Oncological hospital in Balashikha: address, phone, opening hours, reviews. GBUZ MO "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary"

Oncological hospital in Balashikha: address, phone, opening hours, reviews. GBUZ MO "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary"
Oncological hospital in Balashikha: address, phone, opening hours, reviews. GBUZ MO "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary"

The oncological hospital in Balashikha is a leading specialized medical institution that provides timely assistance to adult patients and children with malignant neoplasms of various localizations.

Here, only high-tech diagnostic and therapeutic methods for eliminating cancer are used. Hospital doctors will be able to detect the disease at an early stage and prevent its development.

Address of the Cancer Hospital in Balashikha


9 to 15 hours. Sundays are closed.

Hospital opening hours

  • The department for organizing paid medical care is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
  • The Consultative and Diagnostic Center waits for patients from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 3 pm, and the center itself is open until 6 pm.
  • The hospital is open around the clock, and the surgical building is open from 8 am to 8 pm.
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory is open from 8 am to 11 am, and cytological laboratory is open until 3 pm.

The chief doctor of the medical institution is Astashov Vladimir Leonidovich, who receives citizens on Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm.

How to get to the hospital?

Many are interested in the question of how to get to the "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary". Public transport stops at the Oncological Hospital stop on Karbysheva Street. You can get to it from different metro stations:

  • from "Perovo" - by minibus No. 473;
  • "Novogireevo" - on the minibus number 125;
  • "Partisan" - by bus or minibus with number 336;
  • "Schelkovskaya" - by bus and minibus 338;
  • "Highway of Enthusiasts" - on the minibus number 291.

By car, you can drive along the Entuziastov Highway, then along Nekrasov Street or Leonovskoye Highway to Karbysheva Street.

Oncological dispensary departments

oncology dispensary medical building
oncology dispensary medical building

The following departments operate in the "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary":

  • anesthesiology and intensive care;
  • X-ray department of the Center for Radiation Diagnostics and X-ray Surgery Methods of Treatment;
  • oncology departments for adults;
  • pathoanatomical department;
  • children's oncology departments;
  • radiotherapy;
  • endoscopy;
  • consultative and diagnostic center;
  • resuscitation and intensive care;
  • abdominal and thoracic surgery;
  • treatment of breast tumors;
  • chemotherapeutic day hospital;
  • gynecology;
  • palliative care;
  • blood transfusion.

The dispensary offers medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation on a free and paid basis. The oncological hospital of Balashikha, Moscow Region, has 620 beds for the treatment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with tumors of various localizations. Approximately 22,000 patients are treated at the dispensary every year.

Gynecology department

On the basis of this department, patients with precancerous and neoplastic diseases of the female genital organs are treated. The priority direction is surgical treatment:

  • In case of cancer of the cervix, uterus or ovary, a hysterectomy is performed. Also, this procedure is carried out with endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other pathologies, when recovery does not occur due to medication.
  • In cancers, hysterectomy with or without removal of the appendages may also be prescribed. Extended extirpation is performed for cancerendometrium and cervix.
  • Wertheim's operation, which involves cutting out not only the tumor, but also adjacent he althy tissues to prevent relapses. During the operation, the uterus with appendages, periuterine tissue, the upper third of the vagina, and regional lymph nodes are removed.
  • Extended vulvectomy, which is indicated at an early stage of vulvar cancer. The tissues of the vulva, inguinal and femoral lymph nodes are removed.

Also, organ-preserving surgical interventions are performed in the gynecological department, such as amputation of the cervix (ultrasound, laser, knife), hysterectomy with ovarian transposition. Operations are performed through laparoscopy.

Children's Oncology Department

pediatric oncology department
pediatric oncology department

Children from 0 to 18 years old who suffer from malignant tumors are brought here for treatment. Specialists of the oncological hospital in Balashikha carry out a full diagnosis, as well as complex or combined treatment.

In the children's department there are children with malignant lymphomas, hemoblastoses, large tumors of different localization, histiocytosis. As a rule, chemotherapy and radiation treatment are prescribed. In case of serious tissue damage, surgical operations are performed.

All staff of the children's department are friendly to little patients and their relatives. The hospital has a comfortable domestic and psychological environment, sanitary and epidemiological standards are strictly observed, which helps to quickly rehabilitate after a serious illness.ailment.

Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology

Surgery, reliable pain relief after surgery, timely maintenance of vital functions, therapeutic nutrition, care, observation and creation of a comfortable environment are offered to patients with severe oncological diseases.

The department uses almost all modern methods of combined anesthesia, which allows doctors to perform the most complex operations in patients with severe concomitant diseases and limited functional reserves.

Together with anesthesiologists and resuscitators, specialists from the express diagnostics laboratory work to constantly monitor various indicators of the patient's condition. As part of the department, there is an analgesic cabinet that provides pain relief with potent analgesics and narcotic substances around the clock.

surgical hall of the oncology dispensary in Balashikha
surgical hall of the oncology dispensary in Balashikha

Oncoradiology Center

In this institution, patients are offered to be diagnosed with malignant tumors using modern high-precision methods:

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which is used for the purpose of early detection of breast cancer in women, brain tumors, neoplasms in the pelvic organs, soft tissues, liver. The method is also used to plan radiation therapy and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. In the oncological hospital in Balashikha, MRI is performed on high-field tomographs 1,5 T.
  • Positron emission tomography, which is a modern way to diagnose cancer. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to accurately localize a cancerous tumor and distinguish it from benign neoplasms.
  • Scintigraphy, thanks to which it is possible to assess the prevalence of a cancerous tumor and the functional impairment of systems and organs. This diagnostic method is used for skeletal metastases, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid glands.
  • Computed tomography is a way to diagnose cancer of the lungs, liver, retroperitoneal organs.

Radiation therapy

radiation therapy
radiation therapy

The Radiological Cancer Center of the Moscow Regional Oncology Center offers several types of cancer treatment. One of them is radiation therapy (radiotherapy). Sometimes this method is safer and more effective than chemotherapy, and this possibility of affecting the tumor is more accessible than surgery.

The following types of radiotherapy are available at Balashikha Cancer Hospital:

  • 3D-conformal radiation therapy, which is more often used to treat breast cancer before or after surgery and for neoplasms in different places.
  • Intensity controlled therapy, IMRT for pelvic, neck, head tumors.
  • Therapy during which you can change the amount of radiation. This is the most advanced irradiation technology, during which thesurrounding he althy tissue. This method is used for almost any localization of neoplasms.
  • Electron flow therapy. Effective for cancer and metastases of the skin, basalioma. To he althy tissues that are deeper, the rays of the irradiator do not reach.
  • Hypofractional stereotactic radiotherapy is a high-precision irradiation method that is used for small tumors located in mobile organs, hard-to-reach places.
  • Radiosurgery used to treat small tumors. This treatment uses high doses of radiation, so this therapy can be effective where other methods do not work. Metastases in the lungs, brain, liver, pelvic bones, spine, as well as recurrences of neoplasms are well treated by radiosurgery.

Chemotherapy treatment

department of chemotherapy
department of chemotherapy

The Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary provides drug treatment of patients with various tumors (chemotherapy) using modern drugs in a hospital.

Chemotherapy methods performed in the department:

  • continuous multi-day infusion of chemical drugs through pumps;
  • administration of drugs using ports (long-term venous access systems);
  • intraperitoneal/intrappleural administration of chemotherapy drugs.

Patients are offered modern imported and domestic chemotherapy drugs. On the baseCancer Hospital in Balashikha also conducts scientific research in the field of drug therapy of malignant neoplasms.

Breast cancer treatment

Specialists of the hospital in Balashikha carry out standard and high-tech procedures aimed at treating breast cancer. Inpatient treatment includes:

  • surgery, drug and radiation therapy for malignant and benign pathologies of the mammary glands;
  • hair-sparing chemotherapy, bisphosphonate therapy, and general he alth treatments;
  • full range of restorative reconstructive plastic and cosmetic procedures on the mammary glands.

Also, the department uses the sentinel lymph node biopsy technique, thanks to which sparing surgical interventions are performed. Organ-preserving therapy for breast cancer involves the radical removal of the neoplasm, but with the preservation of the aesthetic appearance, structure and volume of the gland itself.

Specialists of the Oncology Center in Balashikha, Moscow Region

doctors of the oncological hospital in Balashikha
doctors of the oncological hospital in Balashikha

The hospital employs leading specialists, of which 121 doctors, 27 candidates of medical sciences, 65 professionals with the highest qualifications, 6 doctors with the first qualification category, 310 paramedical workers. All doctors of the Moscow Regional Oncology Center have higher professional education:

  • oncologists;
  • anaesthesiologists-resuscitators;
  • radiologists;
  • pediatric oncologists;
  • radiologists;
  • endoscopists;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • therapists;
  • nutritionists;
  • transfusiologists;
  • doctors of functional diagnostics and others.

Annually, hospital specialists take advanced training courses, participate in conferences and medical seminars, where they study new techniques and methods for treating patients with oncological diseases.

Treatment is carried out at the highest level based on modern diagnostic methods. Every year, the doctors of the consultative polyclinic see up to 97,000 patients.

Hospital Reviews

the territory of the oncological hospital in Balashikha
the territory of the oncological hospital in Balashikha

Reviews about the Moscow Regional Oncology Center are mostly positive. Patients express their gratitude to the doctors and medical staff of the departments of the clinic, who cured them of oncology. They have been living without neoplasms for many years and enjoy life. People are treated with understanding, respect, they are consulted on all issues, they carry out comprehensive diagnostics to make an accurate diagnosis.

However, some patients argue that this attitude is only for those who are treated for a fee. When applying to the cancer hospital in Balashikha, many met with rudeness, indifference and complete disrespect. They also note that it is very difficult to get through to the hospital and make an appointment.

In most cases, you have to go there on your own, but sometimes at the registry office of the Moscow RegionalThere are so many people at the Oncology Dispensary in Balashikha that there are simply no coupons left or the appointment is postponed several weeks in advance. For many patients, this period may be too long, because only timely treatment of malignant tumors will avoid the development of metastases and other negative manifestations.
