Delay after "Duphaston": possible causes, consultation and observation of a doctor

Delay after "Duphaston": possible causes, consultation and observation of a doctor
Delay after "Duphaston": possible causes, consultation and observation of a doctor

"Dufaston" is a Belgian drug that has gained confidence among a large number of doctors in prescribing it for the treatment of diseases of a gynecological nature. The main active ingredient of this drug is dydrogesterone, which, in turn, is an artificial analogue of the hormone progesterone. This drug has a relatively small list of side effects, but still some women experience a delay in menstruation after Duphaston.

Reason for prescribing the drug

Delay after canceling Duphaston
Delay after canceling Duphaston

Most often, "Dufaston" is prescribed to a woman with amenorrhea, delayed menstruation, due to progesterone deficiency and incorrect ovarian function. In the course of effective treatment, as expected, in the middle of the phase in the female body, ovulation occurs, the release of a mature egg. This is followed by the formation of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Hormone controlprepares the endometrium for conception. In addition, this hormone prevents spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy.

With progesterone deficiency, the following pathologies occur:

  • menopause;
  • endometriosis;
  • secondary amenorrhea;
  • infertility due to luteal deficiency;
  • irregular and painful periods;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding - DUB;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • increased premenstrual symptoms;
  • ovarian dysfunction.

Dydrogesterone, which is the active component of "Duphaston", contributes to the thickening of the walls of the endometrium, which as a result causes bleeding, in the event that conception did not take place. Sometimes a side effect of taking hormonal pills is too rapid growth of the endometrium. In this case, in the middle of the cycle there are small bleeding.

Delay after Duphaston, short menstrual disorders are side effects of the drug. Allocations may begin earlier, be scarce or, on the contrary, abundant, their intensity may change. If all these changes are not continuous and not systematic, then everything will most likely work out on its own.

The effect of dydrogesterone on a woman's body

Reasons for early menstruation
Reasons for early menstruation

This substance is able to compensate for the lack of progesterone and, accordingly, stabilize menstruation. Such treatment in most cases has quick and good results.results. Patients quickly and effectively restore their regular menstrual cycle.

It is important to understand that the dosage of the drug is selected individually for each person. The therapeutic scheme of treatment will depend on the general clinic of the patient and the diagnostic data. The gynecologist initially sets the daily dose of the drug, which is then divided into several parts to take it throughout the day.

Cancel this drug a couple of days before the expected menstruation. During this period, the level of progesterone decreases, which, in turn, leads to menstruation. It is impossible to determine the exact date of the onset of critical days with a delay in menstruation after the cancellation of Duphaston, because everyone has their own individual organism. Still, doctors believe that menstruation should occur in 3-7 days, small deviations are also acceptable.

The reasons for the arrival of menstruation ahead of time in the treatment of "Dufaston"

Kidney menstruation started earlier
Kidney menstruation started earlier

If the bleeding began earlier than expected, then the reason may be:

  • The reaction of the body to dydrogesterone.
  • The patient's treatment regimen was incorrectly chosen, or she herself violates the dosage.

The first menstruation after discontinuation of the drug may have a brownish color and the appearance of a daub, which is the absolute norm. Over time, when the cycle will improve, finally recover, everything will be as usual.

Delay after "Duphaston" is considered a pathology if notpregnancy. This medicine produces the missing progesterone in the body. When a woman stops taking it, the lack of progesterone signals the endometrium to reject everything unnecessary from the uterine walls. The result is that everything unnecessary in the female body leaves it along with menstrual flow.

Why is there no menstruation after taking Duphaston

Delayed menstruation after "Duphaston"
Delayed menstruation after "Duphaston"

When a woman takes this hormonal drug, she should keep in mind that it does not act as an oral contraceptive. When in the process of treatment between a man and a woman there was unprotected sex, this increases the likelihood of conception. A delay in menstruation after "Duphaston" can be a commonplace reason for a woman's pregnancy.

If menstruation does not start within two weeks after the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to check for pregnancy. The simplest and most common way is a special test, and for accurate confirmation, you can undergo a gynecological ultrasound examination.

Is it possible to delay after "Dufaston" during pregnancy and should it be taken further? Only doctors can decide this. They often prescribe to continue taking this drug to reduce the risk of miscarriage. It should be canceled carefully, gradually, strictly following the doctor's instructions.

If, when a delay occurs after Duphaston, the test is negative, then the cause of this phenomenon must be clarified again. It is likely thatthe failure was formed due to factors such as:

  • self-healing;
  • violation of drug regimens;
  • when therapy is stopped prematurely.

Illiterate use of the drug can lead to hormonal disorders and disorders in the functioning of the reproductive system. All this sets the stage for the instability of the female cycle.

If, after consulting a gynecologist about the delay in menstruation after taking Dufaston, the reasons for the incorrect dosage disappear, then the following should be considered:

  1. The presence of an error in the diagnosis.
  2. Later ovulation in a woman.
  3. Presence of hidden pathology.
  4. There is not enough estrogen in the body.
  5. Adrenal disease.
  6. The presence of a tumor in the body.
  7. Use of drugs intended for diseases that are not gynecological.

Ways to restore the menstrual cycle

Delay after "Duphaston"
Delay after "Duphaston"

What to do if the delay after taking "Duphaston" did not end with the fact that menstruation came? First, you should do a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. The most accurate definition of conception will be a blood test for hCG and a visual examination by a competent doctor.

If the delay after taking "Duphaston" is not the cause of pregnancy, then most likely the doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests for a clinical study. It is important to determine what the patient currently hashormonal status. In the laboratory, it is necessary to calculate each hormone that is produced by the pituitary, ovaries, thyroid and adrenal glands.

Another effective research method is ultrasound, where the sonologist pays special attention to the adrenal glands and ovaries. To determine the level of progesterone, it is necessary to donate blood on the 21-23rd day of the menstrual cycle.

If a doctor suspects a woman has a tumor, she will be ordered a CT scan. In some cases, an ovarian puncture and thyroid hormone tests may be prescribed.

Possible pathologies in the absence of menstruation

Could there be a delay after Duphaston?
Could there be a delay after Duphaston?

The delay after "Duphaston" may indicate a signal for the development of pathological processes:

  • Estrogen deficiency.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Cicatricial changes in the uterine cavity.
  • Delayed ovulation.
  • Failures of the adrenal glands.
  • Changes in the pituitary gland, genital organs, which are of an oncological nature.

When treating a detected disease, the doctor must develop an individual scheme, in some cases, maintaining a delay after Duphaston leads to the fact that the doctor excludes this drug. This applies mainly to those who have taken this drug for a long time.

Could there be a delay after Duphaston? As it turned out, this mainly happens due to illiterate self-medication, and the chances of a quick recoveryhe alth are low. To resolve the problem, it is necessary to involve a competent specialist. It is important to know that any hormonal drugs can be taken only with the permission of the attending physician.

Who should not take Duphaston?

This medicine has its own contraindications, such as:

  • Girls under 18.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Poor clotting.
  • Liver disease.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Allergy to components in the preparation.
  • Drinking alcohol.

Alcohol lowers the quality of the effect of the drug, reducing its effectiveness. As a result, the body does not receive the required amount of the hormone. "Dufaston" is designed to influence the menstrual cycle of a woman, as well as to prolong the phase of the corpus luteum. If you use it contrary to the instructions, then most likely, such an action will lead to menstruation without ovulation. Here the method of oral contraceptives works, which is an adverse effect, a dangerous violation of the stability of the cycle. Do not self-medicate and change the doses prescribed by the doctor, as this is often harmful to he alth.

Reasons for the absence of menstruation after the cancellation of Duphaston

Reasons for the delay after Duphaston
Reasons for the delay after Duphaston

Painful menstruation, infertility, miscarriage - this is just a small list of diseases that are treated with this drug. You need to drink it from the day of ovulation and before menstruation. However, sometimeswomen face the problem of delays after canceling Duphaston.

Ideally, 2-3 days after the last pill, you should get your period. Waiting up to 10 days is acceptable. If the time has come, but there is no menstruation, then this is a reason to seek advice from a gynecologist. One of the frequent reasons for the delay after "Duphaston" is the patient's pregnancy. If this is not confirmed, then further examination and identification of the specific cause of the pathology is necessary.

Hormonal failure in the body

The reason for the delay after "Duphaston" may be the malfunction of the adrenal glands when they produce too much adrenocorticotropic hormone. An excess of this substance leads to the fact that the hypothalamus produces an insufficient amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. All this leads to a violation of the normal functionality of the uterus - the absence of menstruation.

As you know, the hypothalamus is also responsible for prolactin - a hormone that is responsible for the appearance of milk in a woman's breasts during the period of feeding a child. Sometimes, with a hormonal failure, prolactin blocks the synthesis of the hormone responsible for the development of the follicle, so menstruation does not begin. The body believes that at the moment the woman is feeding the child with milk and, by nature, the reproductive function is inhibited.

Can the reason that a woman has a delay after canceling Duphaston be a malfunction of the ovaries? It is quite possible, and ovulation will be, but late. In this case, in the female body, and so highthe level of one's own progesterone, and until it drops, the critical days will not come.

For women's he alth, there is another important hormone - estrogen. In the first half of the cycle in the blood, you can observe its maximum amount. If there is not enough of this hormone in the female body, then the growth of the endometrium will slow down. In this regard, there is no menstruation only because there is nothing to stand out from the uterus. If the thyroid gland is not active enough, weakly produces thyroid hormones, then critical days may stop altogether.

Other reasons

Other causes of delayed menstruation
Other causes of delayed menstruation

Unfortunately, many women, after listening to reviews and reading the instructions, prescribe their own medicines on their own. In this regard, many are asking a question on the forum about the delay after Duphaston. It is important to know that you cannot experiment with this drug! The absence of menstruation can become chronic, with irreversible consequences.

The drug is prescribed taking into account the study of the hormonal profile of the patient. If the delay after Duphaston is not due to pregnancy or hormonal failure, then the cause may be the presence of adhesions, scars on the cervix and the uterus itself. They can be formed due to surgeries, abortions, childbirth or infectious diseases. In this case, the scars begin to gradually replace the muscle tissue, and therefore there is no possibility of outflow of bleeding from the uterus.

The absence of menstruation for 6 days or more is also due to strong physical overstrain. For example, a woman lifts weights or engages in power sports. Also, the state of hormones can be affected by a large number of negative situations, prolonged depression. This condition usually causes either premature menstruation or a delay of up to 15 days.

In any case, almost everything is treatable nowadays, and the sooner the patient seeks medical help, the more effective it will be.