Dandruff is unfortunately one of the most frequently heard complaints in the trichologist's office. Despite the fact that in our time a lot of different hair care products have appeared, the manufacturers of which promise to rid their users of this unpleasant phenomenon forever, the situation is not changing for the better. After all, these products are temporary. Here you need a drug that will eliminate the true cause of dandruff. For this purpose, you can try a medication such as Sulsena paste. Reviews about her are usually positive. And this means that the product deserves our attention.
The basis of this drug is selenium disulfide (sulsen). It is antiseborrheic and antiseptic. In various concentrations, it can contain Sulsena paste. Reviews about it say that 1% of the product is used mainly infor preventive purposes, and 2% for therapeutic purposes. In addition to getting rid of dandruff and itching of the scalp, this drug helps to strengthen and grow hair. This is evidenced by reviews about him. People write that after using the product, their hair became elastic, shiny and vibrant.
Preparation "Sulsena" (paste): instructions for use

Using this tool is easy. If the paste is used for medicinal purposes, then the 2% composition is gently rubbed into the scalp after washing the hair, kept for half an hour or 40 minutes, then washed off with warm water. You need to use the product 1, maximum 2 times a week. If the drug is used prophylactically, then for this, a 1% composition is rubbed into the scalp in the same way and washed off. All actions are carried out with the same frequency. In the first case, the full course of treatment is 3 months. And for prevention, you should constantly use the drug.
Pros and cons
Side effects do not occur with the correct use of such an anti-seborrheic agent as Sulsena paste. Consumer reviews about it, however, also indicate that it has its drawbacks. These include the following:
- bad smell;
- requires a long rinse after use.
The advantages of this drug include the following: good efficacy against dandruff, quick relief from skin itching and peeling, reduction of oily hair, fight against hair loss, low cost.

Pasta"Sulsena": consumer reviews
When you open the comment page about the action of this product, you can be amazed at the number of enthusiastic responses. People write that Sulsena paste is an excellent remedy for dandruff. Moreover, the effect appears almost immediately after application. The texture of the drug is light, creamy. Applying the paste is easy. It is inexpensive. Therefore, users advise everyone who is worried about dandruff to try this remedy. There are several negative comments about the fact that she has a bad smell, which then remains on the hair for a long time. However, this effect is temporary and can be easily avoided by using conditioners and styling products.
We found out if Sulsena paste is really effective against dandruff and itching of the scalp. And we came to the conclusion that you can trust this product.