What to do if it hurts to insert tampons? In the process of their use, women may experience discomfort. As medical practice shows, most often there is discomfort due to incorrect selection of the size and incorrect administration of the drug. But there are other factors that can affect the development of an unpleasant sensation. With many diseases, an inflammatory process develops in the girl's vagina. As a result, there may be problems with the introduction and removal of these feminine hygiene products.
Varieties of tampons

Tampons are made from special fibers that have a pronounced absorbent property. The most commonly used pressed fiber is viscose or cotton wool. Their main mission is to keep all the secretions inside. Before buying tampons, you should remember that there are several varieties of them, namely:
- Mini - recommended for use on the first day of menstruation or when the flow is no longer so abundant.
- Norm - averageby volume, they are used for moderate menstruation.
- Super - recommended for use with heavy discharge.
- Super plus - suitable for long-term wear. A great option for lovers of an active lifestyle.
If it hurts to insert tampons, you need to make sure that the shape and volume of the hygiene product is suitable for the woman. If you do not choose the right size, then during the introduction into the vagina discomfort may occur. When the device swells with secretions, painful sensations will appear.
Proper use

Tampons with special applicators are the most convenient to use. In the process of their introduction, you do not need to touch the filler. Under such conditions, the risk of developing an infectious disease is reduced. Thanks to the rigid body, it can be inserted quickly and easily. If a woman bought a tampon without an applicator, then it must be inserted deeply - this is the whole problem. If it is not inserted deep enough into the vagina, it may fall out.
Features of tampons with applicator
Hygiene products with an applicator have a rigid body, inside which are the tampons themselves. The hard case consists of several parts. One is inserted into the vagina, and the second pushes out the internal material. Tampons with an applicator come in different sizes - from 2 to 6 drops.
Among their main advantages are:
- No need to touch the fillers. Under such conditions, harmful microorganisms from the hands do not fallon fixture.
- When using, you do not need to insert fingers into the vagina - this reduces the risk of developing an infectious disease and injury to the mucous membrane.
- This hygiene product is more convenient to use, because you can control the depth of the product.
Hygiene products must be stored in individual packaging - an open swab that has not been used immediately is better to throw away.
How to use products without an applicator?

Many women find it painful to insert tampons because they don't know how to do it properly. In the process of applying a hygiene product without an applicator, some difficulties may arise. To avoid problems, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a medical professional. Often women buy such tampons because they are inexpensive and have a compact size. To insert a tampon, follow:
- remove packaging - wash your hands thoroughly beforehand;
- pull out the thread and set aside;
- take a comfortable posture;
- insert the tampon only until the moment when the finger is in the vagina - the lower section.
Before applying the product, it is important to pull the thread so that it is outside. Virgins and young girls can use this hygiene product, but before using it is important to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.
Causes of pain

For what diseasesDoes it hurt to insert tampons? There are several reasons why you may experience discomfort while using this feminine hygiene product, namely:
- injury to the pelvic organs;
- development of gynecological disease;
- urinary system disease;
- abnormal uterine size;
- infectious disease;
- inflammatory process.
If you regularly experience severe pain during the use of a hygiene product, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will identify the factor that provoked the onset of discomfort.
Recommendations from gynecologists

It is not recommended to use such hygiene products in all cases - it is better to refuse them before going to bed, because it needs to be changed in a timely manner, and it is problematic to do this at night. If it is very painful to insert a tampon, then you need to stop using it - this can harm and provoke the development of serious he alth problems. You need to listen to your own feelings. There are several contraindications to the use of these drugs:
- inflammatory process in the uterus and ovaries;
- allergic reaction to tampons;
- irritated vaginal mucosa.
After labor, it is better to give preference to pads. Taking a short “break” from this hygiene device is essential for women who:
- recently had a baby;
- afteruse of a vaginal preparation;
- if there is a pathology of the structure of the body of the internal organ.
Common cause of vaginal inflammation
Many girls wonder why it hurts to insert tampons? Most often, painful sensations develop during the use of a tampon in the inflammatory process in the vagina. Vaginitis is an ailment that often provokes the occurrence of discomfort in a woman in the pelvic organs. There are several reasons why such a pathological condition may occur, namely:
- injury to the vagina;
- endocrine diseases;
- long-term antibiotic treatment;
- infectious disease;
- allergy;
- poor hygiene.
An inflammatory process may occur during the bearing of the baby. Contraceptives and the intrauterine device are factors that often lead to the development of colpitis (vaginitis).
Disease symptoms
Why does it hurt to insert and remove a tampon? The whole thing may be in the development of vaginitis. Depending on the form of the disease, specific symptoms appear. In the acute course of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:
- feeling of itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina;
- active secretion from the vagina, which has an unpleasant odor - it can be white-gray or cheesy;
- during sexual intercourse, pain occurs and brownish discharge may appear.
Why when you inserttampon, does it hurt inside? Only a gynecologist can answer this question accurately. First you need to exclude the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. In the chronic form of vaginitis, the symptoms do not cause severe discomfort. To keep the reproductive system working, women are advised to visit a gynecologist regularly.
How to detect the presence of pathology?

What to do if inserting a tampon hurts? If during its administration pain regularly occurs and there are additional symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience, you should visit a gynecologist. Through examination, the doctor can determine the presence or absence of diseases. In addition, a smear from the patient's vagina is examined for the presence of harmful microorganisms. You can detect the presence of genital infections using PCR analysis. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor will prescribe a complex therapy. The duration of treatment and the dosage of the drug are determined strictly by the gynecologist - self-medication is not recommended.
Note to women

To reduce the risk of developing pain during the use of these hygiene products, you should follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist. If it hurts to insert tampons for teenagers, then it is necessary to abandon them - it is better to use pads. In the process of development of many gynecological diseases, severe inflammation occurs in the pelvic organs - this often causesdiscomfort when using a tampon. To maintain the full functioning of the reproductive system, you should visit a gynecologist every six months - this will help prevent the development of serious diseases. Before you go shopping for these feminine hygiene products, you need to determine what size tampon is right for you. It is important to take into account the physiological characteristics of the body.