its intensity. Its concentration in the human respiratory system, which is capable of exerting a therapeutic effect, is formed approximately half an hour after ingestion and persists for the next 10 hours. Then ambroxol (active ingredient) is inactivated in the liver and split into metabolic products excreted in the urine through the kidneys. The period during which half of this substance is excreted is 12 hours.

Indications for use

Cough tablets "Ambrohexal" the doctor prescribes in case of lung disease orrespiratory tract, accompanied by thick sputum, the removal of which is problematic (often the patient also suffers from a dry cough). The list of such ailments is as follows:

  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), occurs due to the presence of various bacteria;
  • infectious bronchitis (chronic or acute course) - with it the mucous membrane of the bronchi becomes inflamed, which is provoked by bacteria or viruses;
  • bronchiectatic disease, which is a pathological chronic process characterized by partial expansion of the bronchi and bronchioles (places of accumulation of viscous sputum);
  • tracheitis - inflammation in the tracheal mucosa due to infection and other causes;
  • bronchial asthma (atopic bronchitis) - this pathology is of allergic origin, with it the bronchi narrow, and thick sputum accumulates in their lumen;
  • cystic fibrosis - such a disease is hereditary, distinguished by its severity (characterized by the production of viscous sputum);
  • obstructive chronic bronchitis - most often provoked by long-term irritation of the bronchial mucosa by smoking and the influence of various chemical compounds.
Ambrohexal tablets instruction
Ambrohexal tablets instruction

First of all, after taking the medicine, the protective function of the respiratory tract improves.

When should I not take Ambrohexal (tablets)?

The instructions for this drug contain information about possible contraindications to its use.

Treatment may aggravate the patient's condition if takenremedy in such cases:

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy. The active substance of the tablet - Ambroxol - penetrates through the placenta into the body of the unborn child. Possible negative effects have not yet been clinically studied, so it is better not to take risks with taking the drug at this time.
  • With ulcerative or erosive pathology of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum 12. The components of "Ambrohexal" can lead to cellular damage in the ulcerative area or erosion.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the drug as a whole or its individual components (may appear as general symptoms, such as weakness or headaches, skin rashes occur). In any of these cases, the treatment is canceled and the remedy should not be taken in the future.

In addition, "Ambrohexal" (tablets) is not recommended to drink in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. In case of emergency, the doctor can make an exception and prescribe them. This should only be done when the expected benefit outweighs the negative impact on the he alth of the unborn child. In other cases, the doctor, if necessary, can safely prescribe Ambrohexal to the patient.

Instructions for use

Cough pills have their own characteristics in terms of dosage. You need to drink them whole, sometimes they should be divided in two. You do not need to chew the tablets; after taking them, they should be washed down with plenty of drinking water. 30 mg of the active substance contains the drug "Ambrohexal" (tablets). Instructions forapplication provides for the following dosage depending on the age of the patient and the characteristics of the pathological process in the respiratory system:

  • Children from 2 to 6 years - half a tablet once a day (15 mg);
  • from 6 years to 12 - the same twice or thrice a day;
  • adults and children from 12 years after the start of therapeutic treatment, the first three days you need to take one piece up to 3 times a day; in the following days, 1 tablet is prescribed twice in the morning and evening; if the expected effect does not occur, or there is a rapid individual metabolism of ambroxol in the liver, then the maximum dose of the drug is up to 2 pieces 2 times a day.

"Ambrohexal" in the form of tablets has a very high range of dosing for the treatment of the disease, so the doctor can adjust the number of doses depending on the severity of the pathologies or the individual nuances of the person.

Can I give to children?

Baby doctors most often prescribe the drug in the form of syrup. But in the described form "Ambrohexal" (tablets) for children can be given after 2 years.

Ambrohexal tablets for children
Ambrohexal tablets for children

In syrup form, the dosage is as follows:

  • up to two years they give the drug twice a day for 7.5 mg;
  • 2-5 years - the same dose, but the child needs to drink the medicine three times;
  • 5-12 years - 15 mg three times a day;
  • 12 and older - the first 3 days are prescribed 3 times 30 mg, then twice in the same dose.

Before giving remedychild, make sure that the box contains instructions for use. The syrup should be drunk after meals. And during treatment, you should simultaneously drink a large amount of liquid (warm water, tea and juices are suitable). This enhances the mucolytic effect of Ambrohexal. The time of therapy depends on the severity of the child's disease and can be determined by the pediatrician. Without his recommendation, the remedy should be taken for a maximum of 5 days.

Possible side effects

The active substance of the drug - ambroxol - is mostly well tolerated. But in some cases, side effects are observed. These include:

  • The appearance of an allergic reaction both directly to the key component of the drug, and to any of the minor ones. It can occur in the form of a skin rash and itching. If the reaction is more pronounced, then urticaria begins to develop (a rash against the background of edema, resembling a burn from contact with nettles) or Quincke's edema (affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the area of the face and external genitalia). In some cases, anaphylactic shock is observed, which is a severe form of allergy that provokes a progressive drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.
  • Violation of the functioning of the digestive system. This is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, bloating and dry mucous membranes. Occasionally, spastic pains may appear.
  • Side effects from the nervous system, which are characterized by a violation of taste.
  • After taking the drug, the general condition worsens, mayaccompanied by weakness, fever, headaches.
How to take ambrohexal tablets
How to take ambrohexal tablets

There have also been cases where severe skin lesions developed, such as Steven-Jones syndrome, after the use of Ambrohexal. But such phenomena are associated more likely not with the use of the drug, but with the underlying disease. If you notice any of the symptoms described above, stop taking the drug and contact your doctor immediately.

Peculiarities of using medicine for coughing

You need to carefully study how to take Ambrohexal (tablets) in order to prevent complications, and be sure to get a specialist consultation.

Before you start treatment with this drug, you should consider the following features:

  • as mentioned earlier, it is possible to give the remedy to pregnant women or nursing mothers, as well as children, only with the consent of a specialist in certain situations;
  • to reduce the negative impact of tablets on the mucous membranes of the duodenum and stomach, they should be taken only after meals;
  • during the period of treatment with Ambrohexal, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, this will greatly facilitate the procedure for thinning sputum;
  • The therapeutic period with the use of this drug lasts an average of about 5 days, if the dry cough does not stop and there is continued stagnation of sputum in the bronchi, the specialist can extend it at his discretion;
  • tablets can be successfully combined with other drugs, for example, theyable to increase the concentration of antibiotics in the sputum, and this allows you to rid the patient of a bacterial infection as soon as possible;
  • The combination of "Ambrohexal" with cough suppressants that depress it is unacceptable, this provokes the accumulation of sputum in the bronchial tree and lungs;
  • if there is a renal or hepatic pathology against the background of the underlying disease, before prescribing the drug, the specialist should monitor their functional activity;
  • this medicine does not affect either the speed of a person's reaction or attention in any way - it can be safely used by those who work in areas where fast reaction and increased attention are important.
Ambrohexal tablets 30 mg
Ambrohexal tablets 30 mg

Ambrohexal tablets are available in pharmacies without a prescription. But this does not mean that before you start treatment, there is no need to get advice and recommendations from a doctor in this regard.

Possible consequences of an overdose

The drug "Ambrohexal" has a wide range of possible dosages, as well as not too much toxicity. That is why there is practically no chance of having problems with it if the specified number of tablets is exceeded. But if the concentration of the drug in the blood increases greatly, then phenomena such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • nervous excitement;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems.

If the patient noticed at least one of the listed symptoms, then he will urgently need to wash the stomach andintestines, and conduct detoxification therapy.

Shelf life and approximate cost

The drug in the form of tablets can be stored for a maximum of two years. For this purpose, you need to choose a place protected from light, the air temperature in which does not exceed 25 degrees. Be sure to keep the packaging out of the reach of children.

Ambrohexal cough tablets
Ambrohexal cough tablets

20 tablets of 30 mg each cost about 100 rubles on average in pharmacies.

Analogues of the drug

As mentioned earlier, the active ingredient of this medicine is ambroxol. It is also the main component of such products as:

  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Flavamed";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Medox";
  • Bronchoxol and others.

"Ambrohexal": reviews

Pills are said by patients to be very good in treating bronchitis and other diseases in which cough is a key symptom.

Ambrohexal reviews pills
Ambrohexal reviews pills

He suffers from many, both children and adults. In some cases, coughing is not even accompanied by fever and other symptoms. Most note the incredible effectiveness of this drug.

Do I need a prescription?

A prescription for the purchase of "Ambrohexal" from a doctor is not required, but it is better to consult with him regarding the appropriateness of using this particular drug, because with each patient the situation is alwaysdifferent.

As we can see, these pills are a very effective solution that allows you to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom of a cold as a cough in the shortest possible time.
