Periostitis in children: classification, symptoms and treatment

Periostitis in children: classification, symptoms and treatment
Periostitis in children: classification, symptoms and treatment

Periostitis in children (in a simpler language - flux) is a disease that provokes the appearance of an inflammatory process in the periosteum. Occurs as a complication of periodontal disease, periodontal disease, or if diseased teeth were not treated on time.

Types of diseases

flux treatment
flux treatment

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process, periostitis in children is divided into chronic and acute forms. The acute form of the disease is also divided into several different forms. Next, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Acute serous form

This form of pathology develops very rapidly - in just 1-3 days. The main signs are the appearance of puffiness in the soft tissues of the face, the flux is located near the affected tooth. In most cases, periostitis in children occurs as a result of a severe bruise, fracture, and therefore it can also be called traumatic periostitis. Inflammation in acute serous form passes very quickly, as a rule, without outside intervention.

Acute purulent form

For acute purulent periostitis in children is characterized by severe pain of throbbingthe type that extends to the ear, eyes, and temples. The mucous membrane quickly turns red, swelling is observed and the body temperature rises sharply. The accumulation of pus occurs gradually, so the signs may become more pronounced. Acute purulent periostitis in children can occur due to a variety of reasons.

The child has a headache
The child has a headache

Diffuse form of the disease

A characteristic sign for this form of periostitis of the jaws in children is severe pain, then there is a general intoxication of the body. The body temperature begins to rise to high levels, weakness appears throughout the body, appetite almost completely disappears. It is worth noting that in this case, the inflammation spreads very widely.

Chronic form

This form of pathology is more rare than acute. In most cases, it develops directly on the lower jaw. The main symptom will be severe puffiness, which will lead to a change in facial features. At the location of the flux, the bone begins to thicken, which leads to an increase in the size of nearby lymph nodes.

Chronic periostitis can occur without any symptoms for several months. At the same time, exacerbation may occur from time to time, and the symptoms will resemble acute periostitis in children.

Examination of the oral cavity
Examination of the oral cavity

Causes of disease development

Periostitis of the jaw bones in children is very common, and there are quite a few reasons for its appearance. The main oneexperts call the accumulation in the cavity of the tooth or under the diseased gum particles of putrefactive decay, which may remain after eating. Because of this, an inflammatory process begins to develop, pus forms, and the lesion moves to the periosteum.

Other reasons include the following.

  • The tooth or tissue around it was injured. Because of this, inflammation may begin to develop directly in the bone tissue, or an internal hematoma may occur.
  • There is an advanced form of caries, which turned into pulpitis or periodontitis - bacteria began to affect not only the root of the tooth, but also the tissues located around it.
  • Infection in the periosteum due to unprofessional dental intervention.
  • An inflammatory process began to develop in the gum pocket.
  • A person has poor oral hygiene.
  • Complication after furunculosis or tonsillitis.
  • There is an extensive infectious disease, which has led to infection in the periosteum through the lymph or blood.

General signs of pathology

Despite the fact that the treatment of periostitis in children is selected individually, absolutely all of its forms have some common symptoms. These include the following:

  • severe pain is felt at the site of the lesion, which spreads to the head and neck;
  • swollen cheek;
  • when pressing on a bad tooth, severe pain occurs;
  • swelling and reddening of the lower eyelid, wings of the nose and lips;
  • gingiva located next tosick tooth, begins to blush;
  • body temperature rises;
  • there is constant general weakness.

Symptoms may be less pronounced with age.

Body temperature measurement
Body temperature measurement

Development stages

For some, the appearance of a flux may come as a surprise, but in fact, the pathology develops gradually, but at the same time quite quickly.

  • 1 stage. While eating, pain appears in the affected tooth.
  • 2 stage. The gum around the diseased tooth begins to redden and swell. If you do not start treatment, then the swelling after a while turns into an abscess.
  • 3 stage. There is swelling of the cheeks, lips, chin on the side where the flux is located. For example, with periostitis of the lower jaw in children, all manifestations will be seen in this area.
  • 4 stage. The body temperature rises sharply, a throbbing pain appears in the affected area, which radiates to the temples and ears. Most often, these symptoms are observed with periostitis of the upper jaw in children.

This disease can go through all stages of development in just a few days. If you do not start treatment on time, then the abscess can break through, the signs will disappear, but the inflammatory process will begin to affect the deeper tissues and the periosteum itself. After a while, the flux will again make itself felt.

Diagnosis of disease

snapshot of jaws
snapshot of jaws

Getting the correct diagnosis won't be that hard. To do this, it is enough to conduct a thorough examinationpatient's oral cavity. In some cases, it is impossible to do without X-ray examination and laboratory tests so that the stage of development of periostitis can be accurately established. After the diagnosis, it will be possible to choose the most appropriate way to treat the disease.

Treatment of the early stages of disease development

At the first stage of development of the flux, the formation of an abscess, as a rule, does not yet occur, so the pathology can be treated without surgical intervention. The patient must take painkillers and antibiotics to eliminate the inflammatory process. It should be noted that the treatment must be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Also, at an early stage in the development of periostitis, it will be necessary to determine whether the tooth can be saved or not. Very often, people do not pay attention to toothache in the early stages, so the pathology continues to develop rapidly.

Surgical treatment

If before an abscess began to form, a person does not seek help from a specialist, then periostitis should be treated with surgical intervention.

If there is an abscess, the treatment will be divided into the following stages:

  1. The affected area is anesthetized.
  2. A small incision is made in the gum near the diseased tooth. Sometimes you need to cut the bone tissue to completely release the pus.
  3. After the pus comes out, you need to carefully treat the inflamed area with antiseptics.
  4. In order for the remaining pus to continue to come out, drainage is placed in the cut. This is necessary in order for the hearththe periostitis did not have time to fully heal before the pus was completely released.
  5. The patient must take antibiotics to eliminate the inflammatory process.
  6. After the complete elimination of pus, drainage is removed, and bone tissue restoration begins. The gum heals on its own with minor surgery. If the incision was deeper, then it needs to be sewn up.
  7. If there has been a significant destruction of the tooth, then it is removed.

Treatment with antibiotics

It is impossible to treat periostitis with antibiotics on your own. Only a specialist can choose the right medicine after a thorough examination of the patient. Antibiotics are selected on an individual basis. Together with them, means for pain relief and elimination of the inflammatory process are necessarily prescribed. It is also worth taking medications that will reduce the harmful effects of antibiotics on the internal organ systems. The attending physician should also prescribe the dosage, because in this situation it is important to take into account the general condition of the sick person, the severity of the pathology.

Antibiotic treatment
Antibiotic treatment

Periostitis is a very unpleasant disease that can have very serious consequences. Therefore, you should not endure a toothache, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist. It is also important to properly and regularly monitor the oral cavity in order to minimize factors that can affect the development of the inflammatory process in the periosteum. AtThe very first symptoms of periostitis should be consulted by a specialist to avoid surgical intervention.
